Viewing cheeeeky -'s profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online

cheeeeky -

cheeeeky -'s avatar

Birthday: 11/18

thanks for visiting~


why hello there

Hi. Call me Hazel.

That's not my real name, but I'd prefer to keep my identity low key.

Beginner photographer, reborn Gaian, and Tumblr nut.

Avid vlog watcher. Let me know if you do vlogs!

18 years old. College student // Class of 2017.

Don't be afraid to befriend me. :3

thank you so much~

Anonymous Benefactor: Ultra Satan Slippers
ImHotPink4Ever: Loving Manner
Anonymous Benefactor: Sweet Strawberry Cupcake
Anonymous Benefactor: Churpy
Anonymous Benefactor: Sweet Peach Ice Cream Sundae
Anonymous Benefactor: Kokutan the Demon Cat




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"peace out. enjoy life. live the adventure."

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