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Brolarsystem's avatar

Birthday: 09/04

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uke moans on 01/24/2023
Squall Leonharted on 01/14/2023


The days seem muddled, they meld together like when you thought you trusted an ink drawing to be watercolored, but it found a way to destroy itself a stroke and a half in. gaia_zurg

Hello, my name is Theodore. I enjoy long walks on the beach and hold unnecessarily long grudges, which I hope for my sake changes someday. I am a fan of bugs (and a friend as well I hope) and like to explore abandoned places and use language that gives people emotional whiplash. I never grew out of loving all the things I did as a kid, just a lot of the people. I like to skateboard on occasion, but hate being recorded and I like to be artistic but hate when it gets me attention.

I play a lot of string instruments, listen reliably to random youtube essays and documentaries, watch a lot of anime and dive deep into American cartoon lore.

I listen to a lot of punk and Lo-fi, write, draw and work as a night-time security guard somewhere. It's so quiet, I often wind up just doing schoolwork while I'm there. I'm not particularly smart, but I'm not particularly dumb either, and my favorite color is usually orange, though I use it sparingly because I never really know when I'm gonna run out.

He/Him, Virgo, Born Labor Day of '95


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gaia_zurg Comfortably dumb, endearing to some. gaia_zurg


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uke moans Report | 01/24/2023 8:56 pm
uke moans
oooh that would be cool. where do you draw?? ugggh ive always tried to draw pixel-like but i dont like my outcomes, but i do like that style.....
but now that u mention i do get those vibes out of your art omg
uke moans Report | 01/19/2023 1:28 am
uke moans
u wISH
although i dont like green that much, i do like that green User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
uke moans Report | 01/18/2023 1:29 am
uke moans
your sig art is cool !!


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