Writing Arena SpotLight
- I am by ccocco_puffz24
- Chapter two
- Into the Woods, Prt.1 by O R E O Bandit x3
- A 4 part story morphed out of a daydream. He's hiding a secret, she's supposed to find out, but is it worth knowing a seemingly terrible thing. And is knowing the truth really best for their friendship? A "suspenseful" tale, a...
- DRAMA FOLDS. . . by xiao_gong_zhu15
- This was supposed to be a drama story thing, but didn't really work out. First chapter. Aaron was murdered and dies, Luna tries to find the murderer. I thought it was sad when i wrote it. Comment, see if you like. . .
- The Posh Conquest by notamember
- This is a plot that I've been working on. It's not fully developed,but it's a head start. I think I'll make it a roleplay rather than a short story,but I'm not sure. Please comment!
- A New Life Chapter 1 by kandy453
- This is the beginning of a story about my very own gaian and some other people I'll make up. Hope you enjoy it!! NOTE: I know its short hopefully there'll be longer chapters in the future.
- Contract Zero: Introduction by Jisnair
- A boy. A monster. Without experience one is doomed for failure, and life is never kind to those lacking. Decisions are made and done without regret. Protect thy father. Contract Zero (c) Jisnair/Me
- Chapter 1: Recurring Encounter by Pixelated Kandy
- Alot of people have commented on my stories and said I spend to much time with description to the point that it gets boring. So I've tried, with this story, to sorta balance it out and thin it to get to the point quicker. P...
- The Lost Boy of Ages by DirtSk8rGirl
- just a story i wrote when i was bored.
- Chp. 3 the cage by when11meets11
- chapter 3 to my story yellow soft eyes! hope you enjoy!
- The Ruined City by XI Project_Archangel XI
- A city believed to be an impenetrable landmass in the grasp of the clouds. Buildings towered over the immense city. Everything was going peaceful until an unknown force destroyed the city and the landmass plummeted to the ground.
- Twilight Kisses by Fantazz Randomness
- Twilight with a Gothic twist. Bella, the Goth. Edward, the Vampire. The SPARKLY kind of vampire. I'm trying to bring a bit of Vampire Kisses into the twilight story. Tell me if i've done well. I DO NOT OWN TWILIGHT OR VAMPI...
- Demonic World of Love by Skittlez n Glitterz
- A story written by me. Just kinda thought of it one day...
- Perfect Faces by Z E T H I E K A
- Another series as well as 'Featured Dead' please leave comment! I need comments! :gonk: Enjoy! :)
- The river of sangria by Vampyremartyr
- A really weird short story I wrote
- 10000 feet down by Bocuma
- The second part of an odd tale about a boy, and a can of tuna fish. Disclaimer: There is no tuna, there never was any tuna, and never will be!
- Unfounded by EmilyEffinRocks
- Life's harsh when it comes to being a teenager.