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queer and quirky [of doom?]

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Last Login: 07/02/2009 1:50 am

Gender: Female

Birthday: 08/11

Ways to talk to me that you probably don't want to bother with cause i mean who wants online friends they don't actually know these days??

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The paragraph that tells next to nothing and yet i bother putting it up anyway...of doom

I'm pansexual(with lesbian tendancies), I'm nerdy, I'm weird, and I have self esteem issues. People can't figure out why though. Apparently I am perfect. They think I am beautiful and genius and hilarious. Oh well. I don't have the courage to kill a fruitfly, the only thing I will kill is a mosquito. I'm a vegetarian. I'm on depression meds. Only 2 people have won in the whose life sucks more contest. One had a burning house fall on them at the age of 7 and one is allergic to eating and has bad asthma and gets every virus that goes around.

Journal OF PINK FLUFFY BUNNIES...wait what? right. IRONY. SUBTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Life Sucks

This is just a little bit of the tourtures I have gone through

Friends that may or may not be demonspawn of the nether-regions...ask them...

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Comments OF DOOM!!

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Kawaii Aoife Report | 08/10/2009 7:36 am
Kawaii Aoife
*Pops out of cake* HAPPY B-DAY!
Ubiquitous Androgyny Report | 06/14/2009 1:26 am
Ubiquitous Androgyny
yeps xP
Ubiquitous Androgyny Report | 06/14/2009 1:21 am
Ubiquitous Androgyny
Lawls! you want to get to the 9th? xP
Ubiquitous Androgyny Report | 06/14/2009 12:58 am
Ubiquitous Androgyny
Lol 1 after the other eh?
Ubiquitous Androgyny Report | 06/14/2009 12:34 am
Ubiquitous Androgyny
woah, that was fast.
Ubiquitous Androgyny Report | 06/14/2009 12:27 am
Ubiquitous Androgyny
O: I know what you mean *puts hand on your shoulder*
I know all too well..
Ubiquitous Androgyny Report | 06/14/2009 12:24 am
Ubiquitous Androgyny
well, at least you can cry.
I have to push my tears away.
I hae ocean of tears inside me right now, and I just cant let them out. O.o
Ubiquitous Androgyny Report | 06/13/2009 11:09 pm
Ubiquitous Androgyny

I don't pity others, its pathetic to do so.

Ahh, well you're just a lucky penny eh?
xD woot for randomnesss!~
Ubiquitous Androgyny Report | 06/13/2009 10:55 pm
Ubiquitous Androgyny
Ahh, well those groups were..lab experiments for death, they didn't interest him in the least bit.

Heh-heh, I don't really read people's journals ^-^
a crush on someone two years younger?
Wow, must be worthy of it then.
Ubiquitous Androgyny Report | 06/13/2009 8:43 pm
Ubiquitous Androgyny
xD why thank you, My friend made it up ^-^

Why yes, the weather is very weather-ish, otherwise it would be a weather-less day, and whether we want that or not, I don't know. xP

Life is treating me well, though it's confusing as usual. I happy though, content with it. At least Im still breathing.
How does one start before the beginning? Hmm..before the beginning of life..there was death? One day death got bored. So it decided to make life to play with and tease and mingle with it's emotions. That was the beginning of plants. But plants were too cell-walled for death, and it couldn't hold a conversation. Death became bored once more, and that was the beginning of animals. He watched how they hunted and survied, and he decided to make a superior form of animals. That was the start of humans. Death is still playing with us today.

On another note, how is life treating you?

Signature OF DOOM

It's not about being bulletproof, it's about keeping your will alive untill you finally do get shot.