Viewing bloodygunner's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


So I'm done my dream avi ^_^ You should comment and tell me what you think about it! I don't mind donations either. I never ask! But you can go for it and donate all you want hehe whee

User Image
Total Value: 2,094,187 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Hunny the Bear
Oculus Magica
The Nightmare 10th Gen.
Black Lace
Aoi Cache Pants
Coocoon (3rd Gen)
Those Black 90s Gloves
Archangel's Blade
Seracila Pendant 4th Gen.
Swan Song
Lunar Sash
Heavenly Drapes
Nitemare Sash

My name is Corey. This account was given to me by a really sweet friend.
I really liked the user name so I decided to take it ! hehe With no cost offcourse, because she loves me.

I have nothing really to say about myself.. not that anyone cares... ):

I've had a hard time coming out from the closest.. ahaha.. if you haven't noticed already.. I'm well.. gay >.<;;;;

I'm just adjusting myself right now. Not sure if its a good idea to even admit it.
Luckily my Mom still loves me. My dad...haha he still loves me the same. I think.. lol

But yeah you can send me a message or a friend request. You can comment my profile whenever you would want too.

I promise I won't bite because if anyones gonna be biting it'll probably be you. I'm not much of a fighter. Just the quiet weird one that sometimes has something important to say every now and then.

I'm working on my dream avi but not sure how I would want to have it. You can always help out!

uhh I'll wrap this all up by saying thank you for taking the time to read this lol
hopefully you didn't pass out from boredom. That would be heartbreaking! Gooodbbyyyyyyeee now! lol


Viewing 12 of 83 friends





Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Misty Dark Nights

Report | 01/22/2012 4:32 pm

Misty Dark Nights

Hey, I just wanted to say Nice Profile !

Report | 07/27/2010 5:22 pm


Hey sweetums:]
lost in hogwarts

Report | 07/27/2010 3:58 pm

lost in hogwarts

You helped me and I'm helping you back ! <3
lost in hogwarts

Report | 07/26/2010 4:01 pm

lost in hogwarts

lost in hogwarts

Report | 07/24/2010 7:09 pm

lost in hogwarts

i heart you corey!
lost in hogwarts

Report | 07/24/2010 7:07 pm

lost in hogwarts

i heart you corey!
lost in hogwarts

Report | 07/23/2010 2:02 am

lost in hogwarts

hey guess what ?? i got my trading mass ;DDDD
lost in hogwarts

Report | 07/21/2010 8:41 pm

lost in hogwarts

ohhh cool~~~!!
lost in hogwarts

Report | 07/21/2010 7:31 pm

lost in hogwarts

aw okay ;D
not sure if i asked you before, but where do you live?
lost in hogwarts

Report | 07/21/2010 7:06 pm

lost in hogwarts

aw...well there's no need to scared, really.
do you have a crush, at least?
yknow, i'm all for gay rights. my bff is gay. he's awesome.


Hey everyone, I'm Corey! Nice to meet you all.
I'm questing for this item whee ! I wouldn't mind some help! :3 hehe thank you very much!

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Add or send me a message because I really wanna get to know everyone here :3