• Survival

    When you look at me, what do you see? A b***h, a jerk, a selfish brat only alive to make your lives miserable, I know that’s what you’re thinking, but even so I can’t help but laugh at you. Because I’m thinking the same exact thing about you; you may think that I’m evil, vile even, b***h is a better term, but there’s a reason for all of this.

    I know…after years of torment and bruises made to my self esteem that if I don’t be the first to strike you will. For you it’s unfair that I act snobbish around you and insult…for me it’s survival…if I don’t strike first you will and many don’t realize just how fragile I am, I’ve had enough blows to my body and self esteem to know when I’m likely to spring back into suicide attempts…for me it’s survival…it’s too late to save me I know, which is why I…must always strike first.

    I can’t handle another year of torment from you people, do not realize how many suicide attempts I’ve tried in just the last year? Too many to count…I do what I do out of means of survival it’s nothing personal…