C'est moi!
General information:
Name: Emma
Gender: Female
Currently Questing: Avi art. (I do art trades, too!) the stuff on my wishlist, Avatar quest items.
My Art Wall: I post every peice of work I receive on my profile, as you will see below. I would love to continue this trend for as long as possible, but I can't do so without donations. If you aren't willing to donate art but would still like to add on to my collection, please PM me with an example of your work, and we can set up a deal, be it gold or an art trade.
Artist Information: I record the username of each artist when I recieve the peice. If you like one piece in particular, feel free to PM me with a short description of the piece or it's location on the page and I will send you either their username or a link to their shop.
Art From Me: If you are interested, I do draw avi art fairly well, and am willing to give it out to those who ask. If you are interested, please PM me, and I'll see what I can do. Ideally, I'd like to charge from 200 gold and up depending on the complexity of the request, but we could easily work out a deal.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave me a comment!
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