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Art by my friend Florzz. Thank you ^u^

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OMG OwO KINGDOM HEARTS 3 gameplay trailer is OUT!!!!!! I'm finally done waiting!!! >w<

Alicia007's avatar

Birthday: 05/05

Stalkers >w>

Cruel Unicorn on 11/22/2024
From The Frozen Tundra on 06/29/2022
C e r u l e a n on 02/18/2020


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HEY You! Yeah you! If you like an art challenge, wanna take a look at my OCs? Asuka art by Kyngsoo. Animation by SolsticeCatcher
Thank you emotion_hug

User Image

Anime- Shuffle ; ost Sweet Memories


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Hello everyone, this is my first time here. I hope life is going well for everyone.

I am called Alicia. I'm currently a college student. I heart looking at scenarys and take walks often to experience nature. As you can tell, I'm quite the Kingdom Hearts fan. Still waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3. Proud owner of KH1 & 2. Loved playing both of them.
Well, that's it for now. Have a pleasant day everyone. Bai Bai!

11/26/2012: Thank you for coming to my profile if you're curious of the ones being avi featured this week. I'm still speechless about it...I never thought I would win sweatdrop Enjoy looking at my profile, music, achievements, and what not. Pleasant day/night you all~
Alicia's Spotlight Nov 26th

Curious of art, there's more here smile
Avi Art Collection 2013


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-BaronGary- Report | 02/28/2019 11:20 pm
Hola, It's been some time! How are you doing?
Inspirae Hearts Report | 01/30/2019 5:58 pm
Inspirae Hearts
Hi Alicia! 4laugh How have you been sweet heart?

Can you believe we're almost in February now? heart Time is flying by! rofl
visulies Report | 05/04/2017 2:59 pm


              She doesn't but she asked to borrow so I had to withdraw money and i'm just TT!!! so many complications delaying her friend to pay back
              We both are tight on money so it's hard to ask to buy anything now lol""
              RIGHT Its more in the $3k range for summer but I have financial aid + loan covering about half or most of my summer tuition right now, I just have to somehow get another $1k...
              Or about mom said she'll give me some money for my class since she borrowed so much from me already but ahh...

              Visiting friend for her 21st since she won't be back until the 22nd but her bday is the 8th~

              no worries TT
visulies Report | 05/03/2017 7:20 pm


              Ahhh~ Thanks alicia!!!
              Yeah, long story short, my mom borrowed my money to lend to a friend and I'm left with like $200 (for months) to my name lol"" I have to pay classes by May 30th....
              I've been stretching my money out hoping she'll get paid back soon but as the deadline nears, I can't risk anymore T _ T
              Also have a trip to Austin, so I'll probably be left with even less by the time I'm back haha OTL"""

              Starting price for a fullbody is $35
Inspirae Hearts Report | 04/28/2017 8:04 pm
Inspirae Hearts
Hi Alicia! ^_^ Great avi ~ you are looking fantastic! gaia_star
Cindypha Report | 03/20/2017 11:07 am
WOah. Well thanks for letting me know, buddy 3nodding
Okay, later~!
Cindypha Report | 03/20/2017 10:52 am
Heyy up for DMS YM?
Flying giftbox, we'll meet at the gate!
florzz Report | 03/17/2017 4:38 am

lol, posted after dms run with us I think...
This person just too serious about a game
Cindypha Report | 03/05/2017 4:51 am
I see, though I still do not want = emotion_donotwant
Cindypha Report | 03/05/2017 4:41 am
I want the ice cream!!! -n-/ Thanks~
Yeah I'll go make appointment with my primary Dentist next week though she told me I have to get all wisdom teeth remove even some next so most likely 6-7 teeth out...