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TheTruthUntold's avatar

Birthday: 06/30


Well, hello there my fine friend. :3
I'm Sarah-May, and I'm from down under. Yeah, I'm from Australia! c:
I like lots of things, like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Legend of Zelda - But not One Direction. Just no. Don't even talk about them to me. Or Justin Bieber. I loath them.
But Yeah.
Scottish/British/Australian - That's me. :3


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Lilith Shadowfall Report | 01/07/2014 8:01 pm
Lilith Shadowfall
Wow it's been awhile since I talked to you. :3
Lilith Shadowfall Report | 04/12/2013 9:15 pm
Lilith Shadowfall
Do you want me to post for Demetri in the Forum for you?
bblee123 Report | 02/21/2013 6:31 pm
heehe! well..enough about me x) how are things on your end?? biggrin
bblee123 Report | 02/20/2013 10:34 pm
yes..but in a about 2 1 month time..i have to start again.. XD
bblee123 Report | 02/19/2013 11:00 pm
but that will be pretty hard to juggle D; after all, you have to study and work at the same time then D;
bblee123 Report | 02/19/2013 10:37 pm
work at McDonalds huh? ;D hmm..but i hear the pay is $4.50 per hour :O
bblee123 Report | 02/18/2013 9:31 pm
i'm glad your hand is much better now ;D
hmm a job you say..? then maybe you should get a job that requires more of the mind maybe..?
something that does not need to involve too much of your hands biggrin
bblee123 Report | 02/17/2013 9:47 pm
oh gosh..please get well soon D; okie??
my work is over now ;D i stopped XDD heehe~!
bblee123 Report | 02/15/2013 10:00 pm
awwh ..then why not use your right hand then?? ;D
*hugs you back close*
i've been fine thank you! ^o^ how about yourself??
bblee123 Report | 02/14/2013 4:29 am
you're very welcomed~! ;D i'm glad you're alright now ^^ *huggles*