I opened my eyes to the darkness of my room. I turned my head to my alarm clock. It read 5:25 AM. I sighed irritated that i woke up two hours before I was supposed to wake up. I began to sit up when I noticed that my older brother Edward was sleeping next to me. I poked him on his cheek. He flinched and opened his eyes.
"What are you doing in my room?" I asked,poking his shoulder.
"There's a barking dog right outside my window. Since we don't have a shotgun i came to sleep in here." He moaned."What do you have like soundproof walls? I could hear the damn thing everywhere else in the house." I laughed. Edward was sixteen, he had long blond hair. I dared him to put his hair into a french braid for three months. He actually doesn't look half that bad.
"I'm hungry. Midnight snack?" I asked him. He sat up and stretched his arms. Edward is really tall for his age, about six feet and three in a half inches. we walked over to he kitchen without waking Mom and Dad up. I opened the refrigerator door, to stare at probably a year supply of food. "Well, what do you want to eat? I can make a grilled cheese sandwich for you." Edward yawned. "Sure, why not." I sat down at the dining table. I turned the T.V on to see the Fox news was still on talking about a bank robbing going on right then with about fifteen hostages. Since when has a bank been open five o clock in the morning? Edward handed me the sandwich.He sat down next to me leaning against my shoulder like a little baby. I looked at the clock. it read 6:05. I finished my sandwich. Behind my eyes felt fuzzy and i struggled to keep them open.
I felt myself lifted off the floor. Edward carried me to my room. I heard the dog barking like there was a dead body. I whispered "Shut up dawn dog..." I heard Edward snicker "Now come on Yvonne. Go to sleep." He whispered in to my ear as softy the wind.
When i opened my eyes it was 7:00 I had an hour to get ready for school. I looked around Edward wasn't next to me anymore. I heard thudd against the leg of my bed. I looked over the edge of my bed. Edward was on the floor snoring. I giggled. "Ed wake up sleepy head."I smiled. He looked at me deviously. "Five more minutes" He laid onto his side ignoring me as much as he could. I stepped over him as i got out of bed. I opened my closet with a yawn. I grabbed a yellow top with orange and red flowers, and some blue jeans. Edward made a joke about how jeans go with almost anything, and to me he was so right.
I didn't feel very comfortable changing my clothes with Edward in my room. so I walked out into one of the bathrooms. My mom kept on yelling even after I already answered. "Yvonne!" She hollered out. "Yes mom?"
"I need you to wake up your brother please."
"He's in my room, already awake, okay?"
I walked back into my room. "Ed. Come on get up." Edward moaned and sat up. "Your floor is unusually comfortable." I laughed. Edward always made me smile, it seems really weird to me that he doesn't have a girlfriend. "Come on, we have to go to school blockhead." I said grabbing my backpack. Edward stood up." Fine I'll get ready but don't leave without me."
"If you take to long then I will."
I stood on the steps of my front door. I wasn't gonna leave without him. I could never leave my brother anywhere even if I was angry at him. Once my friends made fun of me and him because we got along better then any sibling could. I yawned, my mom always said that we shouldn't have midnight snacks because you won't be hungry for breakfast and you'll be starving before lunch. funny thing I never eat. I'm never hungry or full its weird.
"Alright kiddo come on." Edward said pulling me to my feet. "We can still make the bus" He dragged me half the time. I really didn't care.
Edward hasn't really gotten his drivers licenses yet. So we have to take the bus, and sometimes public buses. The school bus hadn't come yet. There were like fifteen students there, and another kid that I'd never seen before. He looked like he was sixteen or seventeen. He had spiky brown hair and a green cap, a beige tank top and red jacket. One thing that was super noticeable was that he had two different colored eyes.Green, and Blue. Also he was smoking. He looked over at me as if I was dirt, though he immediately changed his expression for some reason. The bus came before I could think about it. That guy was the last person to got on. The bus driver stopped him. "No." She pointed at his cigarette. He inhaled, threw the cigarette, and blew smoke into the bus drivers face. He grinned and snickered.
He walked down the isle bobbing his head as if listening to good music. For some reason he seemed really familiar. He sat across from me blowing smoke rings. I wondered how he was doing that without a cigarette.
"How are you doing that?" I asked leaning forward. He looked at me with that sick look again. then it changed to an amused one.
"What, do you mean this?" He asked blowing another smoke ring. His voice was smooth and slick as if he had lots to say but didn't want to speak.
He grinned "Its a secret, but you'll find out." His canine teeth were unusually sharp like a dog or a cats canine teeth. I looked over at Edward. he was listening to music and not paying attention at all. Sometimes Edward can be extremely impossible.
Our bus took at least five stops so we were occasionally late, but nobody really cared because it beats being at school anytime. I looked over at that guy. He look really sick. His face seemed paler and his eyes got darker and darker as if loosing life.
"Hey, are you okay?" I couldn't help but ask. He looked over at me with a puzzled look on his face. "What? I'm fine..." He looked away. "What is your name?" I asked. He looked over at me. "Boone." He eyed me suspiciously. "And you are?"
"My name is Yvonne, and this is my older brother Edward." Edward looked at me. I guess he wasn't completely blocked from civilization. I looked back over at Boone. He looked like a zombie. So pale and shaded eyes. "Are you sure your alright?"
He stared at me oddly. That was kinda scary considering the fact that he had a good possibility of being very sick. "I'm fine.....why do you keep on asking?"
"Well, you just look really pale, so I thought that...maybe you were...sick." He was still staring at me. He made a smug look. "Haven't you noticed? I need a smoke. If I don't I'll get weaker and weaker on till I can't even stay balanced on my two feet. That b***h of a bus driver won't let me smoke."
I thought he was crazy. Smoking kills people. Had he ever heard of lung cancer? What kind of idiot was he. He must have noticed how dumbfounded I looked
"Oh right you have no idea what I'm talking about....what a pity."
Thankfully we were finally at school. I think that was probably the first time i was so happy that i was on campus. Edward was still listening to music. I pulled the ear phones out of his ears."Hey! I was listening to that." He whined at me to give them back. "No we have to get to class." I said rolling them up.
The bell rang loudly for the first period of school. fortunately I didn't see Boone anywhere but yet that wasn't good cause there was a stranger on campus. I stared down the hall crowded with rushing people trying to get to class. I waved at Edward and skipped to class. My teacher Mr. Kalming was standing in the middle of the classroom passing last weeks tests out. "Miss. Raveina you realize that your late am I correct?" He cocked his head smiling. He was a nice teacher but he could get on my nerves really easily. "Yes"
"Your test score is on your desk, which you should be getting too."
From the tone of his voice I thought I had gotten a bad grade, but as I hovered over my Math test I noticed in red ink A 36/40.
"Ahh, you expected a bad grade didn't you, Yvonne? Your getting stronger in this subject." He grinned and continued to pass papers out.
I sat down, but then I smelled it the sick smell of Tobacco. I looked a the corner of my left eye to see his spiky brown hair and wicked grin.
"What are you doing here?" I growled. He chuckled.
"Oh so I can't have a few classes with you? If I'm in this grade and in this school I think i'll at least have Math as first period." That was irritating. I turned around completely but he wasn't there only some ashes with a burning ember bubbling under it.
"Yvonne?" I turned around and Mr. Kalming was looking at me kinda worried. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Do you want to go to the nurse's office?"
I shrugged "Uh...yeah"
I walked down the hall dragging my feet. I was gonna get in trouble for not going to t he nurses office. I just wanted to leave the classroom.
"Tsk,Tsk, you shouldn't lie to your elders." I twitched. I looked over at Boone. He didn't look sick anymore. He looked like a well feed sixteen year old, with a smoking addiction.
"What do you want?" I demanded. He snickered
"You sweetheart, isn't that obvious? I mean you have the neatest charm and such a beautiful emotional personality its almost scary."
"That is the only thing I like about humans there features. Some are sick and ugly with some serious issues they have to get over, but don't have the guts too, and there are some that are sweet and sensitive, rude and unpleasant, Then there's you."
I stared at him. "What?"
"Cause you, you can be rude and sneaky, loving and delicate. Get it know?"
No I didn't get it. What in the world was he talking about? He saw the disbelief on my face, and groaned. "Why is it so hard to get this stuff through your thick skull!" He shouted."Oh, wait watch this." He grinned. He waved his hand and a thick cloud of smoke began to form. It began to lighten to a light gray. Boone shoved his hand into the middle and pulled something out, but he did it to fast so I couldn't tell what it was. He blew the smoke away.
I looked around. "What was the point of that?" I asked annoyed. He grunted. "Here" He showed me a smoky quartz, It looked like it was just mined out of a cave. "Were did you get that?"
His eye twitched. "You've got to be kidding me."
"Ahh! Forget it. that was a bad trick anyway."
A teacher dragged along by caring papers and binders that would have fallen if he was walking fast.
He ignored use for a second , but then he turned his head to use suspiciously. "Hey you should be in class..." He was obviously extremely tired. He sighed and walked along, pretending that we did go to class.
I looked back at Boone but he was gone. I looked around frantically, but the halls were clear of anyone except me. I walked back to class. Mr. Kalming looked at me. "Well I see your feeling better."
I had forgotten that I was going to the clinic, that trip didn't usually take ten minutes.
"Um... I forgot that I needed a slip."
I quickly snatched a clinic slip and squeezed out the classroom, relived.
The bell rang for lunch. I looked around for Edward. He stood in a corner with four other people. A girl and three other guys, I only knew the girl, as Angela the others were a mystery to me. I walked over there quietly. Angela was the first to notice me edging along.
"Hey Yvonne your brother's being stubborn again." She giggled. Edward staggered.
The three other boys stared at me like I was a fly that just wouldn't die, which I have to say was uncomfortable.
"Um Hi",said one of them changing his expression to a sweet caring smile, which I knew was fake. He had short black hair and a pale face with endless black clothes. " I'm Kodiak Johnson, very nice to meet you miss.Yvonne" He finally said with a real smile that stretched from ear to ear. I liked how nice he was being know. The other two still didn't spill a word, not even a mumble.
"Don't fall for his act, he's a real jerk." Angela whispered. Kodiak glared at her like a hawk stalking it's pray.
"Don't look at me like that."
"Don't say stuff like that to people I don't know."
Edward sighed.
"Hey you guys are so annoying." Finally said one of the other boys.
I looked up at him. He had long blond hair, kinda girly, he was wearing a purple turtle-neck and dark blue jeans.
"Quit staring at me." He snapped.
"Oh don't be rude. Introduce yourself." Angela edged along.
He glared at her ,as if she was crazy, but he looked over at me grudgingly.
"I'm Quintin." That was it.
The other kid who looked quite left out finally said something. "Uh...um..h-hi"
His voice was all jittery as if he was really nervous. You probably haveto guess more than once before you got to how old this kid was. He looked like he was 10, but he was 14. Of course he was short, he had curly brown hair and big pale broen eyes. He looked at me oddly then tapped his fingertips together nervously. "Um..m-my name is...uh Hemi." He shifted his around alittle and sighed.
"Anyway, how've you been Yvonne-chan?" Angela asked waving her hands. I wasn't doing that well, really but I didn't want anyone to worry. "Oh i'm fine." I just feel like i'm beibg stalked thats all. "So bland, anything else?" Quintin asked slouching against the wall. "No not really."
"Oh! Thats such a white lie." A voice shouted from behind me. I really wanted it to be some kid I hated but of course I don't get what i wanted often.
Boone placed his hand on my head, pulling my hair. "You know, Yvonne you not much of a liar." Everyone looked at him with that who-the-hell-is-this look that got on my nerves so much.
"If your wondering I'm Boone."
"Nobody cares." I blurted out. He made a smug look on his face. "Good to know that you don't care." He hit me in the back of my head.
He smiled at everyone else wickedly, and unexpectedly walked away.
There was a long silence that would have killed me if Edward hadn't said something.
"Who the HELL was that?"
"You heard, Boone."
"I've never seen him before." Angela bit her nails nervously.
"Yeah you lucky you don't know him, he's a freak and a jerk."
"H-he had two diffrent colored eyes..." Hemi shifted uncomfortebly.
"I wonder what he wanted." Kodiak sighed.
"Oh well, I won't bother it anymore. See you guys later." Kodiac walked off waving with the sweetest smile on his face.
"He's so annoying." Angela sighed.
"Well, Its almost time for class so come on." Quintin said throughing his lunch away.
"Hey my class is right next to yours Edward, I'll walk you there if you want." Angela suggested. Yeah of course you do. I sighed, Edward never really says no to people. I walked along the hallway ignoring everyone else around me. I sighed again, feeling lonely.

- Title: Smoking View
- Artist: Lleni
This is actually my journal
I add stuff to it every time I log on :) - Date: 03/14/2009
- Tags: smoking view
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Comments (1 Comments)
- xXxXxArch_AngelxXxXx - 01/11/2010
- OMG!!! Now I wanna know what happens next!! Read mine please! It's called My Boyfriend's a Spy. I've got 2 chapters up.
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