Hello, there's not too much to say about me.
I have a big family, ginormous really, hehheh. I have a pretty good relationship with my siblings and we have a lot of family gatherings. You gotta be a gamer in this family and I really love playing games. XD
My siblings (mainly my brothers) and I love to play pranks and jokes on each other, so I'm a pretty sneaky person when it comes to that. XP
I like martial arts, I used to be a red belt in tae kwon do. I like drawing, music, animals, anime, dancing in the rain, hanging with friends, playing sports, the dark (night is my time),and much more.
I can be pretty random and hyper but I'm also a kind person. I'm kinda short, only about 5' 4"- yes kels shorter then you for once...XP. Friend me if ya want.
fluffysgirl7413's Details
The crazy and random thoughts of a crazy and random person. No but really, just some funny things, quiz results, and every once in a while some story about the day/week or something that happened.
This is a journal where I write tabs, sayings, maybe put up pics (if i learn how) and so on. If ne1 sees this you can write stuff here if you wish. I will be updating asap -in code for: whenever i feel like it. heh heh. =) XD
brushs o death r lk snwflaks unique & ic cold

i adopted a chibi!
name: Hikari
likes: pranks,chasing,playful,fight,shiny things
doesn't like surprised verly chipper people,redundant things,pink
u can adopt 1!
adopt me!
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