Viewing Stinky Weenis's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online

Stinky Weenis Here

My name is Lindsay, my avatar may be a guy but I'm a female. xd
I'm 21 years old and like all other humans my birthday comes once a year, and its Sept. 13th.
I play a lot of videogames and draw.
My favorite color is that. whee
I watch a lot of anime, I can't kept track on what I've seen. But my favorites are Naruto Shippudenn, Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, and Soul Eater.
I also read mangas too.
I'm a Redneck and I love me some NASCAR. Dale Jr. is my driver. heart
Well that's me in a nutshell. If you talk to me you may learn more.

Message Me Baby ;D

Favorite Games <3

All Pokemon Games. (Favorite of it Red) Mass Effect Series. Minecraft. Starcraft II. BlazBlue Series. Fable II. Star Wars The Old Republic. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. Halo Series. Dead Space Series. Crimson Skies High Road to Victory. Spyro. Jak and Daxter Series.

hear me out

Stinky Weenis