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Tayuya's Book of Death


a book where I post songs, poems, quotes, stories, and stuff that's going on in my life


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/26/2020 9:24 pm


Not sure if you are still around recently. Been looking back into RPing on here and looking around to find if anyone from the past is still around.
DarkForgoten Fallen Angel

Report | 06/20/2020 8:23 pm

DarkForgoten Fallen Angel

Hey I’m working on a version of the X-men rp hope you can join us when it’s ready!
DarkForgoten Fallen Angel

Report | 02/22/2020 5:53 pm

DarkForgoten Fallen Angel

Hey! Long time no see
DarkForgoten Fallen Angel

Report | 01/18/2020 2:08 pm

DarkForgoten Fallen Angel

It’s alright i know the feeling. It’s been pretty chaotic here too
DarkForgoten Fallen Angel

Report | 01/17/2020 10:18 am

DarkForgoten Fallen Angel

Please come back my friend

Report | 12/10/2019 1:23 pm


Thanks for buying! heart
Sokar the Swordsman

Report | 12/07/2019 2:51 pm

Sokar the Swordsman

Thank you for your purchase, please visit again, should you need more alchemy ingredients !
DarkForgoten Fallen Angel

Report | 11/14/2019 8:33 am

DarkForgoten Fallen Angel

I know I’m sorry x.x
DarkForgoten Fallen Angel

Report | 11/13/2019 12:22 pm

DarkForgoten Fallen Angel

Hope you come back soon cause i already miss you
DarkForgoten Fallen Angel

Report | 11/08/2019 11:43 am

DarkForgoten Fallen Angel

Hey I can understand that! I’m hoping to start my X-men rp either later today or within the next few days. I’m sorry I haven’t gotten around to posting for dr horrible. I’ve been trying to get more people but I am finally better from a horrible cold! I hope I get to chat with ya soon. Are you out of curiosity a fan of Invader Zim?


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