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Odd Cinderella's avatar

Registered: 02/05/2009

Gender: Female

Birthday: 07/15


Me cosplaying as a Genderbent Sora from Kingdom Hearts 3!
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Art By: Dreamy Xion

Me cosplaying as Skuld from Kingdom Hearts Union Cross:
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Me outside of cosplay, holding Kingdom Hearts 3. Do you see a pattern? lol
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I have no fancy banner, but this is my Ticket Tracker.




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Captain Blade Uzumaki Report | 03/26/2025 9:32 pm
Ah okay, what I miss?
Captain Blade Uzumaki Report | 03/26/2025 1:19 pm
You were watching the live stream from Marvel Studios weren’t you…
HiIarryous Report | 03/19/2025 9:10 pm
Ooh wow. That is actually coming up pretty soon! I hope both you and your fiance have a good time over there 3nodding

Yeah, I don't think your laptop is going to be able to handle all of that tbh.. Especially if you're trying to try out vtubing on top of that, and/or recording/streaming at the same time. gonk
Misfortuned Checkmate Report | 03/06/2025 11:41 pm
My old discord got hacked since like last year. Never recovered that old account. sweatdrop
If you look up @skybeat8, you'll find my new account that I've been active on since the hacking. 3nodding
HiIarryous Report | 03/02/2025 2:25 pm
Yea I'm not too sure either tbh sweatdrop but man.. at least the 2070 will run marvel rivals decently LOL
depends on whether or not they continue to optimize the game further but who knows..

Okay yea I totally see why she would suggest that job for you then.. wouldn't want to be on your feet for long periods of time with that going on emotion_8c

What month is the concert in? Hopefully it's not too far away! and wow, I didn't know Tamagotchi were still popular but it looks pretty cute
i know nothing. Report | 02/27/2025 4:23 pm
thank you so much!!! C:
HiIarryous Report | 02/26/2025 8:00 pm
Still, that's very cool of her to do. You and your fiance have a lot to look forward to haha smile

Sounds like a good idea since you already have experience in that area! Kinda still surprised they were suggesting you do the other job instead tbh sweatdrop

Yeah way too expensive and they're not even that good for gaming either lol so it's not really worth the price..
I'm not sure how your sister managed to do that unless she had some really old cpu since laptop cpus nowadays are soldered and they have different sockets from regular motherboards emotion_0A0
but if it does fit then that'll work perfectly for you
snow danger Report | 02/23/2025 11:39 am
Omg 😭 I never knew my avi made it! Thank you so much for showing me!! 💗
Kingsglaive Report | 02/22/2025 7:59 pm
Thanks lady!

What's new with you
HiIarryous Report | 02/21/2025 1:08 pm
Yea then you definitely don't have to worry about it not fitting. I get you and not being interested in the 50 series too tbh..

Oh yea those two are entirely different things that require different skillsets.. I'm sure there are some things that will carry over though!
Definitely not going to be a 1:1 transition between the two but it shouldn't be too hard to get the ropes down.

Ah I see. I'm currently splitting a family plan with my friends so it's not too bad. lol Ooh that must be exciting! Are you going to buy merch while you're there? and is your sister also going with you?
I didn't know at all, but congrats!! Wish you and your fiance the best! emotion_kirakira
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