Ciao Bella~!
Hello There~!
All the languages in the world create a perfect melody~
//See that art? ⤵ Shiroad drew it//

Hi, I’m Wuppa Wuppa. You can call me Wuppa, Das or anything else you’d like with the exception of derogatory insults like, but are not limited to 【Gay, f**, or lesbian】sorry, I’m straight guys so I’d like to be called that.
How long has Ms. Wuppa been on Gaia?I’ve been on gaia for about 5 years and I don’t regret the decision!
What is Ms. Wuppa playing on her magical, delicious, and fantastical consoles?→PS3
▷Portal 2 [stuck on a certain test chamber involving a certain three turrets and a glass wall, not to mention gravity!]
▷GTA IV [Those missions...I swear I’ll never get Brucie’s mission done. RACE CARS GO TOO FAST FOR ME! D:]
▷Borderlands 2 [I finished the game in just about 2 weeks after it was released! I LOVE THIS GAME SO FREAKING MUCH. I love Maya and Axton. Zero can go die in a hole.]
▷Final Fantasy XIII [I’m not eager to devour it like a starving child, I’ll get there when I feel like the story seems interesting]
▷Borderlands [Oh geez, oh man, what a freaking awesome game! Not only do I love RPGs, but I love FPS! Got my Siren level 40, effing boss! AND I finished the game, what an ugly Vault! D; ]
▷L.A Noire [I love pushing people and running over my partner, ‘nuff said.]
▷ Assassin’s Creed III [Paul Revere sucks at being a GPS.]
▷Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep [Terra's and Ventus' story remain unfinished!]
▷Final Fantasy [Duodecim & original]
▷Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core [Stupid tank >:c]
▷Persona I
▷The World Ends WIth You
▷Final Fantasy III
▷Rondo of Swords [Goodness help me, I CAN'T FIGHT ANYONE WITHOUT SOMEONE DYING!]
What does Ms. Wuppa do here exactly?I usually stalk forums, various threads, RolePlay, tend to my guilds and whatnot, lurk, stalk and make friends everywhere!
What is Ms. Wuppa like, and why does she call herself in the third person?
(PT1) I’m an unusually random fellow, I occasionally hang with my BFF’s in Towns or do some solo Jigsaw games to earn the gold. I chat with my friends and if they’re not online I go other stuff like post random status updates! I’m a VC of a few guilds all in favor of RP and spend quality time trying to make my guilds more known; apparently it hasn’t taken the bait of hungry gaians yet... Anyway, I’m a bit of a hipster- that meaning I enjoy obscure bands, and I do not tolerate mainstream media. This means all media, TV, radio, or fashion trends. The Internet cannot be used as a venue for proving me wrong; I’m not some sort of Deadmau5 fanatic who says he’s hipster...why would anyone do that? 2.5 million views guys! 2.5! I enjoy bands that people usually never heard of as it is still in its prime and makes me feel like I arrived on the bandwagon in time since I usually miss it by a few months. (Crazy story, I was at my local Borders book store [at least before they closed down] and was rummaging through the manga section with the grace of an nerdy nerd and I spotted with my eye Fairy Tail, I’m sure you’ve heard of it, I’m sure. I flip through it to see what it’s like since it’s not something you see everyday with the common spelling as ‘Fairy tale’ and since I am such a grammar nazi...it was unavoidable. I flip to a page with a burly man with a beard wearing a maid’s apron. That kinda turned me off and buzzkilled me so I went on to find something less creepy. I leave the bookstore with a fresh copy of Hetalia instead! In the end, I lurk around gaia to see a sudden outburst of Fairy Tail cosplayers and YT videos of it too! I was bewildered, how could that gain such a large fanbase? I sighed to myself and put on some delicious My Robot Friend Loves Me and dozed off to my happy place. I’m still kinda angry about that though...) that giant rambling wasn’t time consuming was it? OH HO HO. So I enjoy stuff people see as a bit like the butt of a horrible joke or something completely unlinked to their environment like that ankle biter Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj, guys they’re not musicians or artists...they deserve to be on house arrest. Get some brains the zombies will thank you! As well as my stating of my occupation as a hipster, I am still not so. A hipster is somewhat of a snob kind of fellow who cherishes his beliefs and tosses away others before even glancing at them. The definition(s) of Hipster are seen here-
Hipster. I am more of the modest/humble kind of Hipster who just doesn’t have cable or listen to 106.1 [mainstream radio] daily as if my life depended on it. I take it more with the addiction with the videogames of mine. Now, those I cherish. The ending of KHII made me cry, and so did RedDead Redemption.
(PT2) I call myself in the third person because I think it’s fancy, and it’s awesome. If you got a problem with it I shall look upon you and smile a great smile that will make you laugh and then disconnect suddenly! C:
What won’t Ms. Wuppa do on Gaia?I definitely won’t antagonize you about a certain thing that may be important to you, like hobbies, orientation, beliefs or opinions. I will try to ask and further pursue it, but not to the extent of actually hurting your feelings unless your absolutely stupid and ignorant like a cute little stupid puppy!
Ms. Wuppa, however will NOT tolerate this:I absolutely despise mainstream media. ‘Music Artists’ such as Nicki Minaj, Rebecca Black, Lady GaGa, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Kanye West, every rapper in existence and sincerely yours the worst thing on the planet; Justin Bieber. He must be annihilated. Now. So does Snooki and her whole guido crew of orange people.
Ms. Wuppa’s personality, you ask?Generally shy and quiet, a bit of a loner at heart I don’t usually approach people on my own whim unless I desperately need something done. I handle things on my own and I’m a bit of a perfectionist. I hate being called rude names and feeling guilty and I only feel slightly like a speck of real matter when I get complimented, however I usually turn them down and compliment the other party instead. I focus more on my self-conscious rather than anything else.
Ms. Wuppa's aspirations:So recently I downloaded the Smule Magic Piano app on my iPad, and I've been at it like a crack addict! I've almost mastered Princess Charming [you should listen to it] and a few others, I'm still a little shaky on the Final Fantasy Medley, and I haven't even BEGUN to attempt First Kiss by Dave Days. Ever since my spark of enthusiasm had started, I've found a love for pianos and sheet music, hopefully I might pursue playing the piano! I usually send myself e-mails on the songs I performed well on, and if you ask i could send you something [extent to only PERFECT! scores]! Other than the Magic Piano and real life piano, I'm hoping to somehow gain more artistry skills, or whatever you call it. I dream so badly to be regarded as a great artist, to pursue a career filled with empty wallets and a room with tossed around art utensils! Ahh, the life of an aspiring artist. To dream is the only thing I can do now, since my art hasn't even lifted from its disgusting hold on lack of motivation/inspiration and the fact that I am more criticizing of myself than anyone else I've met since the day I was born. It's s ad and mopey tale that most people shrug off and call me a wussy at times, but lately I haven't a shoulder to cry on, so I have to post it on the Internet for billions of bystanders to view and laugh, just to get my pity party [pity party not included, and I apologize for the moping]. Like other things in life that make you perfect and admirable to other Homo Sapiens such as myself, I have to look like them too. I'm on a calorie urning spree and I am not stopping until I am like everyone else! Then all that will need fixing is my attitude! Okay, end of this self-loathing rant, I would like to aspire and to dream of getting Loving Manner. No, this isn't what you might call 'begging' or somehow subtly hinting at it, I just wanted to say it. Ever since Loving Manner came out and I saw it in the E.I., I think I died of hopefulness. The eyes that so vividly remind me of Hatsune Miku's in her PoPiPo song. I wish I had that item, but if I did I would have to practice numerous amounts of security measures so I would not get hacked, and hopefully by stating this I won't get hacked for what I have.
Well, that's it! Thank you for reading this dull essay written by myself over a course of time, and thank you for being kind enough to look here! Have a nice day and please, love yourself for who you are.

Beautious Artwork done for me! Credit's always due, so be sure to visit these guys' artshops!

Washable Tuna
fee-fee chan



Ninja Katze
(I love them all btw)
fee-fee chan's awesome artwork that I
emotion_bigheart Always be sure to QUOTE ME ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
The Real Raijin
Hahaha. Wuppa Wuppa has got to be like one of the nicest and most active people on gaia that I know.
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