Chapter 17
When they all got what they ordered, they occupied the outside tables behind the restaurant. The tables held groups of six and one held 2.
"Ready Meighan?" Tobi asked.
Meighan nodded.
"Deidara-sempi!" Tobi said and ran over to Deidara.
"What do you want hm?" Deidara hadn’t sat down yet so it was a perfect chance for Tobi.
Shana looked around and noticed a table with two seats.
"At least no one will bug me" Shana thought and traveled over to the table.
"I knew she would do that...I didn't even have to do anything" Meighan thought happily as she sat next to Hidan.
"Tobi thinks you should go sit by Shana-san! She's all by herself over there!" Tobi said.
Deidara looked over to where Shana was sitting.
"I guess it wouldn't hurt hm,” Deidara said slowly still hesitating.
Tobi then pushed Deidara over to the table. Shana looked up when she heard the sound of skidding feet stop in front of her. She saw a nervously smiling Deidara and a smiling Tobi.
"Deidara-sempi wants to sit with you!" Tobi said.
"If he really wants to..." Shana said unsure.
"Great!" Tobi said and pushed Deidara down into the chair.
Tobi then left to join the others at the other table.
"Um...hi" Deidara said nervously.
"Uh...hi" Shana said.
"Poor Shana...she doesn't know how to express her feeling properly" Carol sighed.
"I think it's cute!" Claire said.
"It's amusing to watch Deidara's squirminess" Hidan said chuckling.
"Is squirminess even a word?" Meighan asked.
Hidan shrugged.
"It's going to be hard for those two to keep up a conversation" Black Zetsu said.
White Zetsu silently agreed.
"Wanna bet?" Kakuzu asked.
"Sure" Both Zetu's said.
"Count me in!" Kisame said.
"Me too" Hidan said.
Sasori and Itachi indicated they wanted to bet too by taking money out of their wallets.
"You’re not leaving me out!" Katrin said taking money out.
Meighan shrugged and took money out as well. Carol, Claire and Tobi did the same.
The votes were 5 to 6 with everyone betting $100 each. Hidan, Kakuzu, Meighan, Katrin and Kisame voted they could keep a conversation while the others didn't.
Shana sighed.
"What's wrong hm?” Diedara asked.
"They’re betting" Shana sighed.
Deidara looked back to see the money in the middle of the table. Deidara then sighed.
"Well to change the subject...what are your abilities?" Deidara asked.
"I can control shadows and I'm good with weapons..." Shana replied.
"Oh...that's cool hm" Deidara said.
"So how exactly do you make bombs?" Shana asked.
"Oh well first I have one of my hands chew on the clay" Deidara said and continued explaining.
"Seems like we're winning" Kakuzu said.
Sasori and Itachi looked at each other and nodded. Sasori then shot his chakra stings at Deidara's leg. Then he flicked his finger and Deidara kicked Shana.
"What the heck hm?!" Deidara yelled.
Shana looked under the table and saw the chakra strings. She quickly grabbed and yanked them.
"Crap" Sasori mumbled and fell off his chair.
Everyone laughed. Shana glared at Sasori. Deidara looked questionably at Sasori but turned back to Shana.
"As I was saying..." Deidara said and continued, with Shana putting a comment in every so often.
"Ow...man your right Hidan...she is strong" Sasori said standing up rubbing his head.
Everyone laughed again. Later when everyone was done, Kakuzu, Hidan, Meighan, Katrin and Kisame each got $220. Shana and Deidara walked a little ways behind the group as they walked back to their house.
"So.... um..." Deidara started nervously.
"Yes?" Shana asked.
"The group and I are going to a dance club this weekend...and I was wondering...do you want to go with me?" Diedara asked.
"Um..." Shana said thinking.
"Your friends are coming too" Deidara reassured.
Hidan, Tobi, Kisame and Sasori had already asked the other the same question.
"O-ok" Shana said.
Deidara smiled and faced forward again.
"Well seems like Shana said yes" Kakuzu said noticing the smiling Deidara.
"Yeah...she would've gone anyways...just not willingly" Meighan pointed out.
"Well see you guys later" Meighan said as the group separated. "Come on Shana!"
"I'm coming I'm coming! See you later Deidara" Shana said and caught up with her group.
"See ya" Deidara said and caught up with the others.
"I see your getting well aquatinted with Shana" Hidan said and leaned on Deidara's shoulder.
Deidara glared at him.
"I didn't know you knew big words Hidan" Kakuzu said.
"Shut up!" Hidan said and stated bickering with Kakuzu.
Deidara quietly laughed to himself.
"So...Shana...do you like Deidara?" Meighan asked leaning on her shoulder.
"Yeah...as a friends" Shana said.
"Mmhmm" Katrin said.
Shana looked over at Katrin.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Shana asked.
"Oh nothing" Katrin said and ran into the house.
Shana sighed and decided to keep her comments to herself.
The week went by as most weeks do. The dance club was opened on Saturdays, so on Friday, after school, the girls decided to go shopping.
Akatsuki High School(17)
Akatsuki High School is a place where gifted high schoolers are sent to expand their powers. In this story we follow Carol, Shana, Katrin, Meighan, Claire, Hidan, Kakuzu, Itachi, Kisame, Sasori, Tobi and Zetsu through their softmore year in high school and beyond. Hidan, Kakuzu, Itachi, Kisame, Tobi and Zetsu are not characters of my creation. Masashi Kishimoto created the character's but I'm using them as people in my story. It is in no way realated to Naruto.
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