Viewing Zellozen Madigan's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I am, as far as you know, ficus. Wish to know a little about me? Well, here are some facts about me.

Hobbies(order not by importance:
-daydreaming of adventures
-playing videogames
-reading Manga
-watching anime
-driving my friends insane, or on a slow day, confused

Top 5 movies(incomplete)
1)Hellsing Ultimate(yes, the whole series counts)
Things I'd like to do before it's impossible/already are:
-fly =w=
-find love(doesn't everybody?)
-FINALLY play this one japanese game but in ENGLISH->
Heart no Kuni no Alice
-I'm sure there's more....
-travel Europe with a good companion

Favorite foods(while I'm at it I guess...):
-inari sushi(it's the only sushi i like)
-Milk Chocolate(ONLY milk chocolate, no mint or anything)
-any dessert that's good and has nothing to do with mint
-Cheddar and sour cream ruffles!!!
-chips?/teriyaki beef jerky/cashews/bbq flavored things.
-oddly enough, the only pickle I like is Vlasic Kosher Dill

Stuff I HATE!!! D:<
-as you may have guessed, one of my top arch enemies
is Mint
-Cherios, I had a bad childhood experience with them....
-Surprisingly, horror movies or anything close to the genre
-Sharks, spiders, insects in general, rat tails and feet,
lizards and anything with scales, fish. if i'm leaving
anything of the creepy crawly species, forgive me.
-People who complain too much


Viewing 12 of 25 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

herzlos niemand

Report | 04/03/2010 12:14 pm

herzlos niemand

its awesome XD
herzlos niemand

Report | 04/03/2010 7:26 am

herzlos niemand


Report | 03/21/2010 5:43 pm


Thank you!! =D

Report | 02/11/2010 6:41 pm


That is so awesome you have no idea.
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Twili Midona

Report | 02/02/2010 8:23 pm

Twili Midona

Eee hee hee, You're Right. ^_^
Twili Midona

Report | 02/01/2010 5:55 pm

Twili Midona

I mean my Avatar. I really don't think we ever talked before.
Twili Midona

Report | 01/31/2010 2:58 pm

Twili Midona

Tanks. you know who I am?
Twili Midona

Report | 01/30/2010 10:07 am

Twili Midona

I just wanted to say. Nice avatar.
Twili Midona

Report | 01/29/2010 3:27 pm

Twili Midona


Report | 01/28/2010 5:36 pm


Oh, man, the spooky staircase. I hear a lot about that from Thren and Tyler. I'm guessing she's forced you to put some in as well?


Nothing is really as bad or as good as it seems. So then what is it? It's all in your head.