Viewing Aldrix's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online


Aldrix's avatar

Last Login: 11/18/2019 2:27 pm

Registered: 08/18/2007

Gender: Male

Location: Idaho

Birthday: 01/15/1990

Occupation: GameStop

Personal Website

Music of Greatness

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Pics of awesomeness CHA!!!

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Stuff I probably dont need

crappy sig eh....

PM me if you want an art trade or somthin[/size:64d9b76447][/color:64d9b76447][/align:64d9b76447]


I dont have a life (keep scrolling down theres alot about me)

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50 facts about me!

1. Hi my name is Ariel.(I'm a girl by the way)
2. I live in Idaho but I grew up in Illinois.
3. Mah birthday is jan/15/1990 so gets me toys! :3
4. I am 19!
5. Art is my favorite thing to do and I want to go to NCA!
6. My favorite part of the human body is the nose ( ITS NOT A FETISH)
7. Rainy days are awesome and I luv them!
8. I am striving to become a designer and comic artist.
9. My favorite food is potstickers.
10.English is my least favorite subject in school.
11.Jelly beans and licorice are gross, but I do like M&M's
12. I write stories.
13. My workplace is Gamestop.
14. I placed 300 hours into chrono cross, but it got deleted sad
15. Yellow is my favorite color right now.
16. I luv novelty t-shirts.
17. I have a tendency to be a C student :l
18. I have a prosthetic leg.
19. My friends receive weird and stupid nicknames from me (Spoopty for example)
20. My favorite game series is Metal Gear solid.
21. my favorite anime is Outlaw Star.
22. I worked at a comic book store once.
23. Also I worked for A call center (t-mobile)
24. I think dragons and fairies are pwetty! (invader zim quote)
25. I can name 25 facts about myself.... lets get silly.
26. I have been mistaken for a boy a couple of times.
27. My natural hair color is light brown.
30. I have hazel eyes, but they tend to look green.
32. I hate DBZ!!!!
33. I haven't cried in an year and a half.
34. My favorite book series is the sword of truth.
35. When I was little I wanted to be a psychologist.
36. People used to make fun of me.... but I was dorky ^.^
37. I have only broken a bone once.
39. # 38 was to see if you were paying attention.
40. I used to think Devil May cry was evil. lol
41. I love working on photoshop.
42. My favorite food is pasta-roni.
43. How do you spank a giant baby?
44. OMG METAL GEAR! I once dressed up as snake for fun ( I even had a mullet).
45. I committed vandalism once...... Back in my dirty dirty past....>.>
46. Immortal rain is mah favorite manga series.
47. My favorite movie is the Crow.
48. I hate know it all's!
49. I have one more fact to go.









Visit this shop!!! (its not mine by the way)

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I has a Deviant art, come check it out!

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Look out its a picture of my friends and me & a christmas tree!

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Say what you will I still love you!!!

View All Comments

SimplyPab Report | 11/17/2010 10:38 am
hey aldix, its that person that you havent got a commission from in years? I am so sorry about that! I forgot about my gaia and now see your trade request.
You want me to do that for ya? I owe it to ya for disappearing like that! Let me know, and if you want, you can give me a different avi that you'd like since
its been so long 0-0'''
Captain Canadia Report | 01/20/2010 9:04 am
Captain Canadia
you're welcome
Captain Canadia Report | 01/14/2010 7:49 am
Captain Canadia
happy early birthday
xanies Report | 12/31/2009 7:21 am
ur welcome
xanies Report | 12/30/2009 8:46 pm
thank u for buyin ohhh and awsome profile ....i love it
iiRomeo Kazamata Report | 12/18/2009 2:39 pm
iiRomeo Kazamata
Aldrix I know your selling a Gogh Reed. See I been questing it. I had to sell all my good items to even get close. I have 756k. Could you give it to me with a little Discount? PLEASE!
AtlasDao Report | 11/16/2009 12:32 pm
i never known anyone with one
AtlasDao Report | 11/16/2009 12:27 pm
whats it look like?
AtlasDao Report | 11/16/2009 1:04 am
you have a fake leg? :O
Henbit Report | 11/02/2009 7:57 am
Aww thank you. ^^

Your avie is pretty spiffeh.


I usually rant so please close thine ears

View Journal

Why Do I Keep Counting?

Well I really don't know what I plan to write in my journal.... I may add poems funny stories and pics I drew. I normally don't get around to adding anything unless I am super bored and cant think of anything better to do with my time.