Welcome to my store!Feel free to buy what ever u want.I try to keep my prices low.oh and im collecting items that are UNWANTED so please send me a trade for ur unwanted items!Thanks for buying!Please donate!

Last Login: 12/26/2010 2:14 pm
Gender: Female
Birthday: 08/11
You currently have zero playlists!
Donate to me and you will fill me with happenise!
Help me get the gift o the goddess and chill of artimes
Help me get this plz my goal if 2 try to get this befor Chrismase.
Total Value: 1,001,973 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Sherwood Outlaw
Ballad of Orpheus
Gift of the Goddess
Seracila Pendant 13th Gen.
you will never know what i may be
sellin go and take a look!
Please donate i need 2 million gold really bad every amount of gold counts
i have 1,127,000 gold rite now