Viewing JrScythe's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


I am off and on gaia so don't expect me to be on frequently. I am somewhat of an artist and love to sketch/draw. As you can tell i'm a deathnote fan. Recently finished eden of the east and loved it. I know siberath in real life, and yeah that's pretty much it, oh and i'll accept anybodys friend request.

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My not so daily blog.

This is just where i post stuff that happened too me which i thought was interesting.



Viewing 10 of 17 comments.

Xx_Vampre Knght_xX

Report | 11/07/2010 9:50 am

Xx_Vampre Knght_xX

i guess razz
Fated Cherish ball

Report | 11/04/2010 9:09 pm

Fated Cherish ball

I am? oh wow surprised Oh he changed accounts if i'm correct XD
nero the neko

Report | 10/10/2010 11:38 am


dude i got my acc bac and chnged the name its now Xx_Vampre Knght_xX XD

Report | 08/25/2010 9:02 pm


ikr, but i might gt it bc soon
Luana Fluorite

Report | 08/25/2010 9:13 am

Luana Fluorite

nice avi!!
I love Fai/Yui
Luana Fluorite

Report | 08/25/2010 7:35 am

Luana Fluorite

yes biggrin
and from the list of minerals off my science mineral table chart thingXDDD
yeah but mostly that biggrin I needed a nameXD and since it's my fanfic. penname I though "Luana Fluorite will be easy to remember" heart

Report | 08/18/2010 7:14 pm


cool avi

Report | 08/13/2010 9:54 am


Hyuu Hyuu! 4laugh I daisuki Fai whee
Fallen Prince Yuui

Report | 08/12/2010 8:53 pm

Fallen Prince Yuui

fff -kills the emote- B|
Fallen Prince Yuui

Report | 08/12/2010 8:53 pm

Fallen Prince Yuui

-poke poke- > mad yuui oniisama c':


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