Welcome to my profile. They say every writer has a thousand faces. For me that's true. I love writing. I'm working on more than one writing project that just may turn out to be novels one day. Either way, I'll never stop writing. When I first started RPing, my OC was known as Gabriel Noah Alexander and I took him to many different storylines and places. Overall, I had an awesome time of it, but eventually his stories came to a happy close as each loose end was tied up. Now, I am known as Draketooth in the gaming community and now here on Gaia too.
My imagination is crazy at times, but that's not to say, I'm not grounded in reality either. I have a life outside of Gaia, and gaming, and it is one that I am quite proud of. I work in the healthcare industry and little by little, I've been working my way up in the ranks. I'm a fan of anything Steam Punk, and consider myself a Fantasy/Sci Fi nerd as well. Despite this, I also enjoy the outdoors as well. Sometimes a good game of Ultimate Frisbee hits the spot just perfect. Other times, a quick swim or jog on the beach is just what the doctor ordered. Then again, sometimes its just as sweet to curl up on the couch to a reading of Game of Thrones, or pop in the DVD Player and have a Firefly marathon followed by Serenity. Either way, I am a person who knows what he likes.
When I'm home however, or driving to or from work, that's when the gears start turning. I like to think of myself as a world-builder. Often, I'll think of complex worlds and societies. Some fantasy based, others sci-fi. From a series of moons with sentient life that revolve around a super-massive gas giant, to a world of Steam Punk Vampires, Werewolves, High Elves, and Goblins; my mind is constantly on the move.
One of my passions is role-playing. I enjoy this because it expands the mind and challenges you to come up with something new and to deal with the unexpected. I also enjoy reading just as much as I love writing. I have taken heavily influences from Terry Goodkind, George Martin, Patrick Rothfuss, even Douglas Adams. I am a big fan of the character development and interactions from The Walking Dead TV series. I try and be a sponge and absorb everything I see, hear, or read.
The artwork down below is a tribute to my first OC Gabriel Noah Alexander. I feel that it is important that they are still seen as they were very special to me when they were first made, so here you can enjoy them as well.
Artwork of Me by Ambivalently!!!Featured Avatar on the Gaia Blog in May 2013 Baby!!!!
Lola Stardust did this piece of avatar art for me.Another Jedi piece, done by Ruby-chan this time of San-Chan Artshop.An older piece done for me a loooong time ago. Note the White Drome Egg, first evolution
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