My name is Kristi, you can call me whatever you want. Kristi isn't short for anythingThings I like;- nicknames
- new friends
- old friends
- tv&movies
- video games : D
LearningCode animals ^_^
You can find me on :::
myspace @ here
vampirefreaks @ here
or ask for my email/facebook >_^
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Last one was closest.
For YEARS, I never had the pronounciation down-pat, you know?
I often mumbled it or just wrote it, when exchanging names with friends.
It was written phonetically in my profile, dear, right near the top.
"Say-yath" in case you missed it. ;P
What did you come up with?
And thank you!
I'm sure Dem'll love to hear you said that. <3.
Purple and pink ftw D:!
*hands chu teh bag of chips* X3
~nom nom nom~ OwO
Want some of meh potatoe chips X3