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October Gray

October Gray's avatar

Last Login: 11/28/2009 11:39 am

Registered: 02/21/2009

Gender: Male


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My favorite dream avi to date:
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<3 All donations much appriciated! <3


Metal IS My Madness

When it comes to religion, I'm what you call a "philosophical Taoist."

When it comes to government, I'm more of an "Anarchist" than anything.

I believe that the world is not beautiful, and that that's what makes it beautiful. Take me in while you can, I won't last. It's the only promise I can make.

Words of Wisdom:

"RIP away the layers and reveal ya soul,
Ya gotta give yaself up, and then you become whole,
Your a slave to yaself, and ya don't even know,
You want GOD but ya can't deflate ya ego..."


"you could have chosen a different PATH IN LIFE"


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II DemonsLover II Report | 04/06/2010 8:06 pm
II DemonsLover II
Hey...Chris...Wow it's been since November since we've spoken..I miss you...and I pray your okay...I really do..I feel like it's been forever since we've talked.....I really hope your okay. I love you, and I hope to see you soon.
Echomama Report | 02/16/2010 4:11 pm
heart Happy Valentine's! heart
Echomama Report | 01/11/2010 1:53 pm
Hello Beautiful.. Its been awhile for both of us I see.. I think of you though so do not completely disappear on me.. *Hugs*
Leiivarius Report | 12/29/2009 1:34 pm
LEEmonaide Report | 12/04/2009 3:40 am
helloooooooooooooooo.. lol.. XD
heyyyy, how are you doing recently?
i sure missed a lot of things huh..
uhh, i missed ya!! biggrin
II DemonsLover II Report | 11/28/2009 12:12 pm
II DemonsLover II
Mhm..actually Chris...i i've fallen...if you understand

like to don't feel like you have to come on if you don't want to
II DemonsLover II Report | 11/28/2009 12:05 pm
II DemonsLover II
That's good. ^^

Well, i'm alright, just the usual drama in the real world but i try not to focus or get wrapped up in it. Only when someone brings me in personally .Then i get involved.
Umm..let's see what else...*grins* I believe this princess has found her prince if you know what i mean.

i miss you so much but i want you to not feel rushed ill always be here an you'll always have a place here
II DemonsLover II Report | 11/28/2009 11:49 am
II DemonsLover II

Despite this..

how are things going?
II DemonsLover II Report | 11/28/2009 11:42 am
II DemonsLover II
Aww....i'm sorry ......* feels bad now*

*Huggles* I'm sorry Hun....
II DemonsLover II Report | 11/27/2009 10:02 am
II DemonsLover II
^^ Chris! *huggles* I don't see you enough now adays

Ohhhh Yeah!