Main Characters:
a. Angela
- A first year high school girl in Japan(sixteen years old); her grandfather is a great detective
b. Mr. Takizawa
- A first and third year high school Math teacher at Angela’s school (twenty-seven years old)
c. Brian
- A third year high school boy in Japan(eighteen years old); Angela’s schoolmate
d. Corinth
- A third year high school girl in Japan(eighteen years old); Angela’s schoolmate
Narrator: There have been so many detective stories wherein detectives are always men….but this time it’s not… this time it’s a first year high school girl named Angela who is living with her grandfather. She always uses her logic to solve something others can’t solve. For this, she loves Math; especially Math problems and analytical geometry…She is also at the top of the class, actually she graduated valedictorian in elementary. Most people…or shall I say every person in her life adores her. She is beautiful, intelligent, talented, and rich. But she’s not like the other rich people there. She has a kind and humble heart. She is studying in a prestigious school for rich children in Japan; she knows three languages namely English, Filipino, and Japanese of course. She is good at sports, music, and arts. She loves swimming, badminton, and baseball. She also plays the piano and she loves oil painting. Oh, and I almost forgot… She has an angelic and mellow voice… and if you see her dance, you’ll desperately fall in love with her. Now you understand why I said every person in her life adores her… Well about her ambition… Some people say she would be taking a course for a teacher, a badminton player, a doctor, a swimmer, and many more… But actually she is picking neither of these people say… She is picking from what she likes to be in the future: a major course of theaters and arts (she wants to be an artiste/actress, singer, dancer, model in Japan). But still, others say that she would be a great and famous detective someday and that she will stand up to his grandfather’s name.
(First day of school)
Brian: Corinth! Wait...Hey is first day of school fun?
Corinth: Well of course Brian… I met new friends… new teachers… and oh speaking of teachers…
Angela: Hello Brian! Corinth! How were you doing this first day of school? I’m sure both of you had been together the whole day, weren’t you?
Corinth & Brian: No.! Of course not! No…
Corinth: Ahhh… Anyway I was just talking about the new Math teacher…
Angela: Oh you mean Mr. Takizawa?
Brian: Oh yes! I heard he is really a cheerful person and a very intelligent one…
Angela: Oh really? Well in that case I think we would be perfect for each other… (Giggles)
Corinth: Oh yeah!? I know you love Math that much…
Brian: Hahaha!! C’mon since it is first day of school I will treat both of you…
Corinth: Wow Brian you haven’t done this for years..!
Angela: Yeah Corinth was right! Well now that I’m entering the first year in high school and you are entering the last year in high school then maybe you could treat us somewhere new ok? I’m not in third grade anymore…I’m not contented with just an ice cream…
Corinth: Yeah! Come on where are you treating us?
Brian: Well… I’m treating you someplace new but it’s not that expensive ok?
Angela& Corinth: Ehhh…. Please!!
Angela: You know what? You are so rich yet you never spend much of your money!!!
The next day…
Angela, Brian, & Corinth: Good morning Mr. Takizawa! How are you doing?
Mr. Takizawa: Oh good morning children! I see you are having a great day huh? Oh see yah later kids!
Angela: But Mr. Takizawa…
Brian & Corinth: Go on say it…
Angela: Will you do us a favor?
Mr. Takizawa: Oh sure! It’ll be my pleasure... What is it?
Angela: We wish…you could eat with us at lunch...
Brian: Yeah…Well don’t worry it’s our treat…
Corinth: Come on! Please!!
Mr. Takizawa: Well…. Of course! I’ll take that opportunity to know more about you guys…
Narrator: And that is the start of Angela’s “problems”…Well problems there meant detective cases and puzzles that Angela has to solve. The bonding of these four became even closer every day. Then came the preparations for the overnight trip….
(Wednesday morning)
Mr. Takizawa: Hey kids!
Angela: Oh Mr. Takizawa! You’re coming to the trip on Friday aren’t you?
Corinth: Angela, are you stupid? Of course he is!
Brian: Yeah! I mean he’s a teacher so he’s supposed to come, right?
Mr. Takizawa: Oh yes… I’m coming; I don’t want to miss all of the great stuff you’ll see there… (Giggles)
Angela: Oh I see…. Well I hope it would be really great…
Brian: Oh yeah! I heard we will be eating on a boat…
Corinth: Hey Mr. Takizawa, you’ll still eat with us at lunch ok?
Angela & Brian: Oh yeah..! Please!!!
Mr. Takizawa: Well… What can I say…? Of course…
(Friday- 11:30 a.m.)
Students: Oh it’s really a tiring day…!
Head Teacher: …I see all of us are hungry…. Well why don’t we eat our lunches? Alright… Get in the bus now children…
(11:45 a.m.)
Angela: Wow! I thought it was just an ordinary boat but it isn’t!
Corinth: Yeah….It’s so cool…
Brian: Hey there’s Mr. Takizawa..!
Mr. Takizawa: Hi kids! Oh this place’s great!
--------------------------------Lunch Time---------------------------
(12:45 noon)
Angela: Lunch was great! Oh... I hope we could go back here immediately and rest already…I’m so excited!
Mr. Takizawa: Well the Head Teacher said that there are two places left so…. After that we could go back here and rest… We have reserved rooms anyway…but still others could stay in their tents just like what was planned…
Corinth: Oh really!! That’s great! But I don’t see any rooms…
Brian: Hey! Mr. Takizawa did not say that the rooms are in the boat...
Mr. Takizawa: Yeah…ha-ha…the rooms are in there...
Angela: Wow…. (Amazed)
Narrator: After two hours they finished the other two trips …
(2:45 p.m.)
Head Teacher: Children, listen up. We have already finished… Now we’re going back to the place where we’ll be staying for the night…
(3:00 p.m.)
Students: Wow! This house is so big….
Students: Yeah it’s almost like a mansion…
Angela: Corinth can we stay in the same room?
Corinth: Oh yes! Of course! I already asked Mr. Takizawa about it. He said there is a room for two…Oh here it is!
Angela: And look there is another one beside our room!
Corinth: Maybe Brian and Mr. Takizawa could stay there so that they would be near us…Come on let’s call them. Oh and let’s leave our things here.
Angela: Brian! We found our room and we also found a room beside it. Maybe you and Mr. Takizawa could stay there…
Brian: Oh sure, thanks! Mr. Takizawa, we already have a room!
(4:00 p.m.)
Teacher: Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!
Mr. Takizawa: What’s that?
Brian: C’mon let’s check it out!
Angela: Hey did you hear that?
Corinth: Yeah! C’mon!
Teacher: Oh my god! Oh my god!
Corinth: Head Teacher…
Narrator: The Head Teacher was found dead in the bathroom in her room. Well this could be a case Angela should solve together with Corinth, Brian, and Mr. Takizawa.
Mr. Takizawa: Who could possibly do this!
Brian: Yeah! I mean Head Teacher is a good person; who would do it to her?
Angela: Hey… You will never find an answer if you keep on asking yourselves. The killer is still with us...
(4:15 p.m.)
Mr. Takizawa: Children these days…I told them not to litter. (Picked a candy wrapper)
Angela: So they said that the Head Teacher was killed between 3 to 4 p.m.
Corinth: Yup. And at that time everyone went to the city to buy some souvenirs with the vice principal and some of the teachers, except from Mr. Akanishi, Mr. Odagiri, Ms. Nakama, Mrs. Kazuya, three students from second year, the head teacher and of course, us…
Mr. Takizawa: So this means that those people are our suspects.
Brian: Alright, let’s go ask them what they were doing that time.
(They did it one by one in Angela and Corinth’s room.)
Angela: Ok, first Mrs. Kazuya… What were you doing between 3 to 4 p.m.?
Mrs. Kazuya: Well… I was with Ms. Nakama at the rooftop… we… were talking…
Brian: Are you sure it’s only you and Ms. Nakama at the rooftop?
Mrs. Kazuya: Well…While we were in the middle of our discussion…we heard two students, Takeda and Uchiyama, went up…but we didn’t mind what they were doing…
Corinth: Ms. Nakama, where were you between 3 to 4 p.m.?
Ms. Nakama: I was at the roof top talking to Mrs. Kazuya about the trip…
Mr. Takizawa: I know that you’re the closest friend of the Head Teacher, but why aren’t you with her?
Ms. Nakama: Well… I went to her room…before I went to the roof top…but she was in the bathroom and she said she’ll meet me afterwards…
Corinth: So this means that the head teacher is already in the bathroom that time…
Brian: Next, Mr. Odagiri, you were not in your room during the crime scene right so where were you?
Mr. Odagiri: I was in the boat taking pictures…
Brian: Is that all? Are you alone?
Mr. Odagiri: A student from second year, Mio, came and asked me about what the tour guide told us…
Mr. Takizawa: So you were with her at that time?
Mr. Odagiri: Yes… Oh and as I was walking towards the boat, I saw, through the window, the Head Teacher let Mr. Akanishi in her room…
Brian: Alright, Mr. Odagiri, thank you for the information…
Angela: So, Mio, where were you between 3 to 4 p.m.?
Mio: First I was with Takeda and Uchiyama, and then I saw Mr. Odagiri in the boat alone so I decided to talk to him since I was confused of what that guy told us... And I remember Takeda asking me the time… It was 3:15 p.m.
Corinth: Now Uchiyama, where were you between 3 to 4 p.m.?
Uchiyama: I was with Takeda at the roof top…
Corinth: What were you doing at that time?
Uchiyama: Well… we were just talking…
Corinth: About what?
Uchiyama: About……our…families…yeah about them…Aahh... He said that his father got mad and so he decided to go to the trip…
Mr. Takizawa: Takeda, What were you doing between 3 to 4 p.m.?
Takeda: I was with Uchiyama… we’re sharing experiences…
Mr. Takizawa: Where?
Takeda: At the roof top…
Corinth: Ehem… You’re the last Mr. Akanishi…
Angela: Where were you during the crime scene, huh?
Mr. Akanishi: Well… The…Head Teacher invited me to…have a cup of tea in her room…
Brian: About how long do you think did you stay there?
Mr. Akanishi: I think...2 to 3 minutes…
Mr. Takizawa: Hmm… Don’t you think it’s too short to finish a cup of hot tea?
Mr. Akanishi: That’s because… Someone called me in my cell phone but I can’t hear what that person was saying so I decided to go outside… I was already in front of the door of the mansion when the one who called me hanged up…Then I felt I needed to pee so I went to the bathroom downstairs since it was the nearest bathroom I could go to that time…As I was going up, I heard a scream and quickly went to the Head Teacher’s room where I heard it…
Angela: Were you the first to come?
Mr. Akanishi: No, Ms. Nakama came first, and then everyone was there…
Mr. Takizawa: Now we have all of their information…
Corinth: Hmm…So there were two people who went inside the Head Teacher’s room.
Brian: Yes, and those were Mr. Akanishi and Ms. Nakama
Angela: What other clues did the police saw in the room?
Corinth: You know what? It would be better if we search it ourselves…
Corinth: There’s nothing here… It’s so clean…
Brian: Yup… Just blood…
(Someone knocked at the door…)
Angela: Come in…
Corinth: Oh what is it officer?
Officer: We found this …outside…
Corinth: Brian and I will go look at the place where they found the bag…
Angela: Oh… Ok…
Mr. Takizawa: So… Found anything?
Corinth: Nothing…But the bag was placed exactly on the same column of the window of the Head Teacher’s room.
Angela: What’s inside the bag officer?
Officer: Here: The knife and clothes that were used to kill the Head Teacher and this…an earphone…
Brian: An earphone?
Officer: It was used for spying… If you wear this you’ll be able to hear anything that is in a room…But that is what we are finding…
Angela: The microphone, right?
Officer: Yes…
Mr. Takizawa: Oh, what is this doing here? (He raised the steel for the curtains and it hit the light…)
Angela: What’s this?
Corinth: Let me see…Where did you get it?
Angela: I don’t know… It fell from up there…from the lights…Wait…
(Angela went up the chair and looked at the light…)
Brian: What can you see?
Angela: Cool…That thing was placed here…
Mr. Takizawa: Oh! This must be the microphone…
Officer: Let me see…Yes…This is it!
(In Corinth and Angela’s room…)
Brian: But I still don’t get it…
Angela: Corinth, are you sure you didn’t find anything in the bathroom?
Corinth: Yes… I’m sure I searched everything…
Mr. Takizawa: No…We haven’t searched the room… I mean the bed room…Not the bathroom…
Angela: Oh yeah…We forgot about that…
(11:50 p.m. - Head Teacher’s room)
Corinth: Hey look! Under the bed…
Brian: What is it?
Angela: (gasps)
(Everyone looked at each other’s eyes…)
Angela: We finally solved it…
Mr. Takizawa: Good work everyone… Nice!
Brian: Oh… Now I can go to sleep… (Yawns)
Corinth: We’re really good huh…
Angela: Ok! First thing in the morning: unmask that person
(Angela and Corinth’s room)
Angela: Corinth, this day was so busy right?
Corinth: Yeah…But we still solved it…
Angela: yeah…
(Brian and Mr. Takizawa’s room)
Brian: Mr. Takizawa, we’re really good aren’t we?
Mr. Takizawa: Yeah…You’re right… Come on go to sleep now! Good night…
(Saturday- 7:00 a.m.)
Corinth: Ahhh… Good Morning!
Angela: Morning, come on let’s get ready…
Brian: Good morning, Mr. Takizawa!
Mr. Takizawa: So… let’s go…
Brian: Huh? You’re all set? Wait! Let me just wash my face…and change clothes….!
Mr. Takizawa: Hurry up Brian!!!(Giggles)
7:00 a.m.
Angela: So officer… security fine?
Officer: Yes ma’am…
Corinth: Good…
-------------------------------------------------Breakfast Time----------------------------------------
8:00 a.m.
Mr. Takizawa: Ok. Come on Guys…
Angela: Ok… Officer… We need you to keep everyone in their rooms except for Mr. Akanishi, Takeda, Uchiyama, Mr. Odagiri, Mrs. Kazuya, Ms. Nakama, and Mio. Please tell these mentioned to go to the living room after everyone is in their rooms… Thank you.
Officer: Ok… Just a moment…
Living room
Mr. Takizawa: I suppose all of you already know why we are in here…
Ms. Nakama: Excuse me…! Aren’t you just saying that one of us is the killer?!
Brian: Ok… Ma’am, take it easy…
Angela: Alright… Why don’t I say the details first ok?
So… a simple way of killing… was used…With a use of a knife… The killing took place in the head teacher’s room and after that she was put in the shower room…The killer turned on the shower to keep the blood fresh… Obviously that person is expecting that the killing would be revealed the next day… which is today…
Mrs. Kazuya: And how does this show that one of us is a killer?
Ms. Nakama: Yeah right!!!
Mr. Takizawa: Please ma’am, let her finish…
Angela: And here’s another thing: the officers found a bag outside…inside it were the things that the killer used…and something inside this bag made us think…an earphone which is used with a microphone placed inside the room was also used…
Ms. Nakama: Wait a minute… you said that the microphone was placed inside the room…then someone who is already familiar with this place would have done that… this means that it’s not one of us, it’s one of the personnel of this house…am I right, Ms. Smart Girl?
Angela: Yes that could be right, Ms. Nakama, but what if one of you is already familiar with this place? Am I right? Mr. Odagiri?
Mr. Odagiri: What?! Why are you asking me? You haven’t even cleared all the details you have!
Mrs. Kazuya: Yeah, he’s right! And we also have our own alibis!
Angela: About those alibis… Let’s look at Mr. Odagiri’s alibi…Actually he is planning to kill the Head Teacher at exactly 3:15 p.m. after Ms. Nakama leaves…see, he is very organized and well planned! Anyway, his plan was destroyed when Mio came to him at that time…then you heard from your earphone that Mr. Akanishi came in…And we also asked Mio what you did that time… She said that you told her that you are just going to buy for a drink…but actually you were already planning for your plan b, which is:
Mrs. Kazuya: Wait a minute, I think you’re wrong…Why did he need to use a hearing device if he could actually see a clear view of what is inside the Head Teacher’s room…?
Ms. Nakama: Yeah that’s correct…Can you answer that kid... Huh?
Angela: Well, practically yes…That is because the window of the Head Teacher’s room is actually made up of a one way glass…so there is no possibility to see anything inside the room if you’re outside…Now if you’ll just let me continue…his plan b was:
To make Mr. Akanishi out of the room…In Mr. Akanishi’s alibi, he said that someone called him in his phone but he thought he needed signal so he went out…but actually he was thinking the wrong way…I remember Mr. Takizawa picking up a candy wrapper…
Flash back: Mr. Takizawa: Children these days…I told them not to litter. (Picked a candy wrapper)
That candy wrapper was used to continuously make noise in the phone and make the owner think that he needs signal.
Mr. Takizawa: Yeah… Here it is…
Mr. Odagiri: But still how do these evidences make me a killer?
Mrs. Kazuya: Yeah! Where’s your solid evidence?
Angela: You really don’t want to accept what you did, do you? Here! (Angela threw something to Mr. Odagiri…)
Ms. Nakama: What is it?
Mio: A film!
Uchiyama: And…so what if it’s a film? I don’t get it…
Angela: The film is from Mr. Odagiri’s camera…
Mr. Odagiri: ~speechless~
Angela: You dropped it in the room and it rolled down under the bed when you killed the Head Teacher… now, convinced?
Mr. Odagiri: Enough! I killed her!
Everybody: ~shocked~
Mr. Odagiri: I was really planning for this…Two years ago my daughter was killed and it’s all because of the Head Teacher…The same room number of the Head Teacher’s was used by my daughter in a hotel which was room 218. We had an out of town trip, we teachers and our families. That time the Head Teacher and my daughter are both in that room and the Head Teacher was making an experiment. Unfortunately poison was there too. When my daughter went to the bathroom, the Head Teacher accidentally bumped that poisonous chemical into my daughter’s cup of tea. But the Head Teacher didn’t mind it and continued on her work. Then, my daughter drank it. She went outside to our cottage. We were all there and then just in a few minutes she died…I can’t explain how she looked like at that time. Everyone was shocked…
But the Head Teacher was so unlucky that I heard about her conversation with her closest friend, Ms. Nakama. They were talking about how my daughter died.
Head Teacher: Ms. Nakama, please don’t tell anyone about the crime I did…that poison she drank was accidentally put in her drink… please…please Ms. Nakama… please…
Ms. Nakama: Alright…I’ll keep it in myself…I promise…
Mr. Odagiri: I kept it as a secret and waited for two years until I can’t take it anymore. And finally, I did a revenge for her.
Officer: Ok, then let’s go, mister…
Mr. Odagiri: Smart kid… You did stand up to your Grandfather’s name, huh?
Angela: (Smiles) just doing what I think I can do for someone…I don’t have the intention in standing up to my Grandfather’s name…
Mio: But wait, Angela… I don’t understand how Mr. Odagiri put the hearing device in the room…
Angela: It would be a piece of cake for him…While we and Corinth were looking for a room, we went to room 218 but it was locked…Mr. Odagiri was in there already putting the hearing device…I suppose you’ve been here?
Mr. Odagiri: (nods)
-----------------------------------------------After the trip-----------------------------------------
(A park near the school)
Mr. Takizawa: Hey guys…I congratulate the four of us for being good detectives…
Angela: hahaha…am not…
Corinth: But still, look, I got her last night while she was sleeping!!!
Brian: Oh!!! So cute!!!
Mr. Takizawa: If you look at this picture you won’t think it’s the serious, smart, good detective Angela we knew…Hahaha
Angela: What?! Let me see!!! What’s that?!
Brian: Run until you reach us!!!! Hahaha
- by gandangboodang |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/21/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Angela's Case
- Artist: gandangboodang
- Description: This is some kind of a detective story- the very first story I wrote which I consider good enough for a teenager to write.
- Date: 02/21/2009
- Tags: angelas case
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Comments (2 Comments)
- faNny_MAnNy - 05/07/2009
amazing kool XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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- liz is amazing - 03/02/2009
- hmmm
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