• I Awoke To A Bump In The Night,Why Oh Why Did I Sleep Outside And Not In My Safe,Secure Solace Of A Home But Its Too Late To Wish I Was There For I Am Here Where Is Here Exactly?Well Here Is A Big White Room With Doctors with labcoats and twisted Experiments I have been injected feeling sleepy now must remain awake must.remain.awake.Pathetically I Drift Into Unconciousness Where I Find My Imagination In Wait For Me I cant imagine the horrors it holds but it pounces like a cougar on an animal and pours itself into me I Scream in my sleep and nobody cares nobody ever cares and they just keep doing their tests while im asleep and being attacked by a dream.
    My Dream.I Am standing in a deep pit with some unseen monster ripping innocents to bits like water hitting the shore the people just waste away under its Endless Rage and finally i am the only one left and all i can pray is that this dream will kill me quickly so i can escape this anxiety this rush of emotions and toxins and antidotes in my blood stream from these freaks yet the monster stops some how knowing I am in enough pain and he turns to leave."NO!"I screamed pitifully"KILL ME PLEASE!"Yet it ignores my cries and i find myself awake I have been left alone in the white room there is no sound no movement I find myself unbound from the chains and rope i stood but fell then i felt A Horrible Transformation take place and All I Could Think Was