• Seven thousand years in the future
    Mythicals live in the burned out shell
    Of earth
    Most kill
    To live
    But there is an organization called
    They are the government.
    My name is Aphrodite and I start this story ten years back
    When the accident first happened
    I am a murderess
    I kill for a living
    I’m not the goddess
    Just a simple vampire.
    I live in Endoslovacia
    A town with a population of about 3 million.
    I was on a routine job at a bar on K45th Street. The bar’s name was Stumpy’s.
    Aphrodite walked into the bar watching her kill. He was a government official named Connery, she knew that her would order a drink, beer probably, then when he was good and drunk she would go over to flirt with him. The plan changed when he came to her. He sat down .She got him up and led him outside. She pulled out her gun. 'Officials coming down 3rd street" someone on the com said."Damn." she said and shot at the control man. Just then, a man riding on a motorcycle blazed around the corner. He was duel wielding AK47's.
    "s**t" she said and ran to the ally
    With an evil laugh He sent out a shower of deadly projectiles.
    She scaled the wall and reached a window
    He sent his aim for the wall
    And pulled out a rocket launcher. And... Ran into the wall
    She ran inside and flung herself down the stairs
    She reached the basement and went into the closet
    You hear a loud explosion, screaming, and several other explosions
    "s**t he's going to screw all my hard wok up." she said to herself
    You feel a hard thud on your head, and then all you see is blackness
    “shi-" was all she managed to say
    When you awaken... you seem to be in the same room, but when you check the time... it's 2 days later
    She sat up
    “Hello?" she said
    All you hear is the pitter patter of mice’s feet on the obviously ancient building
    She used her eye scan to search for body heat
    Finding none she stood and sighed
    She sees a small boy lying outside...
    She runs to him
    He seems to be badly injured
    Severe burn wounds
    "Are you okay” popped into her head but she said nothing
    And you see a spinned out motorcycle lying against the wall
    He doesn't say anything
    "Yes." she said leavening him and running to the motorcycle
    The motorcycle is beyond repair, torn apart
    Obviously exploded a few days back
    Considering the other half of it is imbedded in a wall 15 feet up
    She runs back to the boy and shoots him "That will end your suffering." she said
    The bullet stops in mid air
    The boy gets up, and starts walking away
    She sighed and walked through the wreckage
    You find a AK47 cut in half, and the woods seems to have burned
    No sign of the rider anywhere
    She stopped and coughed
    Blood on her mouth
    And in it
    She sat down
    You hear loud footsteps
    Very loud
    Almost as loud as thunder...
    Getting closer and closer