Look At Me Now(;

Deuces Up | Fresh&&New | Single Ladiee | Carefree | Down
wink " " Take chances, Make mistakes, && Be happy " "
Don't change who you are for someone who can't accept that.
Names: Rei
I'm 19

Pretty simple to be honest. I can't make anymore clear then-I don't get mad easily. I tend to put you before myself even if I don't know you. I'm a very sarcastic person around certain people and very shy around others. I enjoy deep conversations I like it when someone has dreams for tomorrow. I live in the moment and enjoy taking risks...just not with my heart. I will push you away at some point. I can laugh at anything. I love to smile. Music is a major part of my life. Theres more to me then you could ever imagine. I'm the type of girl who will be nice until you give me a reason not to. I'll do anything to prove a point. I need balance in my day to function

. I'mma do me, take it or leave it
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