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Darknekoqueen20's avatar

Last Login: 02/16/2022 8:56 am

Registered: 11/28/2009

Gender: Female

Location: Germany

Birthday: 03/29


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Welcome visitor.

My name is Elena but here on gaia everybody know me as Darknekoqeen.
Maybe I should discribe myself a little...
Well, first I'm from an european country called germany, but I was actually born in russia.
I can speak both langues fluenty, just my english get somertimes a little messy. sweatdrop

I'm a hobby writer and cartoonist, sometimes I translate comics.
But I do not earn money from that, thise are just some hobbys of mine to get some practise in real painting, writing and my translation skilling.

I really like anime and almost everything releated to Japan and their culture.
I'm also a fantasy and gaming fan, I spend a lot of time behind my PC, surfing the internet and playing some games. That's why I'm sometimes not very active, especially when it comes to going outdoor. I do not really like to go outdoor, only if I must to or really need it.
I do not have anything against the nature. No, I really like all kind of animals and the environment, but insects are something that really creeps me out and I do not show mercy to thise creatures.

What's next... I have a little brother who is on gaia too and a little sister. They annoy me a lot, and were the real cause, why I never ever had finished one of my novels, but we are releated by blood and because of that I must love them.
I have a husbad, who I love very mutch and who is on gaia also. I made up my username to sound similar to his name: Darknekoking.

If you want to konow more about me, just add me to your friends and ask or pm. smile

YouTube Chanell Intro

MMD Paint it black

One of My favourite songs


View All Comments

Proud black cat Report | 03/29/2022 7:30 pm
Proud black cat
marmeedianPUNK7 Report | 07/29/2015 8:21 am
ganz viele liebe grüße cat_3nodding
Silverwolfullmoon Report | 01/23/2015 1:42 pm
nice 2 meet u 2 smile
DeathRelic1130 Report | 11/23/2014 4:15 pm
Heil Vermaak!!!
Javier Cross Report | 07/27/2014 7:58 pm
Javier Cross
You look pretty, pleased to meet you. redface
vanillaicefrosting Report | 07/26/2014 4:04 pm
Thanks for the buy! smile
Balbora Report | 06/18/2014 8:26 am
huhu! wie gehts? seh dich hier nimmer oft online :/
Balbora Report | 05/01/2014 5:45 am
omg dankedankedanke!! whee heart
die haare sind so toll *_* 4laugh
Commander Ty Report | 10/03/2013 7:26 am
Commander Ty
Cool avi
xo May ox Report | 04/15/2013 5:34 am
xo May ox
Oh thanks <3 ,, oh me too... [ofc i mean its obv, that i love pink LOL] xp whee heart


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