• Kylan's Star
    By Samantha

    Chapter 1
    Anne’s Arrival
    So was told that a man with a huge heart deserved everything he wanted…a wish, a loved one, wealth…that man would live forever in happiness under his star…

    Kylan had finished his work from the family restaurant and had started to walk home, thinking about how he wished he wasn’t alone on such a beautiful night. As Kylan walk down the path he noticed a brilliant star, one that outshone all the stars throughout the night sky. He couldn’t stop looking at it, something about that star seem to make him feel at peace, as if it was his star and he was the only one to see it. He continued to walk to his apartment still gazing at the bright star wondering why he had never seen this star before… when all of a sudden the star flash and began to fall. Kylan stopped to watch where his beautiful star was heading. He began to run, hoping to know if it was just his imagination. His eyes widen as he reached the door step of his apartment…Did it really land here? He opened the door slowly, he’s heart racing from exhaustion. But then… his heart skipped a beat.

    Kylan eyes widened as he stared at the girl. What a cute girl, he thought. The girl looked at her hand, widening her eyes at the sight of movement. She started to look around the room until she met Kylan gaze. She smiled and Kylan began to blush. The girl started to get up but struggled and started to tilt to one side. Kylan ran to her catching her before she could hit the ground. Kylan realized that this girl although looked like a human, was some how different. “Are you ok?” The girl blinked. Kylan saw that she was wrapped in a thin piece of cloth, almost being half naked. He quickly put her down on the sofa trying not to look at her face. “Um… I’ll go get you some clothes, stay right here ok?” The girl nodded as if she understood Kylan and he quickly got one of his old shirts to give her. As he grabbed the shirt he looked at himself in the mirror. Could this really be happening? He thought. He looked at the shirt then looked back in the mirror. Well, even if this is only in my imagination… I’m going for it. Kylan quickly returned to the girl and offered her the shirt. She slowly tilted her head as if asking what to do with it. Kylan offered her again hoping she would understand but instead she just grabbed it and started sniffing it. “What are you doing?!” Kylan quickly grabbed the shirt. “I like it.” Kylan looked at the girl. “What did you say?” The girl looked at the ground then looked at his face. “I like the smell.” Kylan blushed bright red. He took a deep breath then sat next to her on the sofa. “Well…I’m glad you like it.” She started to touch Kylan’s hand. “Um… what are you doing?” The girl smiled and placed her hands back on her knees. “I was just wondering what your hands felt like.” Kylan was confused but started to understand.
    “So you’re not from here are you?”
    “How did you get here?”
    “Hmm. Well I remember one moment I was in the sky and I saw you… after that I don’t really remember anything.”
    “You were in the sky and you saw me?”
    The girl nodded “Mm-hm. I came because I wanted to see you Kylan” She said as she smiled.
    “So…you came from the stars… because of me?”
    The girl put her finger on her lips and started to think. “Well… I guess. But I kinda forgot why I wanted to see you… I never though I would come actually come down…”
    “I see. Well, do you have a name?”
    “A name?”
    The girl began to think.
    “No I don’t remember having a name.”
    “Well there’s a problem… how about we make you a name?”
    “My own name?! YAY! Thank you Kylan!”
    The girl begins to hug Kylan which made him realize that he still had the shirt in his hand.
    “Let’s get you into this shirt before we give you your name.” Kylan says as he looks away trying not to blush. She smiles sweetly at Kylan and stayed seated on the sofa.
    “Do you know how to dress yourself?”
    “Well… no.”
    Kylan begins to go red but then manages to cool off before he begins to blush. “Stay here ok?” Kylan starts to walk to his bedroom when the girl grabs his hand.
    “Is something wrong?”
    “I just…”
    “I just want to get to know you better…”
    They both smiled at each other and Kylan sat back on the sofa.
    “What did you want to know about?”
    “Well… how about everything!”
    “That’s a lot. How about I’ll tell you something about me today and then tell you some more tomorrow?”
    “Ok! That sounds like a fun. Let’s start with… full name, age, birthday and… anything else!”
    “Well then… hem hem, I’m Kylan Musuki and I’m a junior high school student attending Namico High School. I’m 17 years old and my birthday’s February 22… Hmmm, that’s about it. Was there anything in particular you want to know about?”
    The girl looks around the apartment.
    “Why do you live by yourself?”
    Kylan goes quite for a second and puts on a straight face.
    “Well… actually my parents left on a long holiday. They had to leave me behind for my studies and education leavinge me in charge of the family restaurant and… I’ve been living alone ever since.”
    The girl looked at him worried. She then looked at her hands, clenched them and looked back at Kylan with a perky smile saying, “I think… that’s why I came here…” Kylan suddenly looked up at the girl with her warm smile. “I think it’s so you don’t have to be lonely anymore…” She look down at her toes and moved them. Then looked at Kylan and smiled again.
    “I’m glad I’m here… so stop looking so serious.” They both giggled then the girl suddenly sneezed. “Oh, you might catch a cold with only that cloth on! I’ll go get you an outfit. Stay right here.” Kylan went into his bedroom to get another shirt and returned to find the girl continuously poking the sofa in interest. He smiled a little then sits on the floor. He grabs one of the shirts and shows her how to put it on. She attempts putting it on however gets her head stuck in one of the shirt sleeves. She starts to fidgets trying to get out but gives up and just sits there. Kylan starts to look the opposite direction. “Are you ok?” There’s a bit of silence as the girl tries again. “No…” Kylan tries not to laugh then helps her out and she thanks him.
    “For a girl that came from the stars you didn’t seem like you understood anything I said… but now, how is it that you can talk and understand me?”
    She thought about it for a while then said, “… I donno.” Kylan fell to the floor. “Are you serious?!”
    “Well… I just kinda… understood after a while.”
    Kylan look at her in amazement as she smiled at him.
    “Well I guess we have to give you a name now don’t we?” He said getting up from the floor.
    The girl’s eyes sparkled. “Really?!” Kylan nodded. “Well how about you pick a letter and we can start thinking of names.” He said looking at her while sitting back on the sofa. “Can we start from the beginning?” She asked.
    “Of course. So we’re starting with ‘A’. ”
    He thought about it for a while then looked at her saying, “How ‘bout Anne?”
    The girl’s eyes widened as if she couldn’t believe it.
    “Anne… My name’s Anne!”
    “But that was the first name! Are you sure you want that one? We can still think of some more. We’re only at the beginning of the alphabet!”
    “No. I want Anne.”
    “Well… why did you choose to say the name Anne?”
    Kylan put his arm on his knees and thought about it. “I don’t know… there wasn’t really a reason… but neither was it just a random name. It just sort of came to me. As if it was to be your name…” He looked up at her. “I know, it sounds crazy right?”
    Anne shook her head. “No… it’s no crazy. That’s why… That’s why I love the name.” Anne closed her eyes and carefully hugged Kylan which made him blush. He had the biggest urge to hug her back but thought it would be weird for her if she was hugged by a stranger. But then he realized that she was a stranger to him and he didn’t mind it… while this was going through his mind Anne slowly looked up to find him a bit red. She let go of him and his face went back to normal. She blinked. “Anne do you feel like some-“ Anne hugged him again. “Anne…umm, what are you doing?” Anne looked at his face again thinking, he’s face is red again… hehehe.
    “Your face goes all red and funny every time I hug you.” She said smiling.
    “It does not.”
    “Oh yeah? Look.” She hugs him again.
    “ANNE!!! You shouldn’t do that!” Kylan says blushing.
    Anne jumps off the sofa running around the apartment while Kylan’s chases her.
    “Hehehe! Why can’t I?”
    “Because… well…we…we should only do that if we’re a couple…” Kylan says blushing but still running after her. Anne runs down the hall.
    “I can’t hear you Kylan.” Anne giggles.
    This is going to be a long night Kylan thinks as he sighs… well this is only the beginning.