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Guild Wars:
My main is Judai Drue. (Ne/Me)


I like to Tektek sometimes.
If you ask nicely, I'll tektek you for free.
My private tag.


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Casual Quests

I'm currently collecting inks for body dyes.
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Voracious Insomniac Report | 10/01/2012 12:16 pm
cool avi
Azusasan Report | 12/25/2011 12:37 am
Merry Christmas to you too, Hammsy!~ emotion_bigheart
Dersa Aenstar Report | 12/24/2011 6:23 pm
Ow! Your nibbling is just as tickling, yet painful as my little rat's nips! x3

Happy Christmassss, by the by.
Azusasan Report | 12/18/2011 7:47 pm
Let's bake gingerbread men and make gingerbread houses together! * U * And sugar cookies and Christmas cakes! And, and!~

I was basically cheated out of more hours at work because my boss is taking off early for his vacation, haha. Oh well, more time to clean stuff for Tektek and play Skyward Sword at my sister's... and not make money to cover rent for January! ;-; Sigh~
Azusasan Report | 12/16/2011 11:11 am
Bahaha I need to use that in conversation now. ; w ; heart
I am... working! But I'll be going home after today, and then I'll be rolling around under the Christmas tree and baking cookies and being a generally obnoxious homebody. 3nodding How about you, Hammsy?
Azusasan Report | 12/15/2011 9:32 pm
I misread part of that as NOM-MOM-NOM-MOM and I was all DID YOU COME UP WITH A NEW NAME, HAMMSYBUN?! 8D
Hamsymoodles!~ heart
Azusasan Report | 07/11/2011 11:14 pm
.....Google translate may or may not give you the correct English for that dramallama But it will come close!
Azusasan Report | 06/03/2010 4:16 pm
Teheheheh, I saw this and it reminded me of you <33
Dersa Aenstar Report | 03/13/2010 1:02 am
oh? well, then happy birthday, Hammy! whee *huggles and smothers*

I'm just..getting friends for ocean party..or at least, for my lady friend.. sweatdrop you know, the one with the giant quest I set her on?

other than that, my life has been pretty busy..I have to be out of my parent's house by the first of April, and I have to finish this semester in school. After that, I don't know where I'll be.. I sort of want to go to Iowa where my dear friend lives, and I sort of want to go to North Carolina and live with my dad. It'll be different in both places, but I just want to be happy wherever I'm at, you know?
Dersa Aenstar Report | 03/13/2010 12:41 am
oh, no no no! o3o I rather do enjoy it ah haha

Besides, if not for your comments, my comment count would be scant whee
anyway, how are you doing, my dear?
Princesse Persephone

Listen to this, its hilarious.

Me and my Azubuns. <3