it was a cold morning. the sun barely touched the horizon. i yawn as i rise out of my bed stretching my arms.
I got up slowly and looked around sleepily.
I notice a small change in my eye sight but pass it off as nothing important
I look out my window and see the neighbors. 'What are they doing up so early?' I wondered. I disregard it and turn away.
"Hurry It up Sam!" Marge yelled. "shhhhh Marge someone might hear us" Sam responded. My intuition forces me look back through the window.
Marge was holding a package. It was shaped like... it was shaped like a sword. I shook my head. 'I've been playing too many video games.' but I didn't look away.
"Honey!" MY mothers voice suprises me. "are you up yet!". "Yes Mother!" i answered. I look back through the window but Marge and Sam was gone.
I stole one last glance at the window then went down the stairs to find my mother looking tired and making coffee. "Morning." i said.
"Morning dear. have you taken a shower yet?". "no mother not yet"
Our conversation continued until it was time for school. "im going now mother be back later" i said walking out the door. " see ya hun"
I walked to school and then suddenly stopped. I looked around quickley then dove into a bunch of bushes. 'Oh my gosh.' I thought. I had dove because I had spotted my crush. My crush passed and i slowly got up and brushed myself off. 'Well, that was a bit of an overreaction but whatever.' i said. I spotted my friends and jogged over. I was greeted by a few "What up." "Hows it goin." and "Hi." from them.
"hey wats up with your eye?" My freind ash asks. "huh wat do you mean?" i responded. "Your eyes its like turning yellow on the corners."
"No way. let me see." my other freinds said.
They all gathered to look at my eyes. "Dude! Whats up with that?" they all exclaimed.
"I dont know what your talking about!" suddenly the school bell rang. and i ran away from my freinds towards my homeroom class. were they messing around with me or was there really something wrong with my eyes.
I ran into the class and sat down at my desk. I leaned across the isle to the girl next to me and asked "Excuse me, do you have a mirror?"
"Yeah, why you need it." She asked. "um its nothing i just need to check something." i said. " k fine here". she passed the mirror.
I looked into the mirror and gasped. My eyes were starting to turn yellow. I passed the mirror back and grabbed me sunglasses from my backpack. I put them on quickly and prayed that the teacher wouldn't tell me to take them off.
the teacher came in and imediatly sat down. the next 10 minutes were quiet. the teacher took attendance and nothing else. i was releived to here the school bell. i took off to my first hour class.
I walked into eniglish and took my seat in the back of the class. I kept my head down and drew pictures as the teacher took attendance. This teacher didn't like me so I usually kept a low profile in his class.
time passed slowly. as the teacher drone on and on about verbs nouns and adjectives i could not forget about my eyes. when suddenly the teacher called on me
"What would be the proper way to use the word 'sacatage'?" he asked. In my moment of need i quoted sylvester the cat, "Erm, savoring sacatage?" I answered flatly.
"hmm you seem to be a little off today MR. Jon, is something wrong?"
"No, everything's great. I'm just tired." I said quickly, hoping he would just drop the topic.
"well..." he started saying but was cut off by the emergency code red drill(Dangerous intruders). everyones faces suddenley showed fear." I...is this a drill" a student asked "please tell me its a drill. the teachers face showed that he was not expecting this.
It was apparent that nobody knew what to do so i took charge. "Okay, you four put desks against the door." I said, pointing to four guys. They got up, taking their desks with them. I pointed at three girls and said, "You girls put up paper on the windows."
"everybody supports the table with the chairs and bakcpacks. then i want people to start creating a barrier with the rest of the tables." everyone just stared at me. "HURRY!" i yelled.
Everyone started moving around, following my orders. I looked over at the teacher and he was standing in the middle of the room looking dumbstruck. I turned away and glance around the room. The windows were covered, the door was blocked well. There were still eight desks in the middle of the room that weren't being used so a few of the other guys and I made a small baracade big enough for just the girls and we sat on the outside and surrounded it.
i can feel the fear build up in the room. their thoughts were all clear to me, they all think thy're all going to die. nobody was prepared. thoughts were racing in my head. my freinds, i wonder how they are doing. mother is probrably going to go nuts when she hears about this. but sarah. i hope she's alright. i tense up. i stand. eyes were on me. i turn to the table behind me and snap off one of the legs. the snap made the girls cringe. i sat back down.
A few guys followed suit.The doorknob started rattling and the room fell silent. Nobody whispered, nobody moved. I got up slowly and quietly and stood beside the door where whoever it was couldn't see me.
the rattling stopped. i eased down. My head was killing me. i put my hand over my forehead and closed my eyes. something is wrong. am i sick? iopen my eyes and almost screamed. darkness surrounds my classmates. i dont know what it means, but i suddenly cant control my body. my body moves. it runs straight to my classmates. It wisphers. it comands them to move. to get closer to the walls. nobody moves. then suddenly a shot fires from the door. i regain control of my body. i look around. somebody was hit on the arm. she screams. "ya hear dat! we hit a used one!" a voice says from outside the door. everybody stands and rushes to the side. i hurry to the wounded girl. i kneel down and carry her to where everyone else is.
'Uh-oh, this is not good.' I think. I get up and prepare myself for a fight.
suddenly the door bursts into shrapnel. "everyone on the ground!" a clean shaved man said.
I took a deep breathe and lunged for the man. I tackled him and pinned him to the ground.
another man came in and hit me with a bat. he helped the ma i pined down and he kicked me to the wall. "another move like that and someone dies!". my body aches. i open my eyes but my eye sight was deformed. i was seeing in red but i think that its from the beeding wound on my head. but something else was weird. everything that didnt move was blurred. like everything blended with each other. only when things moved did things seperate.
I shook my head but it didn't help. I tried to stand up but about halfway up I was hit with the bat again. "What cowards." I said. "What did you say?" the man with the bat asked menacingly. He didn't expect an answer. He expected me to be afraid. All i felt was anger. I suddenly found enough strength to stand up. He tried to hit me but I spun and avoided him. I grabbed him and threw hit at a wall which made a large dent.
then suddenly i hear a loud sound and a strong sharp pain through my chest. the man i pinned down shot me. " dammed kids". the man with the bat kicked me to the wall and continued to beat me with the bat. i could hear the screams of my friends. "hey stop already! ideont think he can even move so stop your overdoing this." the gun man said.
The man with the bat made no move to stop. One of the boys in my class, Andre I think his name was, jumped up and knocked the man with the bat to the ground. He started hitting him. I heard Andre's girlfriend scream because Andre had flown into a wall. My vision started going even more blurry. "Andre, if I don't make it through this, tell Sara and my mom and my brother's that I love them. Tell my brothers to be strong." I almost whispered. My chest ached. "Don't talk like that man." he said.
"please just......AHHHHHH" my heart jumped and jumped, my muscles constricted and i began to seizure. Then suddenly im on my feet. my body burned. Adenaline flowed through my body. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" i exploded into a berserk.
I ran over and hit the gunman, knocking the gun out of his hand and knocking him to the ground. I hit him and his nose started bleeding heavily. "Please, let me go. I'll leave right away, I swear." he pleaded. "Why? You weren't going to let us go!" my reasoning self failed me. i continued to beat him even when i noticed that he went limp. even when i felt his blood all over my fists. the man with the bat knocked down andre and ran out. i continued to beat him without hesitation. Andre walked towards me "Jon stop your going to kill him!". "So what! He was probrably going to kill alll of us anyway!" I growled. I turned my head towards him. "Ahhh! What the hell is wrong with your eyes!" andre yelled, i could feel his fear.
"I don't know! I don't know about my eyes, I don't know about my sight, I don't know about my hearing!" I yelled. "Jon, calm down." Andre tried to reason with me.
"DONT TRY REASONING WITH ME!!!" i threw my fist againts the wall. the air shook and the wall crumbled.
suddenly everything went dark. i could feel the blood spew out my head, nose, ears, eyes and any other opening.
I heard the girls in the class scream. I wanted to say something, to tell them it was okay, but couldn't.
My body slowly becomes numb. my mind quickly fell apart, and i fell into deep sleep. " hey, wake up." a sweet voice whispered. i slowly open my eyes. it was white. my sight was blurry. i could make out figures that i can only guess are people. My sight slowly came sharper.
When my sight fully cleared I looked around at my surroundings. I was definately not in school anymore, I might not even be on Earth. I was in a sort of feild. It smelled of freesia and orange blossoms.
my body's numbness was gone and i could move. i stood up. i was confused. I do not Know where ii am but it feels so familiar. "So your awake". I turn towards the voice, but quickly turned away. "ah...um...hello miss....can you...um.... tell me where i am?" i said my face became hot and what i canonly imagine red. A soft hand turns my head towards the voice " it rude to not look at who you are talking to" the sweet voice said. i CLose my eyes shut. "what is wrong" she asks. "Ma'am your... ummm. NAKED"
She glanced down at her body and snapped her fingers. "Are you okay? You seemed very... what's the word? Distraght. There we go, you seemed distraght.
I stared in awe as the wind spun and became her dress" are you more comfortable now?" she asked. " y..yes mam." i said. "not mam.. my names is Anna. Anna the wind goddess." she proclaimed proudly.
"Erm, nice to mee you, I'm Jon. Would you mind telling me where I am?" I asked
You are where ever you want to be. suddenly the field denigrated into nothing. "we are in your mind" she said. she glowed in the darkness around us. " my mind?" i asked dumbfounded. " look" she pointed behind me. " what?" i ask. i look around i see myself, or i think its myself. i look much younger. much younger. almost like when i was 5, but this me had a wilder feeling. Then i notice something important. this young me had bright gold colored eyes, and even stranger canine fangs and what i swear looks like a dog tail coming from my behind.
"Hey, he looks like one of my characters that I wrote about." I said. "Really? Well, could I tell you the truth?" she asked. "Uh, sure. I guess you could." I answered. "It looks like a small version of how you look right now." she said hesitantly.
"what!" i yelled in suprise. "look" she held out her hand and mirror formed.
"Oh my god! This isn't me!" I exclaimed. I raised my hand an touched my face. The mirror copied me and I jumped in suprise.
"the thruth is you are the last remaining "golden werewolf". your parent were killed when you were very young and was intrusted to me, i could not risk you growing up to get revenge and get killed so i reincarnated you, sealing your abilities. apperently the seal slowly got weaker until your compressed powers burst and made you go into berserk."
"Well, that's nice to know! FINALLY!!!! Nobody bothered to mention that I'm some breed of DOG?" I exclaimed.
"actually wolf" she said. "DOES IT REALLY MATTER!!!" i shouted.
"THERE'S STILL SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME!" I shouted. "Shouting will get you nothing young man, except maybe a slap to straighten your thinking. You need to keep going to school like nothing's wrong. Do you hear me?" she said. "Yes, I hear you. But how am I supposed to be normal when everybody in my english class saw me go wolf-freak?" I asked. "Simple, You switch schools. I will be in touch with you later today and we'll talk more. You are phisically in the class still, when you wake up you need to go straight home." she said firmly.
with that the world spun and i was in the classroom. everyone was unconscious, the wall was destroyed and the man with the gun was a bloody body. i almost cried. i searched for my backpack and ran as fast as i can. i wasnt heading home. i was just running. running where my feet would take me.
I ended up in a park. I looked down at my clothes and groaned. 'Great! This mush look really good.' I thought because my clothes had blood all over them. It was mostly on my shirt so I pulled it off and shoved it into my bag.
i took out my pe clothes and put it on. i sat down on the ground with a tree behind me. i was so tired. so i went to sleep, hoping to wake up and everything was a dream.
"I TOLD YOU TO GO HOME! IN A PARK BY A TREE IS NOT HOME!" Anna shouted at me in my dream... or head I guess. "Chill out. Nothing's going to happen." I said cooly, "And what hapened to your 'Shouting will get you nothing' attitude from a couple minutes ago?"
then suddenly a small cyclone sweeps over me and im in my room. the cyclone transforms into anna. " Im a goddess, i can do anything i want to"
"Wait, am I asleep or awake?" I asked. "I don't know. Find out for yourself." she said. I shrugged and then slapped myself in the face. "Ow! Yep, I'm definetly awake." I said, dazed. Anna laughed and sat down on my bed, "So, where would you like to go to school from now on?" she asked me.
"actualy I dont want to leave" i said. "What? What about everyone in your class seeing you go wolf berserk?" she asked. "wel since your a goddess can't you just erase their memories?
"Hm..." she said, deep in thought. I waited and she replied, "Nope. No can do. It's against the god and goddess code."
"really, let me see this Code then." i said. she bit her thumb and opened her palm, the blood rose and became words.
"Woah! That is awesome!" I exclaimed. "Ruled numbed twenty: No erasing mortal memories without permission of Gortan." she read. "Then get permission." I suggested. "It will take forever to get. I can't just walk in and demand permission." she said. "Why not?" I asked. "Cause I'll lose my godly powers!" she exclaimed.
"then ill do it" i sugested. "NO!" she screamed. I was shocked. her scream made the air go wild and soon enough my room was messy and clothes were all over the place. "ooo...K" i said. "I...I;m sorry, its just that if anyone found out about you they would kill both of us." she said, i could hear a hint of sadness in her tone. " now that i think about it why were my type hunted?" i asked.
"Because they were dangerous and unpridictable if they were young." she explained. "So if they found out, you're saying that we both would die?" I asked. "Exactly, that's why you can't tell anyone."
"especially liith. she's the queen of lust. and her faverite hobby other than aduktary is blackmail, if she found out that im hiding you" she starts saying, she shudders " i dont even want to think about all the things she'll make me do".
"Oh. okay, then I've always wanted to see Ireland I guess." I said with a shrug of my shoulders. "Ireland? Good choice." Anna said, already over the thought if Liith.
"bang!bang!". someone was pounding on the door. "who is it" i ask. no answer.
"I'm gonna repeat this one more time. Who is it?" I asked again. Anna looked at me and dissappeared. No answer. The door opened.
My eyes widened. it was andre. "hello" he said. "H..Hi A...andre" i nerviously said.
"Hey. You okay? You seemed a little... weird in class." Andre asked. He looked ready to bolt any minute. "Yeah. I'm fine." I answered nervously.
"well i only came here cuz you forgot something in class, here" he passed me an old book. "you got to get better books man, this looks like it about to fall apart." he said. i was suspicious of him, he looked nervous and he wasnt talking about what happened just a while ago. I guess its better for me anyways. "T....THanks" i said. "well see you tommorow." he said, and with that he walked out the door. "whew that was close" i collapse on my bed. what is happening to me! first my eyes then i go berserk and now im suppose to be a werewolf! And a golden werewolf at that. Uh man i just cant beleive what's happening to me. i fall to sleep.
"Jon! Jon get up! We have to go! Now while they're all asleep!" Anna said, shaking my shoulder. "Wuh?" I asked sleepily. "Ireland! You said that you wanted to go to school in Ireland so let's go now. You're brothers and your mother are asleep, it's the perfect time!" she said. "Now? It's too early." I mumbled. "Jon! If you don't get up I'll... wait, that's against the code..." she trailed off.
suddenly the window burst open and my wall exploded into holes as bullets flew across my room
"AH! WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?" I screamed as i dove under my bed. "If you want me to get up you just have to pull me out of bed, you don't have to throw bullets through my window!" I exclaimed as I started to get up. "Stay down! That wasn't me!" she said, pulling me back down. "Those are magic bullets! Only... wolf hunters! Oh my freak, there are wolf hunters down there!" "They're looking for a fight? Then lets give them one!" I exclaimed, jumping up again. "If five of those bullets are embedded into you, they'll kill you!" she told me.
i dove back down. i hear a scream from within the house. crap, my family!
"Oh great... this whole situation is great. Listen, you go out the back and head um.. I think Ireland is north? Head up that way okay?" Anna told me. "And what will you do?" I asked. "Well, they can't hurt me. Like I said, those are magic bullets and they wont harm anything but a were-wolf." she said. "And if they have real bullets?" I asked. "Well... I'm a goddess right? They won't hurt me... I think." "You think? Listen, I am not leaving you here." I said.
im gonna kill those mother****er. i stand up. the bullets bounce off of me. "what the hell! you said five hit will kill me!" i screamed at anna. "they must not be blessed steel only blessed steel will hurt golden were wolves."
"Then in that case, I'm gonna take care of these fools before they can do damamge to my mom or brothers." I said. I opened my window and jmped out. In my front yard, shooting bullets at my house, were a male and a female in golden armour. They had some kind of strange guns in their hands. I tackled the male and knocked the gun out of his hand.
"what the hell do you want!" i roared. "he he he" he laughed. "what the..." i cant beleive it! it was sam! sams is huntner? i cant believe it.
"Sam?" I asked quietly. "What do you think Shirlock?" he asked.
he kicks me off and i land on my hands and feet, suprisingly i felt more comfortable in this position. "but why?" i ask.
My body starts shaking and suddenly fur bursts out and I am now a large silver wolf. I try to call Anna but I end up howling. I smile a big, wolfy grin and charge at Sam.
sam was too suprised to doge and i ram himhead on. i hear a crack. sam flies to marge and they are both knocked down. i feel a tingling sensation and from what i can see patches of my fur are turnig gold. holy crapi think. i really am gold.
I charged at them again but Sam and Marge were fast. They jumped out of the way. "The nest! Go back to the nest Marge!" Sam yelled. Marge fled and Sam followed. I felt myself phase back and I yelled "Wussies!" laughing.
i laugh. then it hits me. Iam talking again! i look at my self. i was myself again. i run back inside my rrom to find my family on the floor unconsious. and anna was floating above them. "what the...." anna cut me off "they were going to be killed so i protected them with a barrier, i didnt want them to see you so i put them to sleep."
"So are they still alive?" I asked. "Yes. They are simply sleeping." she said. "So, how are we going to explain this?" I asked. "We aren't. We're leaving, get your things."
"but...." she cut me off again. "if we do not they will attack again and they will bring more poeple and this time, they WILL bring the right bullets.".
"Fine." I said. I picked up my backpack and dumped out the contents. I grabbed a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and I was ready. I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote 'Mom, Jerad and Silent, I'm sorry to leave without saying anything. Don't blame youselves, you've given me a good life. I may return but I'm not sure. Jerad, I know you've wanted my room so you can have it. Silent, you can have my surf board. I know you've wanted it. Hope to see you again, Jon.'
with that i left. out of all the things racing in my mind, i thought of sarah. will she even notice that im gone? i can only wonder.i was out on my porch when anna showed herself again. "im ready" isaid with sorrow. she smiled and blew a kiss. the wind grew stronger against me, but i did not falter or close my eyes, i will meet my future head on!]
Blue hats flew into the air and the seniors cheered as they reveled in their new found freedom. My girlfriend hugged me and we laughed. I looked out into the croud of people and saw Anna in her human guise. She held a camera and was taking pictures.
"FINALLY w are done with highschool!" i yealled and was follewd by chears from students.
My friends and Jenna's friends all came over. My friends gave me high fives and pats on the back. "I can't believe you were valedictorian Jon!" my best friend, Greg said.
"i know man, but sometimes things just work out." i look at jenna and passionately kiss her. suddenly everyone cheers and claps. i get congrats and more high fives.
I smile and Anna comes walking over. "Do you kid want to go celebrate at Earl's?" she asked, referring to the biggest resturant in town. "I ain't go a penny on me." my best friend says. "My treat." Anna says. "Cool!" Everyone says.
"one small problem" i said. everyone looks at me. "earls maybe big but we have a three hundred graduates. plus he has normal customers..." everyone just stares blankly. "easy fix" anna says, " i rented the whole thing for today and plus the parking lot so room wont be a problem. to takes us there i rented 20 limos" everyones mouth dropped. it was silent. "then what are we waiting for?" i asked. then once again the whole school seemed to shake at the applauds and cheers of all the graduates.
We drove to Earl's and took our seats. I looked around and smiled. The tables were segregated into cliques, just like the lunch tables.
"HEllo graduates welcometo earls" said the big man earl himself. he had evewryones attention, something our principal could never do.
"Hello." Anna greeted him. "Ah, sister. Nice to see you again." he greeted her. 'Sister? Does that mean Earl's a god too? Well, that would explain his awesome fried chicken...' I thought.
"as my brother has said welcome, graduates of Saline high, from now on till midnight Earls will belong to you!" this sparks another applaud from the graduates.
"I shall see you later. Enjoy youselves and please, no vandalism." Anna said. She walked out and the music was turned up. My friends and I looked at eachother and nodded. We rearranged the tables so that they were on the edges of the room and the middle was open. I walked over to Jenna and spun her onto the dance floor. My friends followed suit and soon enough, the make-shift dance floor was filled with dancing teens.
they rest of the night was wild. dancing teens, couples making out at the corners. me and jenna just danced and danced till we couldnt anymore.
Ten'o'clock came and went, eleven passed then twelve. Before we knew it, Earl was telling us that our time was up. He shooed out all the Seniors and juniors that sneaked in.
me and jenna were the last ones out. we stayed till jennas parents came to pick her up. "BEEP BEEP!" her mother's car droned on and on. "well thats my ride" she gigles. the full moonshines across her skin, my mind become hazy. shes so beautiful i thought. "i guess so" i say. "i had a good time today jon". "me too jen.". we were silent. her breaks it with another beep. "goodbye" she said. i couldnt take it anymore! i grab her hands and twirl her into my arms. our eyes meet and i kiss her. passion overcomes me and i become aggressive, i stick my tongue in heer mouth. she is defensive at first but soon gives in. our lips met while our tongues clashed. her breathing grew faster. suddenly another beep breaks us away from our trance. i let go of her and stares at amusment as she tries to regain control of her legs. " um....." she was unable to day anything as she was panting heavily. "i will see you later" i say for her. " you better hurry or your mom will be angry.". "Y..yes i should." i walk her to her moms car. "hello Mrs. broker". "hello jon, have you been taking good care of my daughter?". "yes Mrs Broker."
"Bye Jen, bye Mrs.B." I said, waving. "Goodbye Jon. I'll see you at Jenna birthday." Mrs Broker said then drove away.
i walk back towards earls. i go in and lock the door. "nice moves there kid" earls voice says, i look behind me. I see a medium tall man with a flat top and a interesting moustache that sorta makes him look italian. "hey haves you seen anna?" i ask, still wondering if he was a god. "sure she's in the back room waiting for you." he responds pointing towards a door far in the back of the restaurant. " thanks" i start walking towards the door when i feel like i was being watched. i continue to walk till i find a table with a knife still on the table. i walk towards it making no sudden movements then when i am close enough i grab the knife and throw it to the suspicious shadow near the plants. i hear a groan and a shadow pawn pounces on me, or rather it tries. i side step and grab the knife i embedded on his shouder. i yank it out and it lets out a screech. with one quick movement i stab my right arm straight through his chest holding his heart. his movements stops and he dissolves back into the shadow that created it. i look at my bloody arm "darn this suit is a rental!", i continue toward the door, this time i felt no one watching me.
I walk into the room and Anna looks at my suit. "Damn... that was a rental." she says. "You're not even worried about me?" I ask. "Why should I? You killed whatever it was and you didn't get hurt." she says with a shrug.
"your mean." i blurt out. "im not mean, im just like that cuz i know your strong enough to take care of your self. thanks to my training." she say in a sarcastic tone. "now lets begin" she disapears. i close my eyes. the room is still and quite. i envelope the room with my "sense".
I sense movement behind me so I spin and tackle Anna. She shoves me off and dissappears again.
before i can regain my footing anna appears above me. "lets get serious." she puts her hands together and a tornado engulfs me.
The tonado spins fast. I pull out a small golden knife and slice a hole into it. It dissappears and I tackle Anna again. "Common, you aren't going to kill anyone like this, except maybe yourself." She says then throws me across the room. I land on my feet.
" i dont want to ruin the building, lets go into another dimension." i said. "we already are she responds, she snaps her finger and the room melts into a flat roof top "see". i jump back in suprise. suddenly i feel a sharp pain on my arm, i look foward to see anna create wind blades and throwing them at me.
"Grrr! You asked for it!" I said then went into a rage. my teeth grew and my hands turned into claws.. I growled ferociously and charged at her. I cought her arm in my mouth and I threw her across the roof. She stops midair just in time and lands on her feet.
"not bad, but your still holding back, you barley managed to scratch my skin." she said. i knew what she ment. i growl and burst into my the second stage of my rage. my muscles grew and so did my chest. my hair became longer and my ears becomes more wolf like. i can feel my eyes tingle and my eyesight becomes sharper. the air around me explodes and i charge towards anna. she moves her hands to create another tornado but it was to late. my impoved speed catches her before she has a chance. i raise my arm and with great force dig my claws into her skin.
I smile a big, wolfey grin.
she turns and tries to slap me but with a quick dash i end up on the far side of the building out of her reach from her physical attacks. Then i dash back again with the intent to kill. its was not hard. i just remember the pain i felt 4 years ago when i had to leave home. she is suprised and tries to disappear. but i was to fast that before she fully dissapears my hand pierced he body. she gasps
I pulled my hand out. "Better?" I ask.
her body falls to the ground with a loud thud. "yes actually it was." her voice came from behind me. i turn but her hands already landed on my cheek. "but your still way weak to defeat a goddess" a blast of wind of wind from her palms threw me off the roof. "aww crap" i say to myself as i fall down. i land on the ground with a heavy crash, creating a crater. "darn it! i should have taken off my suit. i climb up the crater to be met with anna in her goddess form. "yea you should have" she was holding a massive goldlen sword. "oh cra.." she throws the sword straight into my gut.
I fall off the building and make another crater next to the first. Anna helps me up and heals my stomach. "You still have a lot to learn. You let your guard down."
"yeah cuz nobody lets their guard down when they fall of a fake building to crash land on the same building?" i say with a hint of sacrasm "and what was with that gigantic sword! that hurls like hell!". she stabs me with her finger. "ouch!". " shut up, and dont talk back to me.the hunters know there is a golden were0wolf left and they will come and kill you. these hunter have learn an art of fighting that can go against mid level gods, i you cant defeat me you wont last a long time."
"If i keep trying I'll die!" I exclaim. She stabbed me again. "Okay! I''l be quiet!" I said.
"first, even if i stab you with a pitch fork 300 times you wont die till either your heart is destroyed or you are stabbed or shot with enough blessed silver. second you dont have alot of time. that shadow being you killed was sent by someone. it will come here to find out why the shadow died. if you dont want to leave you need to kill it before we are found out!" she said. leave? my freinds, buds. Jenna??? HELL NO!
"Let's go. Keep training." I said. "Okay. I'm not going to hold back." she said. the thoughts of leaving lingers in my head. i howl and burst to the strongest rage i am able to use. instead of growing bigger, i became slimmer, my muscles turned into steel. i reverted into my strongest form that i am able to use. "I never asked you to." then charged at her.
I am faster than before, but she was using her goddes form. i jump up and drop kicked her. she blocked but the force of my kick made her paralyzed for a moment.
I took my chance and charged. I hit her full force and knocked her off the building.
but she didnt fall down. instead she hovered away from the building. "is that the best you can do?", she was taunting me.
"Hey! That's cheating!" I say. "No, it's use of skills. I could've fallen off the building but then when you jumped down beside me, I would've died." she said, matter of factly.
"NO you wouldnt! you cant die from just a fall!" i yelled. "true, but it sounds correct, if i was human." sh laughed.
"And who's human here?" I asked sarcastically. "Hm ,good point." she said with a smile.
i feel an alarming presence behind me. it has a large amount of strength and i could make out a murderous intent. "WHOS THERE!" i yell, jumping up into an offensive stance.
to my suprise no one was there. "well it seems like you have a very good ability to sense" i look back and a boy was staring at me "but your still to slow" then suddenly he dissappeared. "see, you probably didnt even see me move did you?" he said smug. i look for the place where his voice is coming from. "Who are you?!" i yell.
he appears behind me.He shrugs, "Nobody... everybody." "Listen kid, you seem like about ten and it would be a shame to kill you, but I will if you try to kill me." I said. The boy smiles.
"who said anything about killing you?" his voice seemed to laugh at my suspicion "all i want is to ask you why you destroyed my scout?". "because it attacked me!" i yell. "please stop yelling your hurting my ears." he said.
"Then stop asking stupid questions!" "I thought I asked you to stop yelling." he said. "Oh, my bad. Didn't realize I was yelling." i said sarcasticly.
he sighs, "just hear me out all right.". the room was silent and i only notice now that anna was gone. "fine" i said. i return myself to normal.
"so what do you want to talk about." i said, stil suspicious of him. "well im here to talk to you about your past."he said calmly. my heart skips a beat. "wh..what do you mean." i say, refraining myself from attacking. "the hunters have given up on trying to find you, so they sent a message through the underground to tell you that you have a week to come back to your hometown until they kill all who ever knew you." he said, once again, calmly.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" I say. "I believe that you do." he said. I stay silent and stare at him, wondering if I can trust him. "Why do you care?" I ask. "I'm not very sure that I do. I might just be bored." he said.
"i havent done anything interesting for so long, i guess that i am just trying to do something interesting." he said never changing his tone, "and these days, nothing particularly interesting is happening except you, oh golden doggie boy". my eyes widen.
"What golden dog are you talking about? I haven't seen any golden dogs running around." I said, play dumb. "I know you're not as dumb as you look. I know that you know what I'm talking about. I know that if I aggrivate you enough, you'll go wolf ." he said. "I'm telling you I don't know what you're talking about!" "Okay, I'll just provoke it. How about if I go after Jenna? Will you be a little more kind?" he said, grinning evily at me.
"jenna! how do you know about her!"i yell. he chuckles, "hehe seems like i just struck a chord huh." he chuckles again. "what about if i have my shadow come after your past. my heart skips a beat. how can he know. it doesn't make any sense! who is he! and how does he know about me! "what are you talking about? what do you mean my past" i said, still playing dumb. "ill come after sarah, and your mother, and your nice little family" he laughs. ohh that is it. my body heats up and i feel my blood pump past my body as fast as bullets. "oh seems like your mad." he said sarcastically. "dam straight!" i yell. without hesitating i come on to him at full rage. my hands were at his neck at an instant. my claws digging into his throat. .
He laughs and gently pushes me off. "You think I'm frickin kidding huh? Well I'm not! I'll kill you right here, right now!" I yell.
"your not serious enough to use your golden form. so either you are too scared to use it or its because you dont really care" he laughs.
"I am not scared of some little kid!" I said and tried to phase. I couldn't. Maybe he was right, maybe I just didn't care about my past anymore.
that cant be. for two years all i did was think about my past. about those i left behind. my brothers, my parents, my friends, even sarah. i cant just suddenly not care. maybe i was scared to use it.
He laughed at me. "Don't laugh at me. I'll rip your throat out right here, right now. I don't need my wolf form!" I yelled.
"you really dont understand your self do you" he laughs. what did he mean by that. how does he even know about me. if he a hunter? and what does he knnow a bout me? and where the hell is anna!
'Fine, I don't need Anna. I can do this by myself.' I think and then say, "Are you a hunter?" "No. If anything, I'm a friend." he said. "Define friend." I say quietly. "I wont try to kill you. I wont attack you. My shadows and I will help you however we can."
"then why did you threathen my freinds and family i sternly asked. "cuz i thought you would give out a more interesting response" he shrugged
"Hm..." I said. I searched him mind for any trace of betrayl but got nothing. "Okay, here's the deal. You don't threaten my friends, girlfriend, family or Anna and I wont hurt you." i said. "Okay. I wont hurt you. I don't think my mom would allow me anyways." he said. "Who's your mom?" I asked. "The woman you call Anna." he said.
i was in shock again. anna was this persons mother?! "yes i am" i turn and i see anna in her human form "and that wont do any good, benjamin here is immortal. plus that body is fake."
"Woah..." I need some air. I say and turn away. "You're outside." She reminds me. "Oh. Well, I need Earth air. Send me back now." I say. "Okay." she says. "I'll talk to you at home cuz." Benjamin says and Anna transports me back to Earth. Anna transported me over a lake and when I arrived, I was immediently dunked into cold lake water."Ha ha, very funny Anna." I said, not sure if she could hear me.
(end of chapter two)
(chapter three)
(you start it out, they are somewhere, anna is explaining how the the boy(benjamin) is related to her.)
"Benjamin, please be good. Your bedtime is at seven." Anna said leaving him at earls and then teleported to jon. "Jon, I'm sorry that I've never told you about Benjamin. It just never came up." she appologized when she found him. He was on the side of the lake that she had dumped him in, drying off.
"yeah that helps" i said. "its kinda complicated." anna said. "the thing is he is not really my son yet at the same time he is." she look at my puzzled face and sighed. "he is the son of my human husband three hundred years ago, from my human form. it was an accident." she continued "he seemed like a normal boy at first, but after years, we noticed that he stopped growing at the age of 5, he should have been 14, when my husband got really worried, so he had a doctor come and see if there was anything wrong with him. the doctor found nothing wrong with him and left. we learned to live with it, and soon we notice that when he was at the age of 20, he looked older than he was years ago, but only slightly." she sighs again and continues " we were so happy when we realized this, so that week we went to our cabin in the woods. we stayed there for days and when we were ready to leave, a bear attacked our cabin. my husband was..." she stopped. after a few moments of silence she continued " he was killed by the bear. benjamin cried and attacked the bear. i ran to stop him but the bear tore the cabin down. when i escaped from the ruble, i found benjamin with deep gashes all over his body. he turned to me and showed me his hands. he was holding a massive heart. i looked beyond him and saw the bears corpse, it was missing limbs and it had a hole in the middle of his chest. he looked to me and said "what is wrong with me". i wrapped my arms around him and said "nothing is wrong with you" that night i told him about my tru identity. from then on the light from his eyes dissappeared. after a few decades, he decided to seperate from me. then that was the last i ever saw from him again" she sighed again and said "until today".
"Wow... so he's coming to live with us?" I asked. "Yes. No. I'm not very sure..." Anna said.
"Well I don't like him very much, threatening Jena is one thing but threatening my family and friends just makes me furious." I said. Anna didn't seem that happy to see her son. Then I remembered what he said about my golden form.
"How does he know about me being the golden wolf if you haven't talked to him in a long time?" I asked. "He's a very smart boy, I suppose he's been hanging around us for a few days but hasn't shown himself to us until now." Anna said. "I don't like him. If he's moving in, I'm moving out." I said and turned away. "Don't be difficult." Anna said sternly. "I will if I want!" I shouted. "Then you wont be living under my roof!" She shouted back. "Fine! I'll leave and your son can have my room!" "Go ahead! You wont last three hours by yourself, you're always relying on me!" she challenged. "Where the heck did that come from?" I asked, hurt by her words.
"I've provided for you for so long and you act ungratefully. It was the same way with Ben." she said and looked away. "Oh.. um, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'll stay, even if he comes to live with us." I said. She perked up quickley and smiled at me. "Thank you Jon! That's great to hear."
just know i feel as if i was tricked. i sigh "well can you take us home now? im tire so i wanna go take a shower and sleep." i ask wearily. "sure" she answers, "but dont forget to put you dirty clothes in the laundry". she blew me a kiss and a tornado formed around me. since i was in the eye of the tornado, i didnt spin , it was calm and i had time to think about all the things that happened today.
It transported me infront of our house and I stood there looking at it for awhile. It was a large white house with the east wall made entirely of glass. The front yard was nicely manicured thanks to me. 'What do people see when they look at this?' I wonder as I walk through the front door. 'What do I see when I look at it?' I ask myself and my answer surprises me. 'Home'
i walk in the neat house (anna is a clean freak). i walk up stairs to my room. i went into my room and then undressed. i wlked into my bathroom and turn on the shower. i look at myself from the bathroom mirror. it realy has been four years huh. four years since i was still with my famiy. four year since i was just an average joe, living like everyone else, doing what im told. its been four years since i left what i called my "home". i could still recall the times my brothers and i had fights, eventhough i cant remember why. four years since my life was about trying to impress girls, hanginf out with freinds. i feel a tear roll down my face. its been four years since mt life changed. i know that if i try to go back, it would just endanger everyone close to me. i look at my body, scars was all to remind me of what i went trough to get where i am. my muscles were not massive but it was still there. training with anna was like hell. eventhough she is a goddess she can be really scary.i sigh. i raise my hand and wipe away my tears. the mirror became foggy as a sign that the water was hot. after a shower i put on a change of clothes and lay down on my bed. i stare through the glass wall towards the moon. it will be a full moon inn a few days. even though it doesnt matter at all if it full or not since golden were-wolves isnt effected by full moons (or so anna tells me) i cant help but stare at its beauty. i yawn. todays training was really tough, i guess anna really went serious. i yawn again. my eyes close and i drift into a deep sleep.
"Hey. Are you dead?" I heard someone ask. I didn't move because the voice was unfamiliar. "Mom! I think the dog's dead!" the voice called. "No, he's not dead. Just hit him in his stomach if you want him up." Anna called from the kitchen. 'Who is she giving my weakness up to?' I thought and felt a sharp pain in my lower area. My eyes snapped open to find Benjamin sitting at the edge of my bed. "What the hell? That ain't my stomach you stupid little brat!" I yelled and pushed him off my bed.
"close enough he said. he got back on his feet and ran away.
"Arrg! Get back here you little demon!" I yelled and ran after him. "Hey! I'm only half-Demon, thank you very much." He said as I chased him.
"like that really matters" i yell
"Yes it does!" he yelled back. He jumped over the sofa so I tried to imitate him but fell on my face. "Haha! You can't jump over a stupid couch!" Benjamin laughed at me. I reached out and grabbed his ankle and pulled him down. I got up and laughed "Hah! What now?"
i look down but i was just holding air, he was gone "what the?!" i said i suprise. "your still so slow." he chcuckled from the table "hurry up or the food s going to be cold".
"Whatever..." I said. I took a seat in between Anna and Benjamin. "Your son's a brat." I say to Anna. "I know, he gets that from his father." she said with a fond smile.
ughh this is going to be a nightmare i think to myself
As soon as we finish breakfast and rinse the dishes, Banjamin smacks me upside the head. "Hey! What the heck was that for brat?" I said. He shrugged.
"ughh, i knew it" i said to myself. "hey hurry up or your going to be late for work!" anna yells.
I look at my watch and jump. "You're right. I'll deal with you later, half-demon." I say to Benjamin. I grab my phone and walk out the door.
i wak towards the backyard to be confronted by a low level demon. "you smell delicious! let me eat you! it dashes towards me. "i dont have time for this!" i yell. i transform my hands into claws and rip the demon apart.
I wipe the blood off of my hands on the side of the house and started running or else I'd be late for work.
i activate my wolf hinds and jump to the rof of the house and then to the next.
I stop when I'm on the roof of my work. I phase to human and hop off the roof. "Jon? Did I jsut see what I think I just saw?" My boss asked.
"yeah, some kids threw my house keys on the roof yesterday and i went to get5 it back" i said innocently. "no imean... nevermind, just get to eork" he said. "must have been my imagination" i hear him grumle under his breath
'Few, I've got to be more careful. If he had caught me, Anna would have to do another mind wipe.' it thought. "Nice, what would you've done if he'd caught you?" Benjamin asked. I spun around. "Go home." I spit through my teeth.
"mom gave me permission to roam around town for a bit. so no" he respinded with a kick.
"Argg. You'd better sleep with your eyes open because one of these nights, I'm going to kill you in your sleep. You don't gotta go home, but you can't stay here." I said, picking him up by his collar and throwing him about a mile. I dusted my hands and walked inside of my work.
"do you really think you can kick me out that easy?" he laughed from inside the building. damm!
"What will it take to get you to leave me alone" I asked. Jena walked into the building and Benjamin said, "A peice of that."
i grab him by the collar and dash into the employee only area. i slam him into the wall. "dont you dare touch her" i whispered as threateningly as i could.
"Ooh, struck a nerve did I?" He asked. "You little... that's it, I have no other choice." I said and dropped him. I got my phone out of my pocket and he asked, "What are you doing?" "Calling your mother." I said.
his face turned blue. "you wouldnt!" he stated. "oh, of course i would" i laughed.
"No! Please, I don't want to get grounded! I'll be good! I'll stay by your side and I wont say a thing please? I've never had a friend before..." Benjamin pleaded, sounding like a normal little boy.
i laugh. i close the phone and put it back inside my pockets.
"fine but you are not to lay a hand on Jenna and you must stay by my side." I said, in control of Benjamin for once.
"fine" he whined.
we both walk out the room, he followed behind me. Jena was right ahead. she spotts me and imediately runs and hugs me. "hey jon" she said as she embraced me. "hey sweety" i responded, wraping my arms around her. with a peck on the lips we let go of eah other and stood there in an awkward moment. she notices ben and shrieked "OMG! Who's is that cute kid?". "my..uh.. cousin." i said. "So CUTE!" she shreiked again. "yes i am, and your pretty miss." benjamin said.
"Awww!!! Do you want to go get an ice cream? How about go to the park?" Jena asked.
"No i dont think he's got the time to..." ben cut me off "ofcourse i would!".
"Okay, lets go. We'll be back in an hour." Jena said, taking his hand.
"Behave Benjamin." I said as they walked out.
as they walked out ben looked back and stuck out his tongue at me. i sigh and get back to work.
Four hours later, Ben and Jena come walking in the front door lauging. I clocked out and walked over. I grabbed Ben by the collar and said, "You said two hours, not four." "Yes, I did say that." Ben said. I shook my head and turned to Jena. "I hope he didn't cause you any trouble. I'll see you later, love." and walked out, dragging Ben behind me.
- by death_knight1995 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/26/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: One morning
- Artist: death_knight1995
- Description: was bored so m e and a freind started creating this story, not finished yet i just wanted to see if what we got so far is even interesting. if you have any advice please my ears are open, and by the way there are typos and grammar errors. it still the rough draft.
- Date: 02/26/2009
- Tags: morning
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Comments (4 Comments)
- cutelittlepuppies - 03/25/2009
- wow... that's alot more ^_^
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- cutelittlepuppies - 03/05/2009
- yay!!!
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- death_knight1995 - 03/04/2009
- ill keep adding it once in a while(its work on progress) my freind hasnt been on and we are co writing it.
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- cutelittlepuppies - 03/03/2009
- write more!!!!! i like it... maybe u should add something... like some other creature that was reincarnated or something meet up and they both are heading for the same place or something
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