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my vampiress store

I aM rAnDoM, tHeReFoRe I sElL rAnDoM sTuFf!!!!! ((P.S.-> EvErYoNe Is WeIrD iN tHeIr OwN wAy!!!!!! DUH!))


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dratina92's avatar

Last Login: 01/17/2013 12:09 pm

Registered: 06/09/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/30/1992

random typings

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dratina's journal ^-^

it is about what happened, my feelings and etc.


I'm 17 years old. I'm from the wonderful USA. and my favorite quote is:

"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart"~Confucius

"it's better to ask for forgivness, than permission"~Brom from ERAGON

all i wanna say is i hope like me for who i am, not what i look like. if you like me for my looks then i won't be your friend. so then u will be missing out on the chance on having a trustworthy, kind, and caring friend. that's not my problem. so think about it. oh, and one thing is, is that i hate it when people can't except me for me. i will be who i wanna be.

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Total Value: 76,105 Gold
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Item List:
Blue Solar Flare Belly Tattoo
Sentry Security: Franz
Beat Slim Black Shoes
Castaway Blue Shorts
Blazing Blue Criss Cross Swim Top
Celestial Wrap

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heart CLICK MY DRAGONS!!! heart

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swim_emo_swim_4_your_life Report | 12/30/2011 8:24 am
emotion_awesome yum_strawberrypie emotion_omnomnom HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! emotion_awesome yum_strawberrypie emotion_omnomnom
swim_emo_swim_4_your_life Report | 05/26/2011 12:19 pm
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lenden Report | 11/03/2010 9:23 pm
I like your avatar~ biggrin
Willa-Wisp Report | 10/09/2010 10:35 am
Hi and welcome to The Dragons Keep guild!

Please read the two announcements in the main forum - "Welcome to the Keep - an informational post" and "Rules of the Dragons Keep." Also, read the "How to post your dragons" thread, so we can help you the best we can. We are a friendly guild but we do have rules we ask our members to follow.

If you have Dragon Cave eggs and/or hatchlings, post them AND your scroll link in the Incubator/Infirmary thread in the main forum. When you post your eggs/hatchlings, make sure post a code (either the BBCode or TinyURL code - we accept either one) along with your egg/hatchling image. If you don't know how to post the egg/hatchling codes or your scroll link, let me know. I'll talk you through it.

Check your Cave account settings and make sure it's set to ACCEPT AID so we can help your babies grow to healthy adults. If you don't know how to do this, let me know.

Also be aware if you acquire new eggs and/or hatchlings (or abandon/give away any of them), it is your responsibility to post them in the Incubator thread.

We check all eggs and hatchlings in the Incubator daily to see if any are below the 4 day counter. If so, they will be placed in the Infirmary and walked to help get them the needed clicks/views to mature them.

If you have other adoptables, there are many subforums for them as well.

Looking forward to seeing you in the Keep! And again, welcome! biggrin
-X-Draconic Assassin-X- Report | 10/09/2010 7:21 am
-X-Draconic Assassin-X- they've helped me raise a lot of my dragons in the past. =) My scroll is by the way =)
-X-Draconic Assassin-X- Report | 10/08/2010 6:29 pm
-X-Draconic Assassin-X-
Sorry, not gonna send it to my friends because the dragon's profile says that I can't do it unless you let people do it. =( But I did click it. <3 If you have any other dragons you want me to click, then send them to me when you need clicks. Try walking the dragons in the main bump page of Gaia. That should get you a few more clicks. There's also a guild that I joined that will help you hatch dragons. If you want me to give you the link, then just comment me back. =)
Myth of the Dream Report | 10/06/2010 2:50 pm
Myth of the Dream
ok i think I helped with those eggs. smile can you help with my egg?

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Raine Amorie Report | 10/06/2010 12:52 pm
Raine Amorie
Eggs clicked heart have fun.
skittIez Report | 09/30/2010 5:07 pm
thanksss i luv ur profile too its funny 8D
Supreme Yogurt Ninja Report | 09/29/2010 4:58 pm
Supreme Yogurt Ninja

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and crazy.

the 5th lied so i killed him. x_x

I am a vampire so you might find blood on my profile. ^-^

I am a Beauty looking for my Beast. Are you my Beast?

I am a Beauty looking for my Beast. Are you my Beast?

my awesomest, bestest, and closest friend/cousin!!!!!!