Hello and welcome to my profile. My name is Stephane, but people also call me Steph, Stephy, Kitty, Jigglez, or Eve. So go with what is comfortable.
I love foxes and fox demons. My role play character i used to use was based on a fox demon appearance. If you would like to know more about her then visit my Journal Table of Contents under
About Eve.
I like to make friends, but make sure to read through here first to see if we have anything in common. If I become your friend, I will want a conversation with you. I like to socialize.
Role playing is a fun hobby I have and only share it with close friends. I also draw, video game, hang out, and have fun. Anything personal will have to be answered in a PM. I speak my mind without sugar coating it and i have a weird sense of humor. If you can not really handle either then it would be best if you didn't try to talk to me. I am a Juggalette. My clown name is Jigglez and I love my family. Don't disrespect and you will get the same in return. To the other wicked clowns out there... MMFCL ^_~
Inappropriate questions will NOT be answered. I'm not on here looking for an online sex buddy. So please don't try.
You are more then welcome to view my journal. Though I don't know why you would, maybe you'll find something interesting. I try to keep the visuals a bit interesting but there is only so much you can do.
And a warning to the creeps. Don't be a stalker. If you can't handle at least attemping to not be the bad kind of weird, please don't waste my time.
accepts random friend requests

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