Francine // 28 // ♀"Life in plastic, it's fantastic!"
Usually friendly. Feel free to connect on one of my socials below if you want.
Discord: hipsterishbs
Reddit: hipsterishbullshit
Twitter: hipsterishshit
I sometimes stream on weekends. Big Dead by Daylight enjoyer.
Twitch: Went2ClownSkool
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Oh, you're still here? I thought you'd get bored by now.
Well, guess here's more of a bio for you here since you seem to want to know more about me.
I'm a part-time college student currently going back to school to advance my own skills and my career. Studying towards a Business Administration degree, specifically doing a program that will take the credits I earn and translate them specifically for a nearby college/university for my Bachelor's.
Contrary to the shitposting you see me do in the forums, I can actually hold a serious conversation. Don't generally like people (personal reasons), but I try to be friendly because I know most people mean well. Please don't take it the wrong way if I either take a while to respond to a PM or don't respond - I'm busy outside of Gaia and I don't know what to say a lot of the time when someone tries talking with me.
I am one of those mythical t-girls that people scream about in online forums. heart
Absolutely do not make it weird if you bring it up. I don't care about answering your questions about transgenderism, doesn't bug me (I've heard it all), but the last thing I need is someone being a creep.
That's about it for now.
Oh, but before you go, please feel free to sign my wall of text.
Thanks, pookie xoxo
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(probly not but i had to let u know i know the reference hehe)
Mhm! My job is done