On a humid Summer Afternoon in a City called Cherry, but pronounced Cheery. Near a Place called Cherry Politics District, when most children would be heading off to the local pool or stuffing their faces with ice cream, a boy named Echo was preparing to take a very important test. A test that only orphans between the ages of 9 – 15 may take. No one knew why it was only for orphans between the age and 9 – 15, but Echo overheard Mr. Raisely the orphanage director talking about how it would traumatize kids under the age of 9 - 15 if they ever found out the results. Ever since then Echo has been a little bit scared about taking the test. But today he felt strange like something was going to happen. But when his thought Popped out of his mind when he looked down at his watch and he saw that it was almost time to take the test, checked to make sure that his #2 pencils and his Giant Eraser were in his Pencil Tin and hurried down to the Study. When he got down there, there were already 3 people down there. He guessed that the others would be arriving shortly so he took a seat in the middle of the classroom. After what seemed like 10 minutes Echo heard someone close the doors to the Study. Echo fixed his Posture and listened as the young man introduced himself “Hello Everyone Allow me to introduce myself I am Mr. Kinley, you should all be very proud that all of you are at that age at which you can take this very important Test. When you are done just place the Test Paper on my desk in the front of the room and Exit the Study.” Mr. Kinley Started to pass out the papers and when he was done he said “Begin” and sat down in his chair. Echo Put his name at the top of the Test Paper and read the First Question would you like to know about your past? Echo answered Yes then moved onto question 2 What would you like to know? Echo didn’t know how to answer because he never really thought about his past. But he was interested in whom his parents were and who he was so he answered Who were my Mother and my Father? Who am I? Echo got up and placed the Test paper on Mr. Kinley’s Desk, Mr. Kinley Looked up from his book Counter Clock World by Phillip K. d**k to Smile at Echo, and then he returned to his book. Echo Left the Study right after that, eager to find out about his Parents when they call him in for his Results.
The Next few days were Normal but Tuesday Morning was when they gave Echo the Results. When Echo was called into the Administrative Office, he felt Nervous but happy at the same time. Echo was surprised to Find Mrs. Yvette Petri when he entered the office. Mrs. Yvette Petri was Echo’s Tutor. She gestured for him to sit down as she stood up. “Now” she began “Echo you must be surprised to see me giving you the results. But What I am going to tell you is Very Top Secret and is only something I would tell to the Person that could change the very Earth…” “Your Joking” I said back. “ No I am not “ she answered “ you are the only remaining Missile on this Earth” She continued “ You said on your test that you wanted to know Who you are Now I am telling you…” Echo was lost for words, he didn’t know what to say all he could manage was “So who were my parents?” This time Mrs. Petri Smiled “Your Parents were called the missiles and were the Founders of TEA in other words The Earth Association. Your Parents could be brought into missile form when they are bathed in the Water of Tranquility. They were brought to that form because the world was becoming much polluted once they are in Missile form the Earth’s Environment becomes cleaner and fresher for a Decade then becomes polluted again. It’s been ten years since your Parents Past away and now the Earth has become polluted again…” Echo was now astonished. But something strange inside him made him have this free feeling and it made him say something he never thought he would say Yes Echo wasn’t even sure why he said it but he did, and that was it everything was a blur from then on all he remembered was Mrs. Petri saying that this was all for today and that she would take him somewhere tomorrow…
The Next Day Echo got up Early and got dressed in the dark and went upstairs to the Administrative Office. He knocked on the door and Mrs. Petri answered, she was dressed and the smell of Toast filled the air and Mrs. Petri told Echo to come in and have some breakfast before heading off on their Trip. They sat down at Mrs. Petri’s favorite Table and Mrs. Petri served Toast They ate in silence. When Echo was done Mrs. Petri served them Tea. When they were done with there breakfast Mrs. Petri asked “Do you want to go on this trip?” although feeling a lot better Echo still said yes. So Mrs. Petri Told Echo to close his eyes and hold her hand. After 2 minutes of hearing machine sounds and straining to not open his eyes. He heard Mrs. Petri’s gentle voice say “ You may open your eyes now and let go of my hand Echo” Echo did what he was told and opened his eyes to find that he was in a Glass Dome inside the Glass Dome was a huge army base and a Large dome Building. Mrs. Petri was standing next to a man and were both smiling. “Echo this is Commander Rendall he was one of your Parents Best Friends. I brought you here because I thought that maybe Commander Rendall here can help explain things Better. “Hello son my name is Commander Rendall I was one of your Father’s Best Friends!” Echo was glad to have met one of his Father’s friends but he wanted to talk about him becoming a Missile instead. “That’s cool” was all Echo could manage. Then Echo Noticed that Mrs. Petri was holding a Gift box in her hand. She handed it to Echo and said to him “Happy Birthday!” Commander Rendall and Mrs. Petri said together. For one thing Echo had forgotten that today was his Birthday, but Echo was very happy that this year at least two people remembered his Birthday “Thank you” he said kindly. Echo opened the present to find a man and a women smiling together. “That’s your Parents” Mrs. Petri said. Echo felt like he was going to cry, because all he ever wanted deep down inside was to have at least some item that represented his Parents in some way. As his tears of Happiness trickled down his cheek he felt a hand wipe them off one by one. Commander Rendall groaned and said “Now shall we get on with business?” “Yes of course” Mrs. Petri said. As Echo was being escorted into the Army Building he felt as if a Piece of his heart had been mended back together, so it was whole again.
“Now Echo, You should know about the whole Pollution Crisis Going on” Commander Rendall said. “Now I don’t want to scare you or anything but you might have to pass away like you’re…” Commander Rendall Drifted off. “Don’t even talk about that Rendall!” Mrs. Petri Exclaimed. “Now Echo I must tell you that the charts have been flying in our Laboratory, Our Machine has estimated that the Earth might become flooded if all this pollution keeps going on. So…We’re not saying if you have –“Mrs. Petri was cut off by Commander Rendall “Just make a choice boy, either everyone dies, or you just die!!!”. “Rendall that is just rude!!! Your going to scare the poor child!!!” Mrs. Petri Shrieked. “ Ok I am sorry but Echo Look at it this way You will be doing this Planet a whole lot of good if you sacrifice yourself” Commander Rendall said. “Now Echo it’s alright if you do not want to go through this at all and it’s also ok if you do –““I do” Echo said. “I want to be a good Missile like my Mother and Father and Help this Earth” Echo said. “Are you sure?” Mrs. Petri and Commander Rendall asked. “Yes” Echo answered.
When Echo got back home he went straight to the Library. He wrote a letter to No one and put it in his Pocket. The Letter Read:
Dear Reader,
I can never Really understand how or why I aid Yes that very day to sacrifice myself to the Earth, but I felt like something was just telling me that it would be kind of selfish if I didn’t give back to the Earth for giving me a place to live on. Also I felt like my mother and father in Heaven would have approved of my decision very much. Mrs. Petri wanted me to sacrifice myself but wanted me to establish my own opinion about this. Commander Rendall wanted me to go through with becoming a missile but wanted me to not do it to at the same time.
Echo Missile

- Title: Missle Boy
- Artist: iPicco
I know that this story isn't very well done but I tried my hardest. Please give me all your opinions on my story and please give me suggestions too! :cute:
I am hoping to Submit more of my writing in the future to share with all of you!
Arigato Goy Sai Mas! :XD - Date: 04/23/2009
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Comments (4 Comments)
- Light-Dark12 - 05/09/2009
- It was a bit confusing, there were capitals in all weird places, but I still loved it.
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- Hollowsan54 - 05/09/2009
- It was very interesting. just a few mistakes is all you have. 5/5
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- iPicco - 04/30/2009
- Thank you!
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- Miss Dizzy Redhead - 04/25/2009
- This was a great story! Don't say it wasn't well done!
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