Vampire Village
{ Prologue }
Once a village in the middle of a desert was a happy little town ( population 50,165 ) with six eerie figures ( which the towns people called lunatics ) were sealed in the village jail. They had long black/ grey hair, four had red robes and two had black robes, a tall man had long nails, two figures held a little child on their hands, and every night a victim died inside the jail with bite marks on their neck.
“ What’s going on these days?” asked the sheriff, “ Our prisoners keep dying!”
“ I think it’s those lunatics” answered his assistant.
“ Can’t be they’re sealed shut!” he scoffed.
One night a little girl came into the jail to meet her father. She sang a little tune and said “ DAD! DAD! DA-” she paused and stared at shadow on the ceiling. “ Hello” the shadow said.
“ He.. l. l.. o” she said stuttered.
“ Are you scared your heart is beating hard” the shadow asked.
She walked away and the shadow dashed after her from the ceiling. “ Ah! Dad!” she screamed, “ Ah!” She stumbled on a rock and fell. She cut her arm and began to bleed.
“ That smells good” said the shadow coming off the ceiling.
“ It… HURTS!” the girl said in pain.
“ The pain will go away hold still” the figure said.
He bit her neck and she started to cry, “ Ow!” she yelled in pain. Then she took her last breathe and died. The shadow let go of her and said,“ My brothers lets kill all these cruel humans who killed our army and locked us in a hatred jail and put a curse on the village that the next humans that step on our grounds we and other vampires will kill them and their group that came with them even though they don’t step on the village.
:Chapter 1:
At Ramona Junior High School thirty children were going on a field trip to Arizona. “ Are we there yet? Ha-ha! I’m bored! Hey stop!” the children screamed in the bus.
“ Everyone’s loud!” said Chrystal.
“ I know, and what’s going on with you and Danielle?” asked Joshua.
“ Uh… well we fought about something and she hasn’t talked to me for a while” answered Chrystal.
Danielle told Jasmine “ I hate Chrystal she’s being a brat and saying that I hit her!”
“ What a loser! And by the way Matthew’s so into you!” said Jasmine.
“ Don’t mind to cut in but Matthew’s making out with a girl in the back!” McKenna said.
“ No way!” Jasmine looked, “ OMG! They are! Don’t look Danielle!”
“ American Idol was awesome yesterday” said Megan.
“ I know! I loved that girl who sang Bubbly!” said Prussia.
“ Yea, uh guys do you have a drink I’m thirsty!” exclaimed Maileen.
Prussia handed Maileen her water bottle, “ Ah! That hit the spot! “ said Maileen. Jeremiah threw paper balls at McKenna. “ Stop! You big b-” she stopped when the bus stopped.
“ Aw! Shoot the engine died!” the driver said hitting the bus steering wheel, “ Hey you kids go find a close town and get gas.”
“ Oh come on!” said the girls. They walked out o the bus.
“ You too boys” said the driver.
“ Crud!” said Matthew.
:Chapter 2:
They walked, and walked, and walked! “ Hey I see houses!” said Jeremiah pointing to little village. ( Half dark ) They ran to the village and seeing a gas station. “ Hey guys! You get the gas and us girls will head back to the bus” said Maileen smiling. “ Whatever” Joshua said seeing something run fast toward the bus.
“ What was that!” said Matthew.
“ It was nothing lets keep going” said Jeremiah.
When the girls were heading back ( fully dark ) they saw blood all over the bus. The bus was scratched, tore, the windows broke with blood trails from it and it was very quiet, “ Oh my god!” said McKenna. They ran to the bus and everyone was missing and dead except one boy named Jacob. “ Va… am… pi… res… were taking and killing the others!” he yelled and stuttered.
“ How did you live?” asked Megan.
“ Well… they didn’t see” said Jacob looking uneasy and wiping his lips.
“ Lets head back to the boys and tell them” said Prussia. They headed back to the boys and the boys were walking toward them. “ Hey ladies!” shouted Jeremiah holding the gas.
“ We got to stay in that town for a while for someone to drive us home.” said Maileen.
“ Why?” said Joshua.
“ Everyone in the bus is DEAD!” shouted Prussia, everyone stared at her, “ What it did happen”
“ From what?” Matthew scoffed.
“ Vampires and I saw it!” said Jacob. The boys dropped the gas and stared at the blood on Jacob’s shirt.
:Chapter 3:
“Hello!” said Jeremiah talking to the man behind the counter. The motel looked very old, about twenty crosses on the walls, spider webs all over the room, and the man kept a large cabinet in the back it was long, tall, and made of dark wood. “ How are you kids doing?” asked the man. He had black hair, a scar on his forehead and quite tall.
“ Uh do you have a car?” asked Joshua.
“ No we don’t, I’ll call you guys one” said the man going to the phone.
Cling-Ling,“ Dang it no service”
“ Well we’ll stay here for the night “ said Jacob, “ Can I get my own room?” handing money to the man. The man took the money and gave the room key. “ One room for the girls and another for us guys” said Matthew handing money. Matthew smiled at Danielle after getting the room keys, but she ignored him.
“ Wow this room is more spookier than the lobby” joked Jeremiah.
“ Hey lets check on Jacob” said Joshua. They headed to Jacob’s room and opened the door. He was looking outside the window and seemed to talk to someone. “ Jacob! What are you doing?” asked Matthew.
“ Uh… nothing… really” Jacob said and smiled.
A sound came from the lobby.
“ Eh!” screamed something outside the building.
“ Ewwie!!” screamed Prussia, “ Dead people” The man stared at her like she was crazy.
“ Don’t you understand that’s not a human!” he shouted at her.
“ Then what is it?” asked Jasmine.
“ A vampire” said the man cautiously.
“ What a fake, you’re just trying to scare us” said Chrystal trying to be brave.
“ No he is not Chrystal, you’re scared like the rest of us and pretending to be a popular piece of -” said Danielle staring outside. There were about twenty outside.
:Chapter 4:
“ Oh snap!” said Maileen looking outside.
“ What the!” Mathew said and paused while looking at the dead vampire on the ground then looked outside. “ Here kids grab a gun and kill them before they kill you” the man handed each kid a gun. Joshua ran to Jacob’s room to give him a gun, but when he went inside he was gone. “ Guys! Jacob is gone” Joshua told the others. Maileen started shooting one man then a women. “ Then lets find him!” she said shooting and walking outside. “ Dang girl you got skill!” said Jeremiah following her.
“ Hey guys I think I see him under that house!” said Megan. She and Prussia started running toward the house.
“ Stop! Don’t!” said the man. Five of the vampires ran after Megan and Prussia. “ Ah!” they screamed then Megan stumbled over.
“ Megan!” Prussia started running toward her until two vampires jumped on Megan.
“ Ah!” Megan yelled. Blood leaped into the air, then three more vampires started running after Prussia. Prussia stayed still like they were hypnotizing her. She started to cry for help, one jumped into the air then a loud gun shot hit the vampire on the head then two more loud gun shots hit the others. “ Eh!” the vampires screamed in pain. The vampires disintegrated in the air.
“ Need help?” asked the girl.
“ Thank you!” Prussia said then ran toward the house. The others were killed and the girl introduced herself. “ Hello I’m Yoelmis” she said.
“ Hey” Jeremiah said staring at her and dozing back and forth.
“ Oh! Jeremiah likes her!” McKenna joked.
“ No time to be making fun of each other lets see if Jacob is ok” said the man. They ran to the house but it wasn’t Jacob it was a girl from the bus her neck bleeding a lot. “ Then where is Jacob?” asked Jasmine.
“ Over here” Jacob said behind them.
“ Oh my god! You scared the crud out of me!” said Jasmine jumped in the air.
“ Where did you go Jacob?” asked McKenna. He didn’t answer and changed the subject. “ Hey guys I found food in a bar” he said. They went inside the bar (it was mostly brown with many wooden chairs some were tore up and even broken) and ate like pigs. There were roast turkey, pie, chicken, BB-Q, Bacon, and lots of Apple Cider. “ Hey kids I’m heading back to my motel.” the man said. When he was heading out Maileen asked Jacob, “ Are you going to eat?”
“ Uh… no thanks… I’ll be right back” he smiled and headed out the bar and walked behind the building.
Jasmine got a little to curious and followed him to investigate. “ They’re inside the bar” said Jacob. Five figures were with him and were very quiet as a mouse.
“ Jacob?” she whispered, then one of the figures heard her and looked at her, “ Oh dang!” She dashed back to the bar. Jacob stared at her like he was going to kill someone and Jasmine got terrified. “ Hey guys I saw Jacob talking to these guys in the back” Joshua was shocked and tried to see Jacob but he was gone.
:Chapter 5:
“ Where did he go?” asked Joshua then saw that the floor was moving. They grabbed their guns and got on top of the counter. “ Ah!” Prussia said then fell down, Crack!
Prussia got pulled into the floor and blood squirted out of the hole she was pulled into. Her gun shot at Jeremiah’s head in accident and he was pulled into the hole when he fell off the counter. “ Ah!” Chrystal yelled, Danielle shot the arm pulling Chrystal. “ Thanks for that” said Chrystal.
“ No prob” Danielle smiled.
“ Friends?” asked Chrystal.
“ Yea” Danielle answered.
Then it stopped, “ What the heck happened?” asked Jacob coming back into the bar.
“ What are you hiding Jacob?” asked Maileen.
“ What do you mean?” he said nervously.
“ You were still alive in the bus, you were calling someone out the window, you disappeared like two times, and Jasmine saw you talking to someone in the back” said Matthew seriously.
Jacob gulped and ran away. “ Is it ok if I made a joke without Jeremiah around?” asked McKenna.
“ Yea” said Yoelmis.
“ Ok, well that helped!” joked McKenna. They went outside to look for him, they saw a door close at a building. When they entered the place was dark and you can only hear yourself and the people around you talking. “ Oh me gosh! What was that?” asked Jasmine frightened.
“ I see you!” said a shadow, “ Hehe lets play! Lets play!” then two children were in view. They were quite short, their eyes were dark, and they wore suits or dresses. “ Want to play tag?” asked a child. Then five more children were visible, then ten, then five more! “ Holy crud!” said McKenna grabbing her gun.
:Chapter 6:
McKenna shot a kid on its chest. “ Why did you do that!” said a girl and her eyes turned red, then the others did too, “ Tag Time!” said the little girl and twirled her fingers around and made Joshua and McKenna stay still.. They started shooting them wildly but they were to fast. “ Ah!” Joshua and McKenna yelled being tackled by five kids and were losing blood. The children laughed while killing them.
The last kid got shot and the door behind them slammed shut. “ Jacob stop this!” Jasmine shouted outside.
They ran to a building that door shut. “ Here we go again!” said Matthew. Crrreeeaaaakkk!
They saw shadows coming from the ceiling, then dropped a head on the floor. They started shooting the ceiling. “ Dang it! No more bullets.” said Yoelmis. She grabbed more bullets but they fell down. She lowered to get it until one grabbed her head. “ Ah!” she screamed, her legs were dangling from the ceiling and fell dead.
They shot the last one. They ran outside and ran toward the city jail. Jasmine found a doll on the floor and picked it up. She thought about her friends who died today and cried. “ It’s time” said Jacob and ran into a room.
:Chapter 7:
The room was wide and blood was all over the place and they saw Jacob with many other figures.
The last battle began with the survivors and twenty children, ten ceiling climbers, five shadows, five vampire kings, and Jacob. “ Hey guys guess what I betrayed you and became a vampire” he smiled, “ I made everything happen and will you join me?”
“ No!” shouted Jasmine.
“ But why?” said Maileen.
“ Maileen! Quit asking dumb questions! That is the problem with you and the others, you guys are dumb and selfish!” he said with a laugh.
“ You know what lets get this over with!” said Matthew but he spoke to soon a shadow went under him and started pulling him down.
“ Eh!” said the shadow and let go of him. It started moving toward Chrystal. She ran and started shooting some kids who were chasing Jasmine. “ Ah!” said Danielle one of the ceiling climbers grabbed her and bit her neck. Danielle’s eyes turned red then back to normal.
Matthew shot the climber and he caught her. “ Let go of me!” she said then a shadow grabbed him. “ Danielle help me!” he yelled, she tried killing the shadow but missed every shot and Matthew was drawn into the shadow. His legs turned red with blood then he was gone amidst the dark shadow. “ Crud it’s my fault!” cried Danielle shooting the shadow.
All the climbers and kids were dead. But one shadow was left and under Chrystal, “ Ah!” she yelled. Her legs turned red like Matthews and was drawn in as quick as you can saw yellow! “ Bye everyone” whispered Chrystal and smiled. Jasmine shot the shadow’s core and the shadow died out. “ Wow you two ladies are clever but clever enough?” The five kings and Jacob were ready to fight.
Jasmine shot two directly in to heart and Danielle killed one on the head. “ Come on ladies!” laughed Jacob.
“ Shut up you b-” said Jasmine but was stopped when the tall man said.
“ No harsh words under this ceiling!” he ran toward Jasmine.
Danielle shot him on the leg. “ HA! Not quick enough!” she said and shot his head. “ Father!” Jacob ran to the man and his eyes turned red. He choked Danielle and brought her to the air. Jasmine said, “ Jacob stop! Remember you’re friends who died because of you”
“ It wasn’t my fault!” said Jacob.
“ Yes it was” said a glowing light.
“ Who’s there!” he yelled.
“ Us you’re friends” said the light starting to become a figure. It was the kids from the bus and the ones that died today. “ It can’t be” he said staring. He let go of Danielle and walked toward them. Maileen walked toward him and kissed his cheek, “ I wanted to do that in the bus but had no time.” Joshua then said “ Now for your punishment you will see what good times we had and how we died and how we felt.” they rose their hands and light came into Jacob’s eyes.
A tear of blood came from his eyes, and he fell to his knees then he started tearing blood some more. When they stopped his tears became water a dark shadow and screams came out of his body and he was back to normal and was turned into a ghost. “ Thank you” he smiled and thanked Jasmine and Danielle. Then they flew up to heaven happy as ever with light coming from the ceilings.
Danielle and Jasmine went outside and saw many other trapped souls come into the sky. They started to cry a little and walked there way to the street. “ Hey kids I found you guys a car” said the man and drove Jasmine and Danielle home. “ Thanks” Danielle told the man. They were home and lived happy as ever.
The End
Special Ending
“ Danielle what’s wrong?” asked Jasmine.
“ Nothing just thirsty.” Danielle said. She screamed and fangs grew from her and she attacked Jasmine. “ Danielle! Stop!” Jasmine screamed. Blood jumped on the windows. CRASH! The man died and Danielle exited the car. “ My turn!” she yelled.
- by Black_Blood_Heart |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/14/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Vampire Village
- Artist: Black_Blood_Heart
- Description: This is a story with six pages... i submitted it at a writing contest nad got 2nd place and i hope you like this one to :D
- Date: 02/14/2009
- Tags: vampire village
- Report Post
Comments (7 Comments)
- gum-bubble-gum741 - 07/03/2011
- its a kind of brutal....
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- iiWolfGod - 02/16/2009
- jacob is mean! :O. hes a b-! :]
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- iiWolfGod - 02/16/2009
- gothic light stalker, ur an idiot, he can write wat he wants. and thats just ur opion, most poeple think its good. so stfu ur mouth and ******** off
- Report As Spam
- gothic_light_stalker - 02/16/2009
- its a bad story you idiot
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- JaxM15 - 02/15/2009
- DANIELLE IS EVIL NOW! OMG! :O Great story! Top rating!
- Report As Spam
- clumsychick107 - 02/15/2009
- this was a little better than the boring one
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- II Tifa II - 02/15/2009
- Me Likky :]
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