Well, melanie, my friend. . . she liked him to over time. By the middle of 5th grade, he was the cutest guy in school. But today is 6th grade, the start of middle school. . . and i still think i might have a chance with him. But it just reminded me what happened last year.
"its not so hard, just ask him. Or i will do it for you." said melanie.
"fine, you do it then." i complained.
As she walked towards him, i knew that i made the wrong choice. But its too late now, so i just pretended i didnt see what she was doing. She is talking to him, and they keep glancing at me, what is happening!? Crap, he is yelling, i mean complaining. "he called you a hoe, and he also said that he doesnt like you. Im sorry Jerileen." she said sorrow seaping through her words. "Oh, ok" i had the gutts to say.
on the way back to the classroom, my heart felt dead, bleeding almost. i couldnt believe it, i dont know what to do now. I... I- well, there is nothing to do now, he doesnt like you, forget it. But there is a voice in my head that is saying, dont give up, its what you want. but my conscience is telling me to leave it alone.
"im going to tell the teacher that he called you a hoe." melanie wrote on a piece of paper. i wrote back,
"no, i dont want to start something."
"i am going to tell on him, he shouldnt talk to my best friend like that."
she walked up to the teacher, and told him what happened. i just hope i wont be a part of it. "Jerileen. . ." said my teacher bleakly.
"go to the office with melanie."
"ok. . ." i happened to say.
on the way to the office was the longest and most cruel walk i have ever experienced. the wait in front of the office was even worse, and melanie who keeps telling me its ok, we wont be the ones in trouble, is making me want to punch her.
"Can i help you ladies?" said Mrs. Reedie
"ya, well, Mrs. Smily brought us here to tell you something, something that happened at recess today." melanie said
"ok, what happened?"
"well, i asked joseph durkee something about Jerileen" she hesitated," and then he called her a hoe."
"is this true jerileen?"
"well, i wasnt really there, but i can picture it coming from him."
"do you girls want me to bring him here?" oh no, please no, i dont want him to hate me more!
"yes!" melanie said.
"sorry for the interuption, can we have joe to the office."
it took him 5 minutes just to reach the office, and seeing us there didnt make him anymore excited.
"so joe, did you call Jerileen a hoe? tell me the truth son."
"no, i didnt, melanie is just making this stuff up. i wouldnt call her that, i hardly even know her!"
"melanie, did you lie in some parts of the story?"
"no, i am telling the truth." said melanie.
"i didnt do anything, i swear." joe said.
"ok then, he didnt do anything, im sorry Mrs. Reedie"
"anytime girls, but just make sure to bring important, and true stories to the office."
"will do. . ."
joe, melanie and i walked slowly up the stairs. i could even look up, but when joe looked at me, his eyes said, "how could you?" i hope my look was correct saying, "it wasnt me, im sorry." he gave a soulful look and walked into his classroom. me and melanie, walking into our classroom, went back to work.
Crush Life - chapter 2
second chapter of Crush life, my friends are now making fun of me for writing this kinda stuff, but please comment.
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