I'm a boring person who does boring things in hopes that one day I will have an actual life with real people involved in it. Were you expecting more?
~Boys Will Put You On A Pedastal, So They Can Look Up Your Skirt.~
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Song of my life this week:
Pearl Jam - Soon Forget
sorry is the fool who trades his soul for a corvette thinks he'll get the girl, he'll only get the mechanic what's missing? he's living a day he'll soon forget that's one more time around, the sun is going down the moon is out, but he's drunk and shouting, putting people down he's pissing, he's living a day he'll soon forget counts his money every morning the only thing that keeps him horny locked in a giant house, that's alarming the townsfolk, they all laugh sorry is the fool who trades his love for high-rise rent seems the more you make, equals the loneliness you get and it's fitting, he's barely living, a day he'll soon forget that's one more time around, there is not a sound he's lying dead clutching benjamins, never put the money down he's stiffening, we're all whistling a man we'll soon forget
I don't mind. I understand how real life stuff can keep you busy.
I taught myself from a book I got. It promised to teach me everything I would need to know during the course of making an afghan. x3 The only part that was difficult at first was tying the first knot to keep the yarn on the hook. The rest of it is actually pretty easy. I haven't finished the afghan yet, though. ^_^; I've been only doing it on and off.
That's neat. =] I enjoy crafty things, although I mostly stick to drawing, using pipe cleaners, and cutting pieces of paper to make stuff.
Cosplaying seems like it would be really fun. I wish I knew how to sew stuff like that. I did taking a sewing class in high school, but I only ended up making a pair of pajama pants.
I hope it's enjoyable for you, then. ^_^
It is. <3
I like to read regular books and manga, play video games, crochet, watch movies and anime, draw, do jigsaw puzzles, and attempt some other crafts. xD I like making things with paper shapes, like cards for Christmas and other holidays.
What do you like to do?
My little sister loves them, too. =[ I've seen some, though, and they just stick with me in a very unpleasant way. Even that new trailer, where the people find a creature buried in ice that can kill people and take their form, has managed to give one nightmare already. -.-;
Piers Anthony has some dragons in his series, but it's actually focused on the land of Xanth, where puns come to life. xD It's really great.
Thanks. =] This is my Halloween avi for this year.
I'm not usually affected by just episodes that have frightening things in them, but that angel statue one was a doozie. xD I never watch horror movies.
Me, too. ^_^ Piers Anthony's Xanth series is also pretty amusing, and I just love Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern. Dragons are awesome. <3
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