
That is me (= ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Hello there, im just some random chick and i havnt been on gaia in a loooooonnngggg a** time!!
I am emo......i am not close with my parents and i rlly dont lyk my "family"
i LOVE music. i could not live without music. my fav bands are Asking Alexandria,Woe Is Me,The Bunny The Bear,Jamies Elsewhere,The Ready Set,Peirce The Veil,Sleeping With Sirens,We Butter The Bread With Butter, and a hole lot more.I am a gamer. but i suck at video games but still play.Oh and one more thing i am rlly into anime.if there is anything else yhu wanna kno just talk 2 me.
My insides and out
The inside is twised and black
Outside is happy and full of joy
I dont show it
But thats me
A broken heart happens 2 everyone right?
When u left i couldnt stop crying
When he said i was ugly i wanted 2 kill myself
But when i missed u the most my heart was broken
Was i the only one?
Everyone gets there heart broken right?
Or is it just me like always?
I wanna feel weightless
I wanna soar far above the clouds
But theres allways something holding me back
Because my heads in the clouds
But my feet r stuck on the ground
My heart wants you
I need you
But the thing on the inside
Is different than wut u see on the outside
Could you handle it
Do you want the barbie on the outside
Or the cold lump on the inside
Or do you want both
Can handle it
Could you?
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