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Victoria Mirabella Gates

Victoria Mirabella Gates's avatar

Last Login: 01/19/2025 10:51 am

Gender: Female

Location: Where the deer and the antelope play Ping-Pong

Birthday: 03/31

Occupation: I am the disembodied voice a few aisles over saying Hello

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A peek at my closet

The Darling Creepers

Aasimar the Paladin on 01/28/2025
Ezradical on 06/01/2024
Sine Anima on 10/14/2023
A Krysis on 04/27/2023
ALessonInLust on 04/05/2023
Etherious Of The Night on 03/12/2023
Armande on 02/20/2023
pim-ijb on 01/29/2023
Queen_Trunks on 12/20/2022
King Ivan Zakhar on 10/25/2022
cranach on 08/23/2022
Xx_tweakytwentygurl_xX on 05/05/2022
Infected Mooshroom on 04/10/2022
Cthulhu-sama on 04/09/2022
Smiling For You on 02/26/2022
Saillespine on 12/16/2021
Twisted Romantic on 03/12/2021
Blackend_Blood_15 on 09/07/2020

Want to know me?

HI!!!!! Welcome to my page! I'm not sure if you stumbled upon it on accident or what but welcome. I don't really know what to tell you about myself but I guess I shall try! I love music and writing, along with my friends and family. I am a very bubbly chatty person! If you want to know anything special message me!

Favorite qoutes:
"I am a super sexy rainbow"
"I don't tell you how to live your life so please stay far away from mine."
"Before you judge someone, walk a mile in their shoes-- that way when you do judge them you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes."
"When life shuts a door on Me,I don't wait for another door to open,I say "Oh hell no!" and Kick the door down!"
"There are no happy endings, endings are the saddest part. So, give me a happy middle and a very happy start."

Words from Others

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STD Coated Slut Report | 01/29/2025 7:22 pm
STD Coated Slut
Errant Wrath Report | 06/14/2017 10:51 am
Errant Wrath
i still love your avi its so noir cat_xd
Errant Wrath Report | 03/22/2016 8:22 pm
Errant Wrath
aw thank you I was aiming for something swashbuckler-y xp
Errant Wrath Report | 03/22/2016 5:09 pm
Errant Wrath
your avi looks so beautiful but so sad I think it tells a story almost
Errant Wrath Report | 03/01/2016 11:20 am
Errant Wrath
your avi looks great today not that it doesn't look great like everytime I see it but I love the black an white burton look your rockin' rn
Errant Wrath Report | 02/21/2016 10:11 am
Errant Wrath
Well I am glad your finding use for your degree then and I really hope you make the MS happen that's going to be hard work and hopefully worth it
I know that's how I feel about my MA too at times hard work but will be worth it
Errant Wrath Report | 02/21/2016 9:56 am
Errant Wrath
Thank you I am pretty happy with it though honestly its a stepping stone the dream is to go for a MA so I can be an Archivist emotion_drool
How is the job? Is it related to what you went to school for? I know so many people who went to school but are stuck in jobs not related to what they studied. I hope that isn't the case.
Errant Wrath Report | 02/21/2016 9:49 am
Errant Wrath
A little good a little not so good. I am working on BS in Library Informatics, so school eats up a lot of my free time. How about you?
Errant Wrath Report | 02/21/2016 9:44 am
Errant Wrath
Hey! How have you been its been a long time
Gumby Ningata Report | 10/28/2015 11:29 am
Gumby Ningata
again, ty
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