• I sit here, alone and weary.
    A thousand thoughts streaming through my head.
    Wondering, contemplating.

    A sudden realisation strikes me like a .357 shell from close range.

    I don't suppose it would be a bad idea if I never returned to this place.
    Absent of hope.
    Absent of happiness.

    How can one continue to live under these conditions.

    My mother has all but disassembled me.

    I hear an abrupt knock at my door.
    Immediately followed by subsequent yelling.

    Apparently my mother has had enough of my presence.

    She despises the very essence of my existence.

    I cower beneath my bed.
    Desperately trying to avoid another beating.

    She continues screaming.

    Every loud hypnotic note pounding into my skull.

    She ceases knocking and proceeds to move to the kitchen.

    She deliberately stomps on the old squeeky floor.

    I remain beneath my bed awaiting her wrath.

    I cannot stop shivering.

    My small, frail body covered in sweat.

    I hear the kitchen draws open and close.

    The stomping suddenly resumes as she approaches my room with grim intent.

    She kicks open my door and reveals a jug cord.

    I desperately attempt to plea with my infuriated mother.

    Her bloodshot eyes fill me with horror.

    She strikes me with aggrivation.

    Over and over again.

    My mind drifts away as she breaks me down without remorse.

    My mind suddenly comes back to reality as she leaves my room.

    My body battered and tenderized.

    A single tear rolls down my pale face.

    I skulk and sniffle.

    Awaiting that inevitable, final assault.