“It was probably just my imagination.” I said aloud, reassuring myself. I still had no clue where I was. There were dozens of fallen trees surrounding me along with sharp ridged rocks. I was clearly even farther away from where I wanted to be. I didn’t even know the woods were even this big. “I should at least try to get out of here. It’s been a long morning, and the noise I heard was probably just an animal, or my mind playing tricks on me.” I thought to myself.
“Now which way did I come from?” I said aloud pointing in several different directions, all of which looked the same. I walked in the direction I thought was south, because it seemed the most likely way I came from. About 10 minutes of walking and no success, I chose a different direction. This probably got me even more lost then I already was.
“Viveka! Where are you? Hello? Anyone?” I yelled at the top of my lungs, but there was no response. I continued walking and yelling her name in hopes that she would soon find me. But there was no such luck.
I was tired and thirsty from yelling so much. I felt dizzier and dizzier the more and more I walked. Then a boy about my age suddenly appeared in front of me. First thought came to my mind was hope. He was tall with short dirty blonde hair, and pretty blue eyes. He was really cute. Maybe he’s an angel.
“Angel?” I asked if that was what he was.
“Walking around all day will just get you more lost, Rachael.” He said in an annoyed voice which angered me a little. He was kind of rude for an angel.
“Who are you? How do you know my name? And do you know the way to the main road?” I asked quickly.
“I’ll be the one watching over you from now on.” He said in the same annoyed voice. “Even though I am forced to against my will.” He added.
“I didn’t ask you to do anything. And what do you mean “Watch over me”? Why are you in the woods anyway?” I asked angrily. I didn’t know this guy, how could he be so rude? What is he even talking about; I’ve never even seen him in my entire life. Who does he think he is?
“Just shut up and come with me.” He demanded.
“No, I will not.” I declared backing up away from him. I didn’t deserve being talked like that to after being lost in the creepy woods all morning.
After backing up a few paces I spun around to walk away, and tried on a fallen branch then smacking my head on one of the rocks. I rolled over as the pain in my head worsened. “Great way to make a fool out of your self Rachael.” I said aloud and my consciousness slowly began slipping away from me. He appeared above me as I laid there.
“Stupid human girl.” Was all I heard before my mind completely slipped into darkness.
“Rachael? Rachael? Are you okay? I’m sorry I left you. I didn’t think you’d get hurt. I’m so sorry Rachael!” It was Viveka’s voice. She was worried. Why was she worried?
My eyes began to open. I saw her with tears in her eyes as I lied on the ground a few yards from the street.
“Thank God Rachael! I thought you were dead! Don’t ever scare me like that again!” she yelled as she squeezed me tight.
“How’d I get here? And where is he?” I asked dumbfounded. The severe pain in my head returned. I grabbed the place on my head where it hurt, and groaned.
“Does it hurt?” She said touching my head lightly. I gasped in pain. “Antonio we need to get her home, now. Give me a hand; I don’t think she can stand up alone.” She yelled to her brother. Soon he appeared by my side and lifted me off the ground with no struggle. He opened his mouth to say something when I cut him off.
“Wait, where is he?” I asked stopping him from talking. He looked at me strangely and continued walking.
“I’m right here.” He said carefully as if he thought I couldn’t hear him.
“No, not you, the boy. The rude angel. Where is he?” I asked looking around.
“We need to get you home, alright? He said carefully placing me in the back seat of his car. Everything was so soft; soft like clouds. I soon lost consciousness again.
I awoke once again, but to find myself in their living room on their comfy leather couch. The walls were pure white with two flat screens and a huge fire place. Viveka knelt in front of me with wide eyes.
“Do you need anything? Is there anything I can do? God I feel so bad for doing this to you. Please forgive me.” She said covering her face.
“Its okay Viveka, You’re my best friend. You always will be. Nothing can change that. And I’m fine, I just need an ice pack and some Advil and I’ll be okay. No worries.” I croaked with my scratchy voice, and then added “A cup of water would be good, if its not too much of a trouble.”
“Sure, sure anything.” She said quickly, kissed my forehead, and got up and walked to the kitchen.
“Thank you” I called after her.
She came back in a matter of seconds, spilling water all over her shirt as she quickly entered the room with everything I had asked for. She waited patiently as I sat upright and then she gave me the Advil and water. I took two and gulped down the water. She applied the ice pack to my head as I cringed.
“Sorry, sorry!” She said with a frantic look on her face.
“Its fine, everything is fine.” I reassured her. She soon relaxed and sat next to me.
“How did you hit your head?” she asked blankly. “You weren’t near any rocks when we found you.”
“The angel… I tried to walk away from him…” I said sounding a little spaced out.
“This angel…” She said no believing me. “He did this? Did he hurt you?”
“No… He was just really rude. And I wanted to… But then I tripped and hit my head…” I told her. “Then he called me stupid, and that’s when everything went completely black. I wasn’t anywhere near the road. I was lost, and he found me. He must have carried me to the road.”
“Maybe we should take you to the hospital.” She said looking at me with a worried look. “You might have a concussion. Antonio! We need to get her checked out!” she yelled to her brother, and everything went black again.
My eyes opened forcefully when a light was shone into them. The light was pulled back and I saw the new settings I was in. I soon became fully aware of where I was and who was there.
“I hate hospitals.” I said sitting up. Viveka, Antonio, and a doctor stood around me. They laughed at my comment.
The Doctor’s name tag which read “Dr. Morris” spoke to me. “Rachael, dear, you have a minor concussion, but you’ll be okay. We’re going to keep you over night for closer observation. Is that okay with you?” He asked politely.
“Sure…” I said unsure of my answer. “Do my parents know?” I asked worried.
“No, not yet, but I left a message. I understand they are out of country right now, so they may not get back to us for a while, but your nanny knows, and she’s on her way now.” He said reassuringly.
I looked away towards the big window beside my bed. It was dark out side. I began suddenly extremely tired.
“We should let her get her rest.” He said to Viveka and Antonio as they said their goodbyes and left me to sleep.
After a few hours later I awoke once again in almost complete darkness, with the hallway light peering in through the open door. I looked at the light on the ground and saw a dark silhouette. I followed it to the source. It was the angel. He was wearing a janitor’s suit, with a mop and bucket.
“Angel? Is that you?” I asked a little loopy from the morphine.
“Can you stop calling me that? It’s kind of annoying. I’m not an angel, defiantly not an angel.” He said a loud whisper.
“Yup it’s you. And if you don’t want to be called an angel then tell me your name.” I told him flatly.
“Zachary, but call me Zach.” He said shortly.
“Zach…” I said testing it out. It sounded nice. It fitted him too. “So Zach, what are you doing here, and why are you following me?” I asked wanting to know answers as to why he was here too.
“I work here, and I have to follow you. It’s not my choice.” He told me with an annoyed tone.
“What do you mean?” I asked confused. “No choice in what?”
“Not now.” He said as if it was final “I’ll tell you when its time and it’s not time. I’m going to be in a hell of a lot of trouble for even mentioning it to you now.” He pushed the morphine button and I instantly felt weaker.
“Sweet dreams.” He said and turned to walk away.
I grabbed his hand and pulled with the little strength I had. I wanted him to stay for some odd reason. I felt kind of safe.
“Stay… please…” I said weakly. I could feel my strength slipping from me.
He paused, looking at me. Then he slowly sat beside my bed in the hospital chair, not taking his eyes off me. Putting up his feet against the edge of the bed he then reached into his inside shirt pocket and pulled out a red pouch.
Then once again for the day, I fell into darkness.

- Title: Destined Vampire Love Part 4
- Artist: xorachh3
Part 4!
This is a continue of Rachael’s Point of View.
I again wrote this just now.
Its 2 something in the morning.
Comment if you like it, Or even if you dont(:
Some words and things may be missing, and I'm sorry for that!
Thankyou for reading(:
- Date: 03/27/2009
- Tags: destined vampire love part
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Comments (6 Comments)
- Aubreewyn - 07/31/2009
- ur writing is amazing!
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- Princess of Darkness 365 - 07/25/2009
- this is really good
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- GopherNugget - 07/13/2009
- u r really talented
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- Renesemee_710 - 04/09/2009
- can you message me when you get a new one out?!?! i luv it!! :')
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- Pandora89 - 03/29/2009
- As expected it was awesome! Keep them coming. I can't wait for the next one!
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- Chomp Chomp Dead - 03/28/2009
- Woot! cant wait til the next one and keep up the good work =]
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