Hello! Welcome to my Profile!
I'm Wolven-Violet-Letter!
I am not your typical teen...ok, well, maybe I am.
In a way. Hehehe...>:]
If you want to know about me, PM me or just add me to your Friends List. If I am already on your Friends List, then YAYNESS!!
Anyways, here are just a few tiny details of my life right now:
Grade: 9th.
Gender: Female. Duh. e.e
Age: 15 1/2
Likes: Gaia, friends, and tacos.
Dislikes: Snoby people, cats, and rap music. Bleh.
Personality: Random, sweet, nice, kind, weird, twisted, inhuman. O.o
Wheeee~~!!! That's me!!
Now bugger off, you stalker. xP
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