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    Part 7:
    The car headed down a familiar street that her home was located on. That didn't make any difference to Yuffie through.
    She took her index finger out of her mouth eying the many cuts that her fangs had delivered her finger. The blood from the many cuts ran down her finger. Instead of being grossed out with her own blood she slowly spun her finger to manipulated where the blood ran.
    Once pulling into the drive way she briefly looked up seeing that it was indeed house. " Now Yuffie.. I wa-" was all the young teen was able to hear before exiting the car and walking up to the front door.
    Yuffie turned the door nob, and to her surprise it was open. The house was dark inside and she still walked in closing the door behind her getting rid of any light that was allowed in from the outside. Just by memory she walked to her room. Reaching in and flipping the light switch on.
    The room lighted up in a instant. Looking around Yuffie's jaw dropped seeing the posters of famous people, a vanity with jewelry and hair items all over. The room could have lit it self up with all the light colors. A calender was located on the wall right next to her bed, that pointed out last week
    s party.
    " You got to be freaking kidding me.... " she said not understanding how any of this could be her room.
    Walking over to her bed the young girl sat down on it with confusing on her face and in her mind. She didn't feel the same anymore being in her room reminded her of all the people and events that happened there. None of it felt like her memories through.
    Yuffie shook her head trying to shake the eerie feeling off. Pushing off all the stuffed animals and clothes on her bed to the floor. Than swiftly got up and headed towards the door to turn the light off, causing the whole room to whole into darkness. After the room was completely silent and dark she crawled up to the head of her bed and slid over neath the covers. Soon sleep fell upon her eyelids.

    The next morning her Mother, a fine looking creature herself, walked in Yuffie's room past her bed to open the curtains of the window letting the bright yellow's sun ray's shine into the room.
    Yuffie moaned and pulled the covered over her head. The mom simply walked over to the foot post of the teens bed. "Jewel, you have to wake up. We wouldn't want to be late for your public appearance again now would we.. "
    Yuffie made a sour look on her face appear and tried to do back asleep. The lack of action from her daughter only annoyed the mother. " Yuffie! Now.. " she nearly yelled. Yet the teen still took know action. The Mom paused thinking than a smile appeared on her face. " I got a better idea... you can skip today and hold a small get together tonight. I'll call your friends and ask them to invite everyone. "
    Upon speaking the older woman walked out of the room to plan for the get together. Yuffie knew what a "small get together" meant a full scale party in their big houses backyard. Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll, but don't forget the swimming and dancing as well. Even thought she plan annoyed her more than just going to school she was happy just to have her mother leave her presence.

    By the time Yuffie got up again it was dusk. She sighed remembering that her mother planned a party. So she did the only thing she could do, get dressed and get ready. She walked into her closet having so many clothes that she needed a walk in closet to fit them all. Looking at the three walls of the room, one was taken up by all shoes, another wall was dresses and shirts, which only left one wall for tops are pants. Searching intently for anything that wasn't slut-y, show-y or a bight color. After searching for a good half hour she managed to find two black peices of clothing. A pair of black pants that didn't cling to her skin, and a black sleeveless tank top where the two inch straps rode edges on her shoulders, the tops cut dipped almost forming a open box like shape on her bust.
    Walking out of her room she Mom walked by looking at her outfit. Putting down the food she was carrying in her hands she looked over Yuffie's outfit. " Are you sure you want to wear that? You arn't.... you are showing very little skin. " she said looking at her mostly covered up daughter.
    "I'm sure..." she said walking out into the backyard. No quests had arrived at her house yet so it was very quite outside. The silence of the outdoors didn't last long soon the sound of the doorbell rang through the house as the first people arrived.
    Her Mom scampered quickly putting on the newest and most popular music of the week on. Than opened the door to a handful of people all dressed in there party outfits. This group was Yuffie's old friends, Carly and the rest of the gang. Before her mom could fully close the door more people entered, within ten minutes the whole house was filled and people began to move outdoors for more room and fun. The loudness of the music even blocked the slashing out water as people either jumped in or were pushed into the pool.
    Yuffie silently watched as the people filing into her house. She looked at the chaos that was occurring an energy that she once lived off of, now when she looking into the group she felt like a outsider looking in, wondering when the madness would ever end.