Chapter 17- Omega Zero
(music playing- The Grudge/ Tales of Symphonia)Download
*John after walking a few corridors ahead and up some stairs, John began to think to himself.*
John (himself)= Colonel left behind with Craft..... now the guardians are behind in that Override chamber..... come on guy's please make it out. We got to pull through this.
*John stopped at a door leading to some huge chambers filled with bizarre structures and welded parts that seemed to look like unfinished structures and panels. John clenched his fist and said....*
John= Alright. No backing down. Here I come Weil!
(music changes to- Final Weapon Stage 2/ Megaman X 4 )Download
*John began to proceed forward and while equipped with Model Z, John sliced some worker robots with some of the new Z saber abilities. The worker and security robots began to rain down from possible reachable zones to try to stop John, but John wasn't going to hold back since he was now alone. John then looked above him and noticed it was a long way up to the area he was heading for. John didn't see but only a few platforms and had metal beams supporting a few and broken ladders. John equipped Model Ph and attempted to wall kick his way ahead to the top but when he reached higher, there were walls of spikes above so John had to use the small platforms for ground. These platforms were only for like matinance stands and construction. John grabbed a few metal poles and grabbed one after another trying to reach another platform when there was none around from a good distance. John looked above him and noticed there was no more metal poles. There was another platform but John was running out of metal polls and still more spike walls preventing him from wall kick climbing. John equipped his Model H attempting to double midair dash his way upward and he did manage to reach it.*
John= Oh god, Weil really got a big place here. Still not fully finished but operational. But I have to keep going further. I can't let the other guy's down.
*Suddenly John's com-link opened a communication channel and hailed him*
Harpuia (radio)= John, are you alright? Me and the others can view you through the Override chamber's security system. You look like your having some trouble getting up.
Fenfir (radio)= You see that huge white pillar, that's the eclipse cannon's barrel. If you go in there be sure to try to disarm it so Weil can't fire it ok?
Phantom (radio)= John..... I know you can do it. We will try everything we can in here. I will set the service drones so they can help you go higher.
John= Thanks you guys. Have you heard from Colonel yet?
Leviathan (radio)= Colonel.... oh not at all since you left. Im getting worried too.
Fenfir (radio)= Colonel's a tough guy. I bet he can take care of that traitor Craft.
Harpuia (radio)= John. Keep it up. You're all we got now so good luck up there.
John= You guys be careful yourselves. Im hoping the best for Colonel.... and the worst for Weil when I get my hands on him.
Fenfir (radio)= He he he, you sound like your in a challenging mood.
Harpuia (radio)= Fenfir! Let's work on the overrides now. We need to help John in every way possible and let's keep the chatting to a minimum.
*Communication channel closes*
John= You guy's better be careful.
*John spotted one of the service drones fly toward him. John jumped on it's back and it hovered and went straight up higher to another section. Suddenly some of the few security drones noticed and began to shoot the service drone carrying John. John jumped from one service drone to another. The one he was on fell due to mass damage. John turned and fired at the security drone.*
John= Hey guy's those bots are getting smarter!
Harpuia (radio)= I saw it on screen. Were trying to do our best. Hang in there John.
Phantom (radio)= Just a bit further. Try to get to that catwalk above John. Try to shut down the eclipse canon in the canon control chamber.
John= Im on it!
*John jumped off the service robot and hoped on the catwalk, but ahead were some guard robots firing at him, John equipped his Model Pr and used the Protoshield to block the shots. John fired back dispatching them.*
John= Alright. Here's the door. Thanks guys.
*John entered through the door and proceeded through the chamber and found a security dome protecting the main chamber. John entered the security door and entered the canon chamber.*
(music stops)
Harpuia (radio)= John, im picking up a strong energy reading headed your way.
Fenfir (radio)= Oh no it's HIM!!
John= Who!?
*Suddenly the green armored figure appeared and it was none other than Craft himself*
Craft= Oh, John. Im surprised you made it this far. Your guardian friends fall behind?
John= Craft! What did you do to Colonel!?
Craft= I can't allow you to interfere with Weil's plans.
John= I said, were is Colonel!?
Craft= He opposed me after I confronted you and the guardians, he is.......Here. Take this.
*Craft tosses a light saber to John.*
John= Th...THIS!? This is Colonels. NO! ..... No you didn't!
Craft= It was necessary. He got in my way. I had no choice. I am not asking for forgiveness, I want you to understand the reason why. If I disobey Weil, he will send an armada all over this planet and kill all those people in Abagale and the rest of the world. I can't let them do Neige like that.
John= What about now!? Did you learn anything from Zero when he confronted you?
Craft= First you bring up Neige and now Zero? Weil will Still murder a lot of people, but I Still cannot allow you to interfere.
John= It's Weil isn't it? He resurrected you and re-programmed you against us. WAKE UP CRAFT!!
Craft= Then it's settled... I will have to not only kill that military reploid, but a human too. Prepare yourself. I am really sorry about this.
(music changes to- Boss theme/ Megaman X 4 )Download
*Craft pulls out his large gun and points it at John but John side dashed out of the way as Craft's laser blast nearly hit him. John switched to Model N and triple jumped out of the way as Craft threw grenades and used his dagger charge. Craft began to fire at John as he dashed out of the way, John returned fire and landed a few hits on Craft. Craft began to roll and move to avoid John's shots. John casted the magic spell (Thunder 3 ) on Craft. Craft got hit and received damage from it.*
Craft= You are definitely like no human I met before since Neige!
John= Craft! It doesn't have to be this way! huh... what?
Craft= That glow.......
*Model C began to activate and equipped itself onto John*
John= Huh? You again? Why now?
Model C= Chiiiiiiiiii!
Craft= This is the biometal Lord Weil spoke of. But that doesn't excuse me for destroying you!
*Model C's ear components fired a stream of it's cable and attached itself to Craft, leaving him paralyzed.*
Craft= GUAHHHH!!
*Craft began to remember some of his old memories*
****************************Craft's mind************************
(music changes to- The Grudge/ Tales of Symphonia)
*Craft's memory goes back in the control room of the Original Rangarok when Zero entered through the security door and attempted to confront him*
Craft= Zero... What are you doing here?
Zero= I won't let you fire again!
Craft= You were after Weil weren't you? Ragnarok is charging for a second shot. This will change the world and the people in it...
Zero= Do you think Neige would approve of what you're doing?
Craft= I know that what I'm doing makes me seem like Weil. I don't care if people think I am a Maverick! Someone has to take a stand and fix humanity's course.
*The control terminal slides up and Craft positions himself to fight. (A few flash backs of combat and confrontation scenes flash as he loses to Zero)*
Zero= We're only Reploids designed for war. It's not our place to change the world. That's up to humans like Ciel and Neige. As Reploids, we can only lend strength to those we trust.
Craft= Trust? And just who should I be trusting? The humans that do nothing while their world falls apart? The humans that fear us, their own creations? Or the humans that try to conquer the world? We fight each other for them!? This world screams out in pain under them... Why should I trust anyone? How can you trust them? How can you fight?
Zero= I made a promise to a friend I intend to keep. To someone who believed harmony between human and Reploid as possible. I trust that friend. And I trust the humans that friend trusts...
Craft= I...see... I couldn't even bring myself to trust Neige... Even though she has always only told the truth... Agh!
* - Zero runs to him.
Zero= Craft!
Craft= Leave my body... here... I can...no longer face Neige... I don't want... to cause her to suffer any more...
Zero= I will do as you asked.
Craft= Zero... The humans... The Reploids... The world... And Neige... Watch...over them. ...
Zero= ......,
Ciel (radio)= Zero! Respond!
Zero= Ciel... I stopped Ragnarok...
Ciel (radio)= And Craft?
Zero= And Craft...
Ciel (radio)= I'm sorry... I don't know what to say...
Zero= You don't need to say anything... Mission complete... I'm coming back...
* Zero teleports out of the area.*
*Then there was this other flashback he had as well...*
Dr. Weil= Wake up Craft. You are now revived....
Craft= Huh... who are you?
Dr. Weil= I resurrected you. Now I will fill you in with all you need. Relax and let me give you your reprogramming.....
*******************************Flashback ends*******************
Craft= WHAHHH!!!! What was that!? I..... What am I doing!? What have I done!?
John= Craft?
Craft= You..... you are John.
John= Model C must have fixed your memory and mind.
Harpuia (radio)= John! Come in John! Are you alright?
John= Im fine.... unfortunately.... Colonel... he's.....
Craft= Harpuia!? Is that really you? It's been a long time. Colonel..... I...I am truly sorry!
John= It's alright. It wasn't your fault. I forgive you.
Fenfir (radio)= John, how can you be calm at a time like this?
Leviathan (radio)= FENFIR!
Harpuia (radio)= Look, Craft, can you go in Colonel's place?
Craft= I will. If it takes to stop Weil, then so be it.
John= First of all let's shut this damn thing down!
*John and Craft dis-arm the eclipse canon and unplug all communicational cables that Weil may be able to reactivate it.*
Craft= Done. Now let's go to the chamber Weil is and stop him.
(music changes back to- Final Weapon Stage 2 / Megaman X 4)
*John and Craft ran out of the canon chamber after disarming it and headed upward to the path to Weil. When they entered another room, John and Craft were spotted by robot guards and troopers. Craft dashed past John and dispatched all of the defending enemies.*
Craft= Come on John. Hurry.
John= On my way.
*The catwalk lead to a chamber where a large space for some sort of containment for a shuttle and ship as if someone was preparing to transport something important.*
John= A shuttle?
Craft= Large transport shuttle. Weil said something about a man named Dr. Wily and another man named Dalton were using to transport there supplies for him.
John= Dr. Wily and Dalton were here too?
Craft= Even though the 2 were not your friends, they did not deserve such a horrifying fate.
John= I was so close too. They stole a ship called the Epoch and I was going to get it back for a friend but that Weil had to blow them up.
Craft= What's that flash of light ahead?
John= Let's go check it out.
*John and Craft enter a security door that leads to another chamber*
(music changes to- Dark Samus appears/ Metroid Prime 2 Echoes)Download
Craft= This.... presence.
John= Craft.... what is it.
Unknown voice= It's not that you will be needing any introduction.
*Suddenly, there was a figure lurking in the shadows,.... a figure in the shape of Zero*
Craft= It.... can't.... be.....Omega?
John= Another Zero clone?
*Craft grabbed John by his waste*
Craft= Watch it! I detect something within him...... it's very powerful.
John= I fought quite a few Zero clones to...
Zero clone?= HMPH! Those silly little copies of me? Don't be ridiculous. I am more than greater than those abominations.
John= Then why aren't you.... wait..... you name doesn't happen to be omega isn't it.
Zero Clone?= Omega is just a code-name. I AM THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE ZERO!
Craft= Then it's true.
Zero Clone?= Don't be 100% sure. I was re-built from that dead copy of mine to perfection from my old body.
John= Wait.... that mean's YOU ARE ZERO!
Zero Clone?= Well, yes and no. I am an enhanced version from my Original self .... I am now called.... OMEGA ZERO!
Craft= Just as Weil did to me. He did it to you too.
Omega Zero= Lord Weil kept a copy of my consciousness when that fake Zero destroyed my Original body. After that wretch defeated Lord Weil, he became rubble in the desert. Those 2 humans Dr. Wily and Dalton showed up in a ship called the Epoch and they rebuilt my master. My master rebuilt You and Me and was secretly assisted by Prometious and Pandora knowing Dr. Wily and Dalton could not be completely trusted.
John= And Weil went through blowing up a fortress he helped make.
Craft= John, I want you to run and go find Weil. I will face Omega Zero alone.
Omega Zero= Don't be too sure Craft. I will take him on first, he poses the greatest threat. You both will die by my hands.
(music changes to- For true story/ Sonic Adventure 2 Battle)Download
*Omega Zero charges towards John and Craft. Craft shoves John out of the way in order to protect him from getting hit. Craft wields his long big gun blocking Omega Zero's slashes but he uses his giga pillar and damages Craft and sends him throwing in the air across the room. Then he charges at John, but John dashes to the wall Still in model C, jumps, lands on his head and leaps again and fires a few pink crystal shots at him. Omega zero furiously sliced the crystals to block the attack but he still took damage. Then he pulls out his blaster and fired a few fully charged shots in a few pulls of the trigger.*
John= Good god, he can shoot instant charged shots.
Omega Zero= You see John! Im not like those Zero clones, I am PERFECT!
*Then he goes for another dash and performs a sword lift but John dashes backwards to avoid the attack, then John jumped from one wall to another of the circular tube like chamber firing more crystal attacks. Omega Zero kept dodging them and tried to fire at him.*
Omega Zero= Is that all you got!!? C'mon! What more can this pink biometal do for you? Can't even attack properly?
John= Your not getting me pal! Model C, I need to use Model N, c'mon!
*John tried to megamaerge with Model N but it was no goods, Model C kept on to John*
John= Come on!....
Omega Zero= This is hilarious! Your biometal doesn't want to switch out.
Model C= Must...stay.... with you... use it.....chiiiiiiiiiiiii!
Omega Zero= How pathetic! Im gonna turn you and that pink biometal into scrap!
*Omega Zero charges for another attack and hits John with a 7 hit Z saber combo and sends him slamming to the wall and he dashed where John was going to land and performed another giga pillar attack and sent him flying again.*
John= Urghhh..... you got to do something model C, he's whippin us bad.
Craft= You will hurt him no more!
Omega Zero= Stay out of this if you want to live! His life is mine!
*Craft fired a few grenade shots at Omega Zero but he kept batting them like baseballs with his saber.*
Omega Zero= You want to throw your life away so quickly? SO BE IT!!
*Omega Zero charged a huge amount of energy and started to glow and morphed into his white armored Omega knight form which was a couple of stories high. (with huge sword and detachable arms) began to fire his shots of Ion beams and omega beam lances at John and Craft. Craft was trying to draw closer but the blasts held him back. He pointed his big gun and fired a few large beam shots at Omega. Omega was really concentrating on John as he drew his gigantic beam sword and used his detachable arms and had them to swing it with one hand and have his other hand fire his Ion beams at him.*
John= Model C, let me use Model N, I can get back to you later ok?
Model C= Okay....here.
*Model C switched out to Model N and John set the arm canon to auto charge and fired with the other canon at Omega as John concentrated his movements to avoid getting hit. Then with a fully charged blast and a few shots from Craft, the white armored body Omega was dispatched, but Omega Zero emerged from it.*
Omega Zero= Don't even think THAT is going to defeat me!
*Omega Zero dashed to John and layed him into a 10 Z saber strike combo and it was so fast, John had no time to evade and he could only block it a bit but still took good amount of damage, then Omega Zero grabbed John by his arm and threw him across the catwalk platform and fired a few charged plasma shots on him, but Craft kept firing his laser shots at him.*
Omega Zero= That's it human lover! You are beginning to piss me off with your petty interference!
*Omega Zero turned around and charged after Craft, but Craft wasn't backing down. He dashed at him too and was ready to strike him too. Craft hit him first but Omega Zero was too fast for him, he landed an 8 saber strike combo and knocked him backwards with a roundhouse kick. But Omega Zero got shot from behind with John's plasma shot.*
Omega Zero= Think you can save your friend?
John= Im going to stop you no matter what Omega Zero. Your not going to disgrace the good and understanding Zero.
Omega Zero= That other Zero is DEAD!!
*Omega Zero dashed towards John and John dashed backwards firing his Neo sub weapons at him then John wall kicked and as soon as Omega Zero wall kicked after him, John took off from the wall with a far dash jump and double midair dashed away from him and fired his wide 8 shot combo shot on Omega Zero. He tried to use his saber to block the shots but it was fairly effective. He took the shot anyway and fell to the floor, but Still got back up as if he only tripped.*
Omega Zero= Your getting good Johnny! But your not good enough.
John= Im not going to let you and Weil ruin that world any more than it has been!
(Music changes to- Another of Eggman's Machines by Advertise-Play)Download
Omega Zero= Alright, if you want to put it that way, I will turn into another master body and rip you to pieces!
*Omega Zero began to glow again and began to form a huge light and began to glow even brighter and then he took a jump off the catwalk and then he began to levitate. Then the light wore off and he turned into a giant robot looked half like Megaman and half like Zero, and it had 2 heads as well. It began to stare at John intensively.*
John= Oh.... s**t.
(Music changes to- Emperor Ing 1/ Metroid Prime 2 Echoes)Download
*The ferocious flying body flew into position and fires it's arm canon and it shot at John and John dashed out of the way. John set both his canons on auto charge. John then fired a few shots at the huge Omega body, and it took only small amount of damage. John then wall kicked upward to fire at the head, but the giant arm canon was charging and as soon as it charged, John dropped and unleashed fully charged shots at Omega Zero's head. He too fired his shot and it missed even though the blast was huge. John didn't give up, he kept on moving and firing.*
John= CRAFT!! Where are you!!
Craft= Don't worry about me! Save yourself! It's YOU he's after!!
*John caught sight of the Zero side of Omega Final's form draw the gigantic sword and swung it in John's direction and John dashed out of the way. Then Omega Zero began to smash the walls and cause metal landslides and John began to move from the next spot of the chamber. Omega Zero took another swing of that gigantic sword and sliced at him again. John dodged it and the sword cut a slit in the wall and it reached over his head. John quickly reached for the cut wall and used his spinner disc on it and her rode the sliced wall and fired at the monstrous Omega Zero form and once he got over his head, John pulled out Colonel's saber and as soon as John landed on the X head, John stabbed the head and jumped to the other head and stabbed it too. Omega Zero Final was roaring fiercely and as soon as the Zero giant sword tried to hit John, John jumped off and Omega Zero Final cut off his own heads and the giant robot was dispatched. But from the explosion, Omega Zero emerged from the ruins and changed into another form.*
(Music changes to- Emperor Ing 2/ Metroid Prime 2 Echoes)Download
Omega Zero= I got loads more tricks than that clumsy giant form of mine!
*Omega Zero changed into the winged Seroph Omega Zero and it began to fly around the chamber, firing halo rays to try to paralyze John. As soon as John landed on the catwalk, Seroph Zero fired a burning beam which set the floor on fire and tried to fire more laser shots at John ignoring Craft.*
Craft= Hang in there John!!
*Craft began to fire shots at Seroph Zero and was hit by a barrage of shots.*
Omega Zero= Don't worry Craft, I will end your life as soon as in done with the human!
*Then he started to use the quick Giga attack on John but John kept moving out of the way. John casted the spell (Thunder 3 ) and struck Seroph Zero and kept on moving and turning around to fire fully charged shots. He also fired his sub-weapons at him.*
Omega Zero= Can't you see me and Weil already won! You can't possibly win!
*John ignored Omega Zero's words and kept on his fierce struggle jumping from one wall to another.*
Craft= Come on John. Hang in there. I can't stand to see him suffer like this.
Harpuia (radio)= Craft, you hear me?
Craft= Yes Harpuia.
Leviathan (radio)= I can't stand this sight. Look at John fight like that. Craft do something!
Fenfir (radio)= Come on Craft think of something! John's only human. He's gonna get fried by that maniac maverick.
Craft= I will get him from behind.
Phantom (radio)= Once you do, set your gun to self destruct and throw him off into the pit. We will seal the chamber from here.
Craft= Got it.
*Omega Zero grabbed John and slammed him onto the catwalk and was getting ready to ram him with his abdomen. Craft threw his gun onto his backside from behind and it exploded on him. John saw it and casted (ice 3) on him. Omega zero fell on the catwalk and turned back to his Original form. John on the floor exhausted.*
(music dies down slowly)
Omega Zero= Look at you. All out of energy. Well, it was fun fighting you, but now to finish you off. Then Craft will be next.
*Craft grabbed him from behind and jumped off the catwalk and Model C megamerged and made John able himself to dash to the exit and the chamber was sealed.*
John= C...c...c... CRAFT!!! *panting*
(music playing- Suffering/ Megaman X 7 )Download
Harpuia (radio)= John.
John= Craft... he.... he..
Fenfir (radio)= He did it for you buddy.
Leviathan (radio)= John are you ok?
John= Im fine now.... Omega Zero isn't finished yet.
Phantom (radio)= Looks like we will all not be getting out of this alive after all.
John= Don't say that! We....
Harpuia (radio)= The good Zero set himself so the Rangarok could break apart. Now it's your turn. Now it's time to finish Weil off.
Phantom (radio)= Remember what I said about making a final decision about to ...
John= You don't mean the....
Phantom (radio)= Im so sorry.
*John's battle with Omega Zero is over, (or is it for now?) but John must move on. What will happen next?*
- by Tanooki John |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/18/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Megaman Heroes - chapter 17
- Artist: Tanooki John
Submitted to sheezyart Jun 4th 2007
Semi-final chapter of my megaman fan fiction/crossover.
All characters (c) there respected owners - Date: 02/18/2009
- Tags: megamanzero
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