Last Login: 04/03/2010 5:13 pm
Gender: Female
Birthday: 07/25
Why are you all the way down here? Leave me to my misery!
"No..dont let go..." he begged, clinging to
his arm adorably with that tortured look on
his face. "Please..forget im gay just for
tonight and dont let go of me..." he
squeezed harder. Jagger turned to him,
taking the boy's face in his hand. He
couldnt stand that look on his face.
He leaned in, gently resting his head against
the bunny's, and placed a soft kiss near his
lips. As expected, Darian flushed red and
his mood went up two knotches immediatelly.
Unexpectedly, Jagger blushed too, and
couldn't help but place another one even
closer. "Okay..I'll..." Jagger's hands made
their way disobedientlly to Darian's waist.
They slid around him, pulling him closer.
"I'll keep you close to me tonight.." Darian
hesitantly rested his hands on Jagger's chest,
prying again the jacket from his shoulders,
just to make him more comfortable. Jagger
smiled just a little when he realized Darian
was still in his cute girls outfit. "It does look
good on you," he teased, rewarded by Darian's
lighthearted giggle. "Told you," he said, and they
both stepped out of their shoes towards the bed.
As Jagger pushed Darian lightly onto the sheets
Darian's cheeks instantly became bright red.
He curled his hands meekly to his lips as Jagger
actually slid on top of him. " this really okay?"
Darian asked, definately not looking to be cast
aside tonight for going too far. Jagger just nodded,
sliding to his side with his arm still around him,
nestling his head in the boys shoulder.
"I siad i'd keep you close.."
Im sixteen, and im a unique breed of goth
i referto as the pink goth. I like the cute,
the disturbing, the bubbily, the creepy,
---l-----the innocent, the filthy. My favorite
---o-----games are the chao part of sonic
--v------and every dripping bit of bioshock.
---e-----I write and I draw, too, though what
---u-----i write and draw about are as varied
----2----as the rest of me. Most goths write
---d-----me off because of this variation -
----e----most everyone writes me off because
----a----of it - but i ask you to give me a little
---t-----bit more of a chance then that and
---h-----not forget about me just because
--------my favorite color is pink ^^
My Dream Avi - i call it,
Gimpi eats Pixie, because
thats exactly what it is.
A cute grey haired girl with
a innocent little dress on,
when Gimpi attacked her, and
my newest obsession ate pink
and replaced itself with
shiney grey.
"I'm out to create a sort of differnt role play guild,
where all ideas - the more twisted the better -
are able to flourish. Only the complicated, only
the unique are suppored here. Maybe Innocence is looking for active, fun, and
somewhat dark members iwth a taste for the unique and curious.
PM me with the request, a sample of you writing or roleplay, or perhaps just a bit of
chatter about yourself.
Hope to see you soon"
Join my guild!
Maybe Innocence (yaoi roleplay)
Yaoi Warning!
Gimpi Gimpi Gimpi!
Cool Peoples
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