Chapter 1 The Beginning
My name is Hiro, for as long as I can remember the world has been a play ground for the vampires. So when I was born I was raised as a cold blooded killer, until my fourteenth year they suddenly vanished. After two years we figured they were all dead, but if they were really gone how can there still be incidents where a person’s blood, had been completely drained from their body? Well That when I figured they had to still be out there watching and waiting, Also this is my job as a Hunter.
“Still pondering about that last scene Hiro?” A voice asked , as a blond haired woman walked through the church gates, her simple attire of a black body suit, and jeans was what always caught my attention . Even though she wasn’t much older then me, the way she dressed made her look a little older.
“Yes Anastasia.” I answered , hopping down, my black cloak flew up some showing off my muscular body, even though she was the only one who, thought it was perfect. I landed on the soft grass, it never surprised me how graveyard soil produced, a shock absorbing substance . She playfully petted my head like she always did, her usual innocent smile spread across her face as she did so.
“I love how soft your midnight hair is.” She complemented me like always. I knew her usual routine when she couldn’t stop herself from touching me. I ignored it most of the time, mainly cause I liked it but some times it was just annoying. Her soft blue eyes always made me want to ask her out, but the fact she was a member of the church meant, she couldn’t date anyone. I backed away after she was finished messing with my hair.
“Oh Hiro, I almost for got Father Albert said to hand this to you.” She said reaching into her pocket and produced a small piece of paper. Of course this had to be my next assignment by the order of the church. I sighed as I took the paper from her hand and unfolded it. To my main surprise it wasn’t an assignment, it was a document stating my rank and power in the church.
“Well that’s a low blow” I comment seeing I was ranked at the lowest. “They might as well say I haven’t done my job,” I shouted angrily ripping the paper into small pieces and threw them into the air. Anastasia gave me an odd look as if I had gone a little mad, but I assured her it was nothing. After that I headed inside to my quarters to rest before the next assignment, considering it was the first time in several months I’ve been back, I wondered how it looked and if my journal has been opened . When I entered the chapel I noticed that they had arranged the bleachers differently, they were now facing three sealed coffins, a cross had been carved into each, and a few people were making funeral preparations.
“What happened?” I asked looking around noticing other changes as well such as, a few pictures were added to a wall which meant they had died in combat.
“God has chosen a few more to take to their heavenly home in heaven” a voice said as a gray haired man stepped from the alter, his skin was winkled he was obviously ancient, his clothes were pure white robes, and he also carried a cane. Of course this was the head of the church Father Albert, the most renowned priest in the world.
“Good evening Father” I said politely, showing a respective bow.
“Young Hiro it joys me to see that you have returned safely from your travels.” He said with a warm smile. He bowed down and thanked God since I had returned safely. I slipped by him as he started to pray, then headed down the beautifully decorated hallway with paintings of wondrous landscapes, stained glass windows shown magnificent paintings of God upon the walls, candles lit the walls down to the Hunter lodging. I looked upon the doors passing by rooms, after about twenty minutes I finally made it to room three eighty-seven. I unlocked the door and went it the room was mildly refurbished the tattered curtains had been replaced, the room had been dusted, and more surprisingly the drawer was still locked and my journal closed with a sufficient amount of dust on the cover.
“It’s good to be back.” I sighed as I laid down on the bed . I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to sleep the rest of the day away, I thought as I closed my eyes and was soon fast asleep.
“Brother Kyle your performance in the last assignment was extremely well” Father Albert announced as a boy no older then twenty stood before him, his crimson hair, and armor made from ruby gave him the title The Red King.
“Thank you Father, but I must go soon God has willed me to be in another town by the next morning.” Kyle informed in his usual let me get the hell out of here attitude.
“Well if God willed it then so shall it be.” He replied to him letting him go freely.
The next morning I awoke to a melody I knew quite well, as Anastasia was walking down the hall in her usual tune. “Declaring the word of the Lord, and these are the days of your servant.” She sung as she walked about the halls, her voice soft and soothing. She continued to sing until she reached the chapel then went straight to the alter and kneeled to pray. After about ten minutes she arose to fill her chores of cleaning and then cooking. I threw on a black under shirt, baggy leather pants, and a pair of leather boots before leaving my room. As I reentered the hall from the previous night, it seemed the walk was a lot shorter then before I reached the chapel in what seemed like seconds.
“Good morning Hiro!” A voice said another of the Hunters but she was only about twelve or s. her clothing was simple leather boots, a black tee shirt along with a pair of jeans, her silvery hair was the only thing on her not black.
“Good morning little Stephanie,” I smiled at her, as stepped closer to her she jumped on me, showing me an annoying amount of affection that I found a little creepy. Since I already knew she wasn’t going to let go, I sighed pulling at the back of her shirt.
“Come on let go Steph.” I begged her hoping she would.
“Only if you promise to play with me later.” she negotiated.
“Fine.” I sighed, knowing it was going be embarrassing cause it was probably playing with dolls with her, or worse a tea party. Her face lit up and she ran through the chapel cheering then through the corridor to the Hunter’s quarters. I scratched the back of my head wondering how she could have so much energy. I walked out the chapel and back to the oak tree I was sitting in yesterday. I gripped the lowest brand and swung myself up it and sat with my back to the trunk of tree giving me a perfect view of the scenery. The sun gave me a clear detailed look of the snowy mountain tops, the vigorous forest nestled below it, was what made this a picture perfect moment. Even though the scenery was good the man made power lines took away some beauty of the sight.
“Hiro lets go!” a voice called angrily below me nearly making me fall. I took a quick look and noticed it was Marco, another hunter but unlike most he was a vary impatient, his attire of red and black clothing were his favorite, but his trademark was the black gun he carried, his hair the same color as his clothing which always freaked me out. I slipped to the ground thinking I forgot something, so I thought in my head about what I forgotten, and it his my like a ton of bricks.
“Wait I forgot my weapon” I told him making full haste inside the chapel. Marco nearly ready to shoot me for making him wait when I returned a full hour had passed, But I had retrieved my sword, and fulfilled my promise to Steph. Marco really wasn’t the kind of guy to be likeable easily, but he was serious when it came to the mission, he places it above all else. We stopped in town a few people glanced at us knowing that we were hunters, but that never made you popular. AS Marco barded a train his found himself in a verbal confrontation. Though Vampire Hunters were considered murderers and thieves to all, there is a reason why none normally will start a fight with us. Marco being impatient whipped out his gun and fired three shots directly above and to the sides of his opponent’s head.
“Try me again and I’ll kill you.” He said coldly turning his head back as he too his seat. The man freaked out of his mind.
I decided to take a different car then Marco so I wouldn’t be caught in any cross fire. Marco wasn’t that bad of a marksman, but he got out of control fast. As predictable as always, shots were being fired enough times to involve the military. I sat in my seat sighing as the shooting stopped, I knew they were all dead, or Marco was bored. I stayed in my seat looking around my empty car, possibly scared off when the first bullets were fired. Although the scenery was dull, the music awful, and my eyes falling shut it, was a pretty awful ride. When we arrived in the next town D’arc, Marco went to gather information on a few reports of the vanishings, I did the job of find shelter for the night. I had the hardest job any Hunter could ask for, since people despised us. I checked the local inns, but they were always saying they were full ,or the last room was reserved. After about ten inn’s I discovered a old house on the edge of town thinking it would be the best for now, I set off in search for Marco.
Marco wasn’t pleased we couldn’t find a suitable place, but he was okay with it for now. I set myself up in a top floor bedroom, the room looked as if it hadn’t been in use for a while, the floor was falling in, molds, and mosses were growing the corners, but a few things led to the fact people used it as a teen hot spot cause there was beer cans, old clothes, and some cigarette butts. I cleared most of the stuff off the bed such as a beer can or two, then started to set up my room for about a month. I wondered what Marco found, cause I hadn’t heard him from him in a while. I started down the steps then hearing a familiar sound I stopped, and went back to the room a little shocked.
“Damn if he was going to screw some chick he should have told her he was a priest.” I sighed hearing a feminine voice begging for the priest and Marco ’s voice answering her calls. “I’m definitely not that crazy.” I muttered covering my ears, as they kept going.
When I awoke the next morning hardly aware I fell asleep, I felt a warm object behind me, as I rolled over I started to panic. The fact was a short blonde haired girl was sleeping next to me, and I don‘t know how she got there. I slowly crawled out of bed happy to see my clothes were still on. As I turned the door knob I heard a small giggle behind me.
“Good morning” She smiled getting out from the covers she was in nothing more then her underclothes.
“Put some clothes on for Christ sake!” I shouted covering my eyes afraid to be drawn into my teenage instincts. I heard a few fabrics moving as I uncovered my eyes they were happy to see, that she was wearing a tight, white tee shirt, and shorts that could hardly be considered clothing. She stepped up to me giving me a lustful gaze.
“Here is for not kicking me out last night.” she quickly gripped me and started kissing me, before I knew what has happened I was drawn in to it, returning the favor. When I came to my senses she was pulling away from the kiss.
“Hmmm. That wasn’t a bad kiss” she winked going back for another, but this tom my hand separated us.
“I don’t have time for this.” I explained exiting hastily, I went to find Marco searching the top floor first, then went to the stairs, and couldn’t believe my eyes were, a few hundred kids were laying around the place. I tried avoiding as many, as possible as on my way to Marco’s room. I approached the door stealthily, knowing if I woke him up I would have a bullet hole in my head. As the door slid open with out even a small creek, I saw a horrify sight. It was Marco, under about four or five different girls. I backed out quickly closing the door as fast as possible not caring about the noise. I headed straight up stairs with the same girl waiting for me as I started up them.
“Where are you going?” She asked, a devilish grin spread across her face. I watched her silently, her eyes becoming a dark shade of crimson, two fangs slid down her lips, and her skin was pale as snow. I stepped back quickly wishing my weapon wasn’t in the bedroom. I immediately wanted to run, but my body wouldn’t respond. As she drew closer my entire body felt numb, I was completely frozen. She wrapped her arms around my chest and pulled me closer, I could feel her breath on my neck as she moved her head for the kill.
As I stood there shrouded in fear, a loud blast came from behind me as she fell backwards. A bullet hole was in her head, as she laid there she began to decay instantaneously.

Comments (4 Comments)
- Kai_Asura - 10/11/2008
- Its on chaper twentey in my folder right now, but a whole story at once, wheres the suspense?
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- inuyasha ikari - 10/11/2008
- that is probably the most amazing story Ive read all day plz finish it
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- Aliche13 - 10/09/2008
- I like this. And I can't wait until the next chapter comes out!
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- HidingFromTheBoogeyMan - 10/09/2008
- GOOD ONE KAI!!!!!!!!!
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