Welcome to Gaia! :: Arenas

  • Arenas
  • New Comic
  • Title: New Comic
  • Artist: Mahiru Suoh
  • Description: Yeah! It's finally done. First, I'd like to apologize for the buildings. I've never drawen them before so i'm sorry if they still look so geometric. And the shading. That took forever and nearly killed my blending stick. O.o Anyways, I still need to work on my anatomy and perspectives. And about the words. Yeah...I hope you can read the last line, but I thought that was the best font fit on photobucket. Anyways, hope you enjoy.
  • Date: 01/18/2009
  • Tags: comic wolf
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • Mahiru Suoh - 01/19/2009
  • Thankies! I want to continue it, so I'm studying my male anatomy. I tried to draw a boy yestarday and god, I was so paranoid that my sister would ask what the hell I was doing. I also was giggling through it the whole time. So much for maturity. And while I was drawing the underwear all I could think was the whole "Whoop" thing. Yep. Yours will be awesome! My mom mention too that I was going to live on my own drawing graphics novels one day and I was like "So? That's a win!"
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