• I had a dream Last night..

    I was waLking aLone in a foggy road. I don't know where to go, I don't know how wiLL i step knowing I don't know if there wouLd stiLL be a road to step on by moving on. I asked for God's heLp to guide me to go on the right path and to teLL me which way to go. It came to the point that when I moved my left foot forward, it cannot feels anything, means no floor to step on. I asked God, "Do I have to go back because my way is not right?", God answered me, "You asked me to heLp you and guide you to go on the right path, now this is the way I want you to go through.", I'm afraid to go on because I might faLL somewhere. I heard someone caLLed my name. He's with a woman and they are hoLding each other's hand. The guy spoke and said "Go on Yen, don't be afraid. I'm with someone and I can Live with her.", my tears feLL knowing he's the one I truLy Love teLLing me to go away not knowing I can't Live without him. I spoke to God and said "I'm ready to come with you for I don't know how wiLL I Live without HIM by my side". Then I stepped my foot once more where I have no fLoor to step on...

    The next morning, my famiLy keeps wondering why I'm not yet waking up from my bed. They went to my room and found me not breathing. I died siLentLy and went to heaven with God without any harm physicaLLy but because He knows I'm aLready tired of Living on earth. He chose me to feeL the pain in my heart rather than be physicaLLy harmed.