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Mattesp's avatar

Birthday: 12/30

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I had to do this.
This week's game series, and my all time favorite game series is...
First Appearance: MOTHER, Famicom 1988
Latest Appearance: MOTHER 3, Gameboy, 2006
Trivia: The MOTHER series can be found in all Super Smash Brothers games, showing almost every character in the series as either a trophy or sticker. Ness, Lucas and Jeff can appear in battles, Jeff as an assist trophy.
OK, where to begin? This series is amazing. Superb, well written story behind a fun to play RPG taking place in the 90s. The story in every game will make you laugh, tilt your head questionably, and cry almost all at the same time. For example...
MOTHER- You get attacked by smoking crows who steal items like your bread and your credit card. Funny.
A colony of birds awaits the arrival of a lost chick, and when that chick is found, they'll begin to sing a song that holds the fate of the universe. What?
I'm not even going to try to explain the final boss, but it's pretty sad, trust me.
The MOTHER/Earthbound series also has a great fanbase,, who are full of great, dedicated people. MOTHER 3, a game once only playable in Japanese, was translated solely by the fanbase, along with a huge guidebook full of handmade sculptures, art, and witty writing.
There's so much else I could say. But I won't! You must play the games yourself!


This is Mattesp, but I'll let you in on a secret... my true name is Matt.
Dumbfounded? OK then, we'll move on!
What do I like to do?...Well, I can draw comics and write, and I like to beat people up in my spare time, with or without my trusty nunchucks.
Or my trusty sword. Or my trusty kamas. Or my trusty staff. You get the idea.
I joined here because Blueocity said I should, and also because ZOmg is on Kongregate, a favorite website of mine.
Oh! More info about me. If you are one of the FEW AND HONORED people I trust with my name- if you search it on Google, the first image shown is one of my comics.
Yep. Fame, people, pure and simple.
Greatest game ever: EARTHBOUND.
Next greatest: PHOENIX WRIGHT.
And that's all, folks.
...For now!


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CaptainFactoidMan Report | 08/06/2010 10:02 am
But people are becoming increasingly individualistic. The internet popped up right when the anti-establishment movements of the two previous decades had integrated themselves into popular thought. Religion is no longer the force to convince people what to do, the media and individuals are. Religion is the end rather than the means of theistic arguments anymore. People don't follow establishment, they follow what they want, and people convince them what they want. Therefore, the media, which is what people see as entertainment and "true" information on how to live both through overt examples (style, home and garden, political news, and food channels) and through inferred examples ( seeing the lives and habits of celebrities, sitcom and drama characters, and sports). So i think that with the backing of both the media and the government, after a few centuries of oppression, people will believe anything, even what goes against long-held or even primordial tendencies and traditions like family, the supernatural, sex, emotion, and free will. People are easy enough to corrupt without the system encouraging them. We saw this in the Nazi regime, the Soviet regime, and the French Revolution. Dystopia is scarily possible when compared to other science fiction futurism.
CaptainFactoidMan Report | 07/11/2010 8:44 pm
I'm almost through with Brave New World. The dystopia is even more evident from our current point of view than We, were at first it seemed that many people actually preferred being in a math-based society. In Brave New World people don't really have a choice to like it or not.
CaptainFactoidMan Report | 07/10/2010 8:44 am
All your Pel high score categories are belong to us.
CaptainFactoidMan Report | 07/06/2010 11:46 am
In the course of a guilds history, there comes a time when its creators must realize that they picked way to specific and obscure a topic. When it becomes apparent that the guild is going nowhere, it is the responsibility of the owners of that guild to change it to something more general or, as the comedy troupe Monty Python's Flying Circus so elegantly put it: "Something completely different". It goes without saying that I will work to realize this goal of a dystopian guild. If changing the Floating Island fails, I will use the some 50,000 of my personal gold funds to create a new guild. Suggestions?
InsomniaSmoothie Report | 07/06/2010 9:14 am
All the comments of your profile are Brian being a dork.

So I decided to temporarily break it up with my awesomeness.

Resume your dorking, then...
CaptainFactoidMan Report | 07/04/2010 2:50 pm
"We" is possibly the best dystopian book I have ever read. Thank You.
CaptainFactoidMan Report | 06/18/2010 1:20 am
I think that I might be switching to a nocturnal schedule. seriously, I ate breakfast at 12, lunch at 5, and dinner at 11:45, and now I'm writing this due to an inability to sleep at 4:20 and the birds are waking up. I'm going to feel jet lagged without the jet.
CaptainFactoidMan Report | 06/17/2010 7:58 pm
I read "The Call of Cthulu" on my Kindle, then I went into the bathroom and heaved up a large amount of vomit. I'm not sure what caused it, the description of Cthulu, the eBook, the day-old crab chowder I had just eaten, or the plethora of bacterial life that I undoubtably picked up at HersheyPark on tuesday. I liked the story.
CaptainFactoidMan Report | 06/17/2010 8:20 am
Nod didn't see E3 until just now. Friends of my family from Singapore are visiting this week so I've been visiting. I didn't mean to imply that I was the only one who talks to you, that was more a joke against myself for not joining facebook. Although I have a Kindle now so any minute I might join facebook while hypocrisy will been more expected.
CaptainFactoidMan Report | 06/14/2010 7:21 pm
I would make some sort of troll-like comment sarcastically condemning Earthbound but it would be like buttering a stick of butter seeing as how I'm the only commenter on your profile right now.

Super Energy Apocalypse

HAWP/OUAP- Metal Gear Solid Storytime

Lil' Thulhu



(On enemies in Star Fox 64) Yes, monkeys. Very kinky ones, at that.

That'd be as hard as punching a salmon.

Preliminary Popcorn!


I'm having an amazing, wonderful, awseome, peanut-buttery day!